Posted in: Jordanian king vows relentless war on Islamic State See in context
i think the king of jordan is serious he even going to bomb that isis by himself
that isis missed with the wrong country ,
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Posted in: Families plead for lives of IS hostages as swap hopes fade See in context
it's not abe"s fault at all ... now there more than 60 countries fighting isis like UK australia canada US franc singapore many middle east countries like jordan saudi arabia united arab emarates and from africa .. then europe it's almost half of the world trying to end this isis so abe did a good job for humanity and i'm sure if japan was able to use army they could also join to attack that terrorists ..
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Abe says video claiming one hostage killed likely authentic See in context
i'm so sad for yukawa and his family .
that IS will pay for this i'm sure all the world now got enought of that savage crimes .. it's time to finish that terrorist bastards ...
1 ( +4 / -3 )
Posted in: Prayers for hostages See in context
some peopels in the comments keeps saying whatthose ppls praying for .... so now muslims even if they pray for someone to be realeased they are guilty ... and instead you smart guys keep saying what those ppls praying for why don't you pray if you have a god or hope if you not have a god for that peoples to be realaeased and back to their families ... that s better than acting like a stupid poorminded ho think he is smarter. .
1 ( +5 / -4 )
Posted in: Why cartoons depicting Mohammed anger many Muslims See in context
first the artict writr generalizing like if he makes all muslims are gulity . the attackers are terrorists following elqaida and isis the police men who die is muslims trying to protect the victims of that journal another victim i mean who works in the journal is muslim ... and there a muslim guy saved 15 peson from the other jihadi terrorist by hiding them in that jewish shop . it's sad to see a stereotype of persons like this who generaliez all . even thought i'm not muslim but i did grow up in a muslim country morocco and most of my friends is muslisms .. islam have nothing to do with terrorist . that terrorists have another religion called " salfi jihadi " there more than 2 billion muslim around the world .. and islam have more than 100 groups ... same like budisht there some group called "jihadist" wich is banned in all the muslim countries ... and only about 0.0001 percent of muslims bleive that thinking .. also believe it or not a normal muslim also can be kiled by that jihadist if he not agree with they thinking ... same as we se in iraq ad syria isis and elqaead are jihadist terrorist ...and most of they victims is normal muslims and who fights them is muslims ...
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Le Pen urges Japan to avoid making same mistakes as France See in context
ths mr pen forget to say what france did to that home countries of the immigrants in las century ... he forgot to mention if in france 800000 algerians . fance already killed 1 million algerian last century . i'm moroccan and my wife is japanese ... and we are happy . even thought i"m not muslim and have no religion but most of my friends do islam have nothing to do with terrorist . that terrorists have another religion called " salfi jihadi " there more than 2 billion muslim around the world .. and islam have more than 100 groups ... same like budisht there some group called "jihadist" wich is banned in all the muslim countries ... and only about 0.0001 percent of muslims bleive that thinking .. also believe it or not a normal muslim also can be kiled by that jihadist if he not agree with they thinking ... same as we se in iraq ad syria isis and elqaead are jihadist terrorist ...and most of they victims is normal muslims and who fights them is muslims ...
7 ( +9 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump's already harsh rhetoric on migrants is turning darker as Election Day nears
Posted in: Tokyo's Shibuya, Shinjuku join hands to tackle Halloween crowds
Posted in: Trump's already harsh rhetoric on migrants is turning darker as Election Day nears