Posted in: To rent or to own a property in Japan? See in context
Hmm HOA fees? You mean maintenance fees? Only for apartments. Low low low interest rates almost zero Equity. Can't rent can't sell? Not an issue if you buy close to a city. How to do it! Don't buy a new house not worth the money. Buy old and it's half the price. Example Suginami my house 290,000 USD 7 bike ride from Asagaya eki. Dropped the ball on a 335000$ property 3 minutes walk from Asagaya eki. House not a condo or apartment small but 3 bedroom,kitchen living No key money, no renewal fees, no BS Property taxes on a 40 year old house are really cheap. You need a salary job for at least 3 years and helps if you have a Japanese wife, or permanent residence
Tips: don't buy a non-rebuildable property unless it's pretty close to the station. Hard to sell still but you can rent it. Hint the road should be 3 meters wide at least to be rebuildable property. Parking space helps.
non-rebuildable means you can reform but need to keep original footprint of the house and keep at least 1original post standing.If you buy non rebuildable I've seen em for 150,000 USD
If you are staying for more than 10 years it's worth buying.
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Posted in: The top 10 drinking districts in Tokyo, as recommended by Japanese locals See in context
why is Golden Gai on this list with many places not allowing non japanese speakers, expensive drinks, and bar charges to sit in futsu counter bar that can be found at almost any station in Tokyo and drink oolong hai? Asagaya Ichiban gai is much more interesting and reasonable for example.
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Posted in: Japanese farmers make scarecrows that scare us too See in context
I've seen them use dolls heads as well get common.
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Posted in: Chiba police sergeant arrested for riding motorbike while drunk in Ibaraki See in context
He was on a motor bike not a bicycle
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Posted in: 1st Fukushima worker diagnosed with radiation-linked cancer See in context
Its easier to say a plant workers Leukemia was caused by the incident because they get tested often and where badges that testtheor expose. I worked in a nuclead radiation department and we had to wear those badges.
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Posted in: 1st Fukushima worker diagnosed with radiation-linked cancer See in context
Great here come the conspiracy nuts again. More fuel for theie fire talking about how kids have increased thyroid cancer. That is false. Completelyfalse. And iits a lie spread by ignorant people who dont know anything about nuclear isotopes. They found high levels of certain isotopes in the thyroid gland but the results were consistent with normal levels found in the larger population. The reason they found those 8ncreased levels is because they went looking for it. If you increase testing you will find more people with cancer. The Fushima event is not related. If you incteased testing in any population you would find similar results. Thefear mogering from uneducated people needs to stop if you would like to see a similar comparable event study the long term effects of 3 mile island. Ive had people ignorantly say its like Chernoble. Its not. Workers doing cleanup for a year i understand and expect increased cancer. All the idiot foreighners who left Japan out of fear and ignorance incased exposure to radiation on the plane ride home. Your more a risk if dying from worrying about that any radiation.
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Posted in: How to make money on property in Tokyo See in context
I dont think his figures on rent in Adachiku or Idabashi are accurate. Much cheaper rents can be found. The reason taxes are not mentioned is that they are really cheap here. We own a 35 year old home in Suginami- a relatively affluent area in the 23 wards. The tax because the house is depreciated is around US $1000 a year. I can even found apartments like the ones mentioned in this area for 40,000 yen. But how is buying a small apartment going to be an investment? $6000 a year in rental income minus taxes and upkeep along with the hassles and payment to real estate agency to find a renter? its not worth it unless you buy the whole building. There are easier ways to make money.
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Posted in: In general, what do you think of Japanese police? What are their strengths and weaknesses? See in context
by the way cleo she said she was married so old enough to be out after dark LOL
awe after reading another comment now i know this cleo guy has relatives that are cops - it figures- Cleo are they Japanese? if not then that is irrelevant and even if they are its still irrelevant because even if there is one cop who acts ethically doesnt mean they all do. But really the policy of disobeying Japanese law is wrong and yes I do blame the police for following an order that disobeys the law. The excuse that they may loose their job if they disobey is not an excuse- your easoning of " havent you been given an order by your boss before?" is laughable- no I havent been given an order to disobey the law I was sworn to uphold. There have been orders I didnt like or disagreed with morally but they were not illegal and even if they were legal but i disagreed strongly enough on a moral basis I would just politely disagree and if pressed I would resign and get a new job. Again your reasoning is flawed.
Arent you just trying to bully others into taking your stance on the issue despite their personal experience just because you have relatives that are police officers in some other country? Isnt that what is really going on here? I dont know how old you are but maybe your so old that you come from an era where people respect and never question an authority figure. You see anyone can play that game of devaluing another's opinions based on assumptions. You should take a look in the mirror before questioning people's character.
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Posted in: Try to get a credit card in Japan See in context
simple its because you are Australian.
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Posted in: City's poop patrol making slow progress against negligent dog owners See in context
If I see it in action I will make them eat it.
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Posted in: City's poop patrol making slow progress against negligent dog owners See in context
we have someone leaving it in front of our driveway- on a private street.
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Posted in: Man attacks 3 children in stabbing spree on Tokyo street See in context
Doesnt anyone feel bad for the guy who did the stabbing? he is obviously sick. Society creates these people. Anyone can snap. There is no outlet for emotions in Japan and people just stuff it down then do irrational things. What is also insane is people look at this guy and think he is so different from them and that they would never do something like this. God forbid but obviously the guy is not rational or sane.
Kids are forced to walk home alone from school to encourage independence. How naive. Japanese people need to live in this century its not 1950. The school department should be blamed for their negligence. Just too innocent I guess. I don't trust any of them, very sweet but down right stupid as far as common sense goes.
My daughter is 5 and next year she will be in shogakko and I will be walking her home as I always do. We live in Suginami, 10 minutes from Nerima. Honestly I worry more about older kids doing stupid things than creepy insane guys.
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Posted in: Revisions to the inheritance tax in Japan See in context
Johannes Weber
they are entitled to it - its their birth rite- who are you or who is the government to tell me who I can give my bought and paid for property? ITS MINE ILL GIVE IT TO WHOM EVER I WANT! this is insanity- its the very definition of property- then again I am not communist- I am an American and proud of it- we at least try to protect our property from theft- I think the best thing to do is build a great security system around the property, surveillance and and few Gatling guns on the roof, a and a rocket launcher. Come and get it if youve got the balls.
or dont buy property just do what the yakuza do and move in- in fact I think I am beginning to understand and agree with many yakuza policies.
all you are doing is forcing people to hide their money.
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Posted in: Revisions to the inheritance tax in Japan See in context
Its just a way for government to get payoffs from large real estate companies and banks for doing their bidding- its forces people to sell them their properties so these banks and agencies make a large profit
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Posted in: Revisions to the inheritance tax in Japan See in context
because we all need to pay for all the roads to nowhere.
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Posted in: Revisions to the inheritance tax in Japan See in context
Im sorry why is it bad for future generations not to have to slave at meaningless work that has no connection to bettering society in the long run? Do you want the world to be filled with more salarymen? we need to work toward a society that has to work less and less to produce crap products and sell things people don't need, and spend more time with more worthy human aspirations like spending time with family, enjoying life, or solving some of the great philosophical problems, or maybe sharing the wealth in philanthropic efforts.
Seems like many are just jealous and still imagine all people with wealth who don't work as simply lazy and evil. The individual can invest far better than the wasteful government. Government is not good for much and they certainly are poor at handling our money. Look at who they allow to be politicians- Ishihara? really?
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Posted in: Revisions to the inheritance tax in Japan See in context
Japan is not a socialist nation. its theft pure and simple.
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Posted in: Revisions to the inheritance tax in Japan See in context
you should be able to give your belongings to anyone you want to - that is the definition of ownership- if the government regulates or taxes this right they are communists!
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Posted in: Revisions to the inheritance tax in Japan See in context
In response to Cleo's comment about the next generation paying for property that was already payed for- that is the stupidest argument I have ever heard. Its not like the father is a stranger. The family is one unit- they worked hard and purchased the land- done. Now its in the family paid for- why keep digging a hole and filling it in and then dig it again. What right does te government have to profit from that land- The family didn't RENT the land from the government- they need to keep their greedy paws off other peoples stuff. Paying tax of any kind on land is absurd. The government didn't work for the land!
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Posted in: Revisions to the inheritance tax in Japan See in context
Inheritance tax has historically forced younger people to sell the property or most of the property to pay for the taxes. This has caused the division of lots into smaller and smaller lots- and forced a situation of no greenery and congestion. Read Tokyo Metabolism a book that describes this phenomenon. Its really sad. the older architecture is disappearing and scars are made on the once greener landscape. Shows how how desperate politicians are robbing the middle class to raise revenue- and how stupid they are that they fail to see the city planning nightmares they are creating.
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Posted in: Japan going to pot: Celebrity busts and student smokers have authorities in a tizz See in context
alcohol and tobacco are just as destructive if not more- for example this year 435,000 americans and 121,000 Japanese will die from Tobacco related diseases. In the US 75,000 people will die from alcohol probably higher in Japan since genetically Asians cannot handle their liqueur as well. this is well documented- some kind of missing gene coding that processes the alcohol- the Asian Flush syndrome.
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Posted in: 10-year-old Japanese boy dies after being stabbed by man in China's Shenzhen
Maybe the Chinese navy stopped using their walkie talkies and got lost.
Posted in: Japan says Chinese aircraft carrier entered its contiguous waters for first time
It Is A Murder. no, it's not. It's an unfortunate side effect of actions by terrorists in Lebanon.
Posted in: Exploding walkie-talkies in Lebanon may have been made by Japanese firm
Posted in: U.S. panel allows Nippon Steel to resubmit buyout review request