Japan Today

Hiro comments

Posted in: Tokyo finds Omicron case in U.S. arrival isolating at home See in context

That being said, this person didn't have to quarantine so they either came from a state not on the list yet, or lied about being in a state on the list

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: Tokyo finds Omicron case in U.S. arrival isolating at home See in context

Japanese citizens also have to do a hotel quarantine. I just did a 3-day stay after coming back from the US. The food was delicious!

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 3,300 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 10,743 See in context

Raw BeerToday  05:00 pm JST

Hmmm, how many 19 year olds tested positive?

Don't know why so many downvotes, if this comes from a translation error it's good to rectify

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Posted in: Study finds Asians largely 'invisible' in Hollywood's top films See in context

@snowymountainhell The study reviewed 1300 films, so yes a few more examples don't move the statistics much. Your examples look to be outside the 2019 cutoff date, and I agree that representation is getting better. Just mainly wondering why there's so many "oMg tHe MovIE iS RuInED cUz tHeRe's a mInORitY oR gAy cHArActeRs" people here

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Study finds Asians largely 'invisible' in Hollywood's top films See in context

Japanese-American here. The article simply states that Asians are underrepresented relative to their population, and that a lot of the portrayals that do are negative and dehumanizing. If you can't empathize with Asian-Americans on that front, why the hell do you live in an Asian country!?!?!? It boggles my mind that people can read this and then immediately think they as an (I'm assuming) old white guy are the victims. Last time I checked, white people aren't being beat on the streets here. It's also dumb to point out one actor or movie as a counterexample... it's a drop in Lake Biwa.

Everyone here seems to agree that the J-gov is run by a bunch of dinosaurs, but the JT comments section is also just as whiny and dinosaury.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Posted in: Yellow sandstorm blankets part of western Japan See in context

Anyone else automatically have Sandstorm playing in their head?

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Posted in: Woman arrested after not paying taxi fare from Yokohama to Tottori See in context

Tottori, I have a feeling we're not in Kanagawa anymore..

12 ( +12 / -0 )

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