Japan Today

Hiroumi Ozaki comments

Posted in: Studio Ghibli creates gorgeous hand-made Totoro reproduction cels for fans and collectors See in context

She’s “Satsuki”.

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Posted in: Japan summons China envoy over 'dangerous' flights See in context

What is the explanation on this issue by the Chinese government? One thing true is that that was a quite dangerous action. That could trigger something worse between Japan and China if something had happened. I don't know why the Chinese government takes such actions which make them more and more isolated. I'm sure these actions won't be seen positively by other countries.

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Posted in: Spider Moon See in context

A good attention! I would say it's an art! Nice!

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Posted in: Highly skilled foreigners to be allowed to stay permanently in Japan See in context

It's a good step, but I wonder why the government didn't consider it earlier (they might do so though)? At least, I feel that decision makings are always slow and actions are kind of late most of the time (most of the actions by the government had to be taken earlier). I haven't seen much change through my life. I guess due to the above reason. They are not as effective as those taken at the right time. Anyway, good movement! Gambare, Japan!

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Posted in: Looking good See in context

It looks like the concept is old or western style? Anyway, that's true that the fashion is nice.

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Posted in: 22 Japan Restoration Party members to join Ishihara's new party See in context

I think it is good for Japanese residents to have more and more parties to reflect their true will. However, I wonder how many of them care of Ishihara-san's action. I think he is always seen negatively biased. I believe this is true among young generations including me. I wish Japan will be a county where youngers can equally play a role in politics in the near future.

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Posted in: Parts of western Japan experience record rainfall See in context

The rainfall this time is really terrible.. I worry about its side-effects. People may rather need to stay at one place. Need to be well prepared.

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