Japan Today

HoDeDo comments

Posted in: Bush urges Americans to be proud of country See in context

As the great Samuel Clemens once said "Patriotism is loving your country all of the time, and loving your government only when it deserves it."

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Posted in: Mother of Filipino allegedly raped by U.S. soldier in Japan appeals for help See in context

Wow the generalizations about hookers and Filipinos are running rampant today. Amazing some of the stuff the moderators are considering "on topic".

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Posted in: Iraq detains 1,000 in anti-al-Qaida crackdown See in context

War for oil? I sure haven't noticed it at the gas pump, or the supermarket. I wonder what they are doing with all of this oil they are stealing from the poor Iraqis?

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Posted in: California's top court legalizes gay marriage See in context

Ok skip I called no one a bigot or a racist. Race isn't even the issue, we're talking about sexual preference. Civil Unions/Marriage semantics. Same thing in a legal since. What you posted from Senator Obama's interview basically validates everything I said earlier about this whole thing being a religious issue. On another note, I secretly believe that Obama is an Athiest. Anyone else get that impression?

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Posted in: California's top court legalizes gay marriage See in context

Grouchy, that was a very un-grouchy thing to say. Bravo!

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Posted in: California's top court legalizes gay marriage See in context

Furthermore, don't bring incest and polygamy into the issue. Those are both illegal activities. Marriage is legal. As long as the two prospectives aren't related, what does anyone care?

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Posted in: California's top court legalizes gay marriage See in context

Ok Skip, Nucular, Where am I from you ask? The US. Why do I not trash any other religions that I find equally absurd? Because none of our elected officials run around pandering to the anti-gay marriage, anti-abortion Islamic vote or Buddhist vote now do they. There simply isn't enough of them to make a difference. I liken this to the fictional Creationism Vs. Evolution debate that supposedly is raging away in the scientific community. It simply isn't. Abortion, Evolution, Gay marriage all pose a "threat" either real or percieved to the evangelical lobby in our countries politics and the Pat Robertsons of the world can't stand it. They constitute a powerful voting block so you can imagine what happens when they don't like something. It is simply a matter of, the state governments are not allowing a group of people to do the same "legal" activity that they allow others and the same aforementioned lobby is trying to get this banned on a federal level. It's nuts.

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Posted in: California's top court legalizes gay marriage See in context

This whole issue can be boiled down to people who hold Judeo-Christian "values", whatever that's supposed to mean, get all butt-hurt when someone else wants to do something that may not line up with their bronze age sky God myths. It's not at all about the Gay population forcing their "beliefs and practices" on the rest of America, it's about the Gay population wanting to take part in the "practices" of the rest of America. Two grown, adult US citizens not being allowed marry is absurd. The more the Judeo-Christian lobby in America makes a stink out of this by not allowing a portion of the population the same civil liberties that they allow another, the longer this stays in the news, the longer it get's exposed to people's precious children. Be a responsible parent if you are so offended and explain to your child what homosexuality really is, and explain it in a way not tainted by religious view-points. There are certain norms in society and I agree with the earlier statement that they should be eased in. Incest, polygamy are in no way a social norm and should not be allowed. Homosexuality has been around since the dawn of time; how long do we "ease" them in?

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Posted in: Sticky situation See in context


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Posted in: 'What are Nazis?' Today's kids can't handle movie subtitles See in context

You're right kagunlapell, when I was a child I knew nothing of any of the topics you mention. When I was in highschool however, I was taught about all of them, in great detail. What the story fails to mention is the age of the young people in question. If it's a group of 13 year olds then I'm not surprised they have never heard of Nazis. If it's a group of 20 somethings, then there is most definately a problem.

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Posted in: Sticky situation See in context

Who cares? Rice sucks.

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Posted in: Multi-band atomic watch See in context

Atomic in this instance does not mean nuclear if that is what you are thinking. It is in regard to the manner in which the reference signals are timed.

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Posted in: More bull over U.S. beef See in context

Good point about kobe beef not being able to stand up to the competition thepossum. I was under the impression that kobe beef couldn't stand at all as it spends it's life in a sling! :) OssanULTRA--it has everything to do with market closure. J-Beef targets a different market only because it's expensive and can't compete with cheaper US and Aussie beef, but if the J-Gov shuts out US beef (which they won't do with Aussie beef as Aeon owns quite a few cattle ranches there) by fearmongering or outright ban, the j-beef can target the entire market byb default. A cow is a cow is a cow, the only reason Kobe beef is so expensive is because of the heart-mangling fat content which the J-folks can't get enough of.

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Posted in: More bull over U.S. beef See in context

Read below...tales of tainted Chinese seafood shipped to America...oddly enough though, no nation-wide USG call for fearmongering or a boycott, not even from the fishermen...I guess we need to send Commodore Perry back over because the locals haven't really "opened their doors" after all.


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Posted in: If it were possible, do you wish non-Americans could vote in the U.S. presidential election? See in context

Ok let's make a deal. You vote for our president and we'll vote for yours. Cool?

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Posted in: More bull over U.S. beef See in context

The US is the largest exporter of beef in the world. Other than Brazil no other nation comes close. Somebody is buying it. Sounds like Japan is looking out for numero uno here. Planting fear into drones' minds so they all make poor consumer decisions. Check your facts sarc-ass-m123, exactly how many americans have died from US grown beef? The last case of contamination I can remember was beef from Canada.

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Posted in: If it were possible, do you wish non-Americans could vote in the U.S. presidential election? See in context

I think its time for the US to fall back to its pre WWII doctrine and let the chips fall where they lie. Nations uncomfortable with the prospect of fending for themselves can hit up France for help.

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Posted in: Hundreds flee homes in Otaru after man kills himself by inhaling deadly gas See in context

Detergent suicides aren't very clean.

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Posted in: Protests erupt at Carrefour stores in four Chinese cities See in context

Did anyone notice that the CCP arrested only the four peacefull folks with the anti-riot shirts and seemingly left the anti-France rioters alone? Is it just me or does it seem like the CCP is fueling this fervent nationalism?

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Posted in: Jack Nicholson See in context

There aint no freak in french fries!

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Posted in: What do you think of attempts by police to get people to stop using cell phones and listening to music while riding bicycles? See in context

This won't change anything as long as Japanese people continue going about their lives as if they had rubber asses.

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Posted in: Victims finally learning to speak out against Japan’s outdated rape laws See in context

Of all the rapes that occur in this country JT cites a rape involving the US Military. No wonder the America bashers here on JT never get their posts deleted, they both have the same agenda.

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Posted in: Tulip vandal strikes again in Maebashi See in context

I find tulip vandals repulsive

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Posted in: Chief of U.S. forces in Japan promises to get tough on crime See in context

There's and Overseas Screening process? I don't recall getting screened, unless it has been adopted in the last 10 years or so.

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Posted in: What behavior by train passengers bugs you the most? See in context


I'd rather put up any of those passengers than have a passenger rob me like in some other countries.

Like America, you mean? Quite agree.

frontandcentre: This would require people to actually use Amtrack genius. Subways I'll concede, but nobody rides the train in America. Also, why would you think he meant America? He doesn't specify country now does he.

Apart from all of that. Yes, the incredibly poor hygiene and general disgustingness is quite appalling and yet I'm the uncultured barbarian.

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