Japan Today

Hokkaidoboy comments

Posted in: Japan court rejects damages claim by woman over same-sex benefits See in context

I am beyond the legality of this. I am a gay man, 30, and single, but should I ever find a man to share my life with, I think that it's not a lawyers issue, but more a compassionate one from a wrecked society (not only in Japan but everywhere)... empathy's gone.

-3 ( +13 / -16 )

Posted in: Medvedev says Japan's 'militarization' complicates Asia-Pacific See in context

Russia's Medvedev complaining of other's militarization is ludicrous and hypocritical; Russia complaining of militarization is the most double-standard thing I've heard in time... After their brutal and unjustified assault on Ukraine.

28 ( +36 / -8 )

Posted in: Mothers' group fears Fukushima water release could revive health concerns See in context

I agree with what Kimura says about the ocean without walls and potential health concerns; I'm just baffled by China's protests. The biggest polluter of the world trying to lecture others.

10 ( +20 / -10 )

Posted in: N Korea abductee's mother longs for progress at G7 as time runs out See in context

The Yokota family is incredible, and this woman, an Iron Lady. I heard of her husband's passing and I thought of her thoroughly. It's a pity that she's welcomed with empty words when her struggle is so significative for us all.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Posted in: 53-year-old woman arrested over murder of 68-year-old mother-in-law See in context

Why already talk of murder when the cause of death has not yet been determined?

Hiding a dead body is commonplace but not always involve murder.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Posted in: 3 killed, 3 injured in shooting at Oklahoma City bar See in context

Prayers and thoughts are no longer enough. I know the USA is not my country, but it's heartbreaking to see this happen. Americans deserve much better.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Posted in: YouTuber-turned-lawmaker expelled for missing Diet sessions See in context

He sent a video? Oh, excellent decision. If I never attended any "session" of my job, I'd be expelled on the second day.

This person was given opportunity after opportunity, including while facing lawsuits.

I'm not glad he lost his job, I'm glad he can realise what responsibility is.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: 90% in Japan feel discrimination against disabled exists: survey See in context

I don't know if the word is discrimination but stigma. The Sagamihara incident clearly showed that shame does exist when admitting that a relative suffers from a disability.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan marks 12 years since quake-tsunami disaster See in context

Never forget.

From the man who continues to dive in search of the remains of his wife, to the lessons learned from a near nuclear catastrophe.

One learns to feel more empathy for the one suffering next to oneself.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Posted in: Court commutes death sentence to life in prison for man who killed 2 people in hit-and-run See in context

If the intent to kill was not proven, then I also agree.

I agree with the death penalty for cases like Tsutomu Miyazaki, or the Akihabara rampage killer. People who will never be able to be rehabilitated and whose crimes are heinous.

That said, I don't agree with lengthy processes which do end up in a cruel mental torture for the death row inmate.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Posted in: Kabul's mannequins, hooded and masked under Taliban rules See in context

The Taliban fear powerful women. They are only manly in the mountains with a Kalashnikov strapped in their chest. Otherwise they are illiterate little nothings.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Posted in: Best still to come in World Cup after shocks galore See in context

Kind of strange and boring WC with many superteams out. Namely Italy from the tournament and Germany, Uruguay and Belgium out in group stage.

I support the Oz's aside from Japan though they have a difficult test with Argentina.

That said, I maintain that hosting the WC in Qatar is shameful.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Posted in: Abuse of children at Shizuoka nursery school revealed See in context

The fact of how can someone harm a baby/toddler boy/girl is beyond horrifying.

I think that harming children puts that person in the position of being a dangerous person to society. Similar to the ones who harm little animals. If a person is capable of such cowardice, they are beyond the concept of wickedness.

In cases like these, I try not to focus on the offenders but in the recovery, in this case, of the toddlers. I hope they can forget in their little minds these horrible events.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Posted in: Tokyo District Court dismisses damages suit by same-sex couples See in context

I am very tired of people meddling in our private lives. Let us be, we harm no one. Sad I couldn't marry in Japan would I wish to. Denying a right is akin to violating it.

3 ( +21 / -18 )

Posted in: Taiwan votes in local elections amid tensions with China See in context

Millions upon millions of Chinese of the mainland, if information were not censored, would long to belong to or adopt a system like Taiwan's.

China's sabre-rattling and bullying of Taiwan is horrifying.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Posted in: Court shortens psychiatric evaluation period for Abe's accused killer See in context

While it is hard that a legally insane person can carry out such premeditated and elaborated crime (tracking Abe, producing the murder weapon, etc.) I feel proud of these things in Japan or elsewhere, because a state should not punish its mentally ill.

I'm saying this aside it all from Yamagami.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Posted in: Xi spat with Trudeau lays bare China's frayed ties with Canada See in context


One of the most authoritarian rulers in the world scolding Trudeau.

I love Canada but I miss Stephen Harper times where no one would mistreat or humiliate Canada.

-2 ( +13 / -15 )

Posted in: U.S., Japan, S Korea vow unified response to North Korea threat See in context

North Korea must be recognised as a nuclear state. Nothing will change Kim's mind. But he should know that any use of them would result in his demise.

PS Has anyone noticed how nobody talks about this summit being held in Cambodia, where Hun Sen clings to power since earlier than my birth?

Double-standards at bestest.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: Kishida calls for constructive relations in talks with China's Li See in context

One way of honest constructive relations would be for Japan advocating for the 47 Hong Kong activists jailed under the national security law and Uyghurs.

Constructive doesn't mean appeasing.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

Posted in: China's Xi expands powers, promotes allies See in context

Poor Hong Kong and Uyghurs.

How can this man show compassion for these two peoples when he allowed Hu Jintao be removed like a demented man from his side... A cold and calculating man.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Posted in: Man arrested for strangling wife ‘because she asked me to do it’ See in context

Even if that were the case, it's still illegal.

Man up, bloke.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Posted in: Mikhail Gorbachev's death mourned as passing of rare leader See in context

I'm 29, didn't get to know Mr Gorbachev in power at his height. Just from what I learnt, respect to a man who put an end to a forever proxy war costing millions of innocent lives.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Girl arrested over knife attack in Shibuya says she wanted 'death penalty' See in context

I feel terrible for the victims of this deranged girl but also for the girl ... I don't sympathize, I just feel terrible that she could be so sick as to do something for a punishment that she'd not receive, and ultimately, would mean a kind of suicide. In Japan or the Marshall Islands, a show of societal decadence.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Former Australian PM Morrison says he took five ministries because he was 'steering the ship' See in context

The parallelism with the Titanic is unavoidable. The man who was in Hawaii as Australia wildfires raged, though not agree with the treasurer calling him dictatorial. Australia remains an outstanding democracy over there.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Posted in: Eight wounded, two critically, in attack on Jerusalem bus See in context

Two peoples at war since at least earlier than the First World War. The fact that Palestinians do not yet accept the right of Israel to exist is problematic.

Anyway, how can you shoot a pregnant woman? That's messed up.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Posted in: Japan executes prisoner who killed 7 in Tokyo street rampage See in context

He was 25. Now 39. Life wasted. His brother killed himself because of him.

His motives selfish in extreme and self-centered.

I can't say I'm happy. No death makes me happy. But I won't surely shred a tear for him.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

Posted in: Daycare center employee arrested for molesting 9-year-old girl See in context

Oh, the guy's my age. What could possibly be wrong-wired in him to see a little girl as a sexual target?

Two things worry me of such a case. Plz provide the little girl with counseling to put this past and obliterate this piece of garbage from her pure mind. And if this "man" will ever be released, please, treat him intensively, because he's truly a sicko. Gosh

11 ( +15 / -4 )

Posted in: Ex-Aum cult member released from prison after serving full term See in context

Well -- despite being involved with that bunch of terrorists, the fact that he turned himself in and the fact that he apologised to the victims, certainly makes a mitigation. It's glad sometimes to see people being rehabilitated.

It brings to mind the case of Kazuaki Okazaki, also a member of Aum who abandoned it after the Sakamoto murders. He also turned himself in, but he was deep in mud and he was hanged.

It's always interesting to see how the courts handle mitigation.

That all said, my deepest sympathies to the victims of this all.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Posted in: Mother, 10-month-old daughter die in suspected murder-suicide leap from apartment building See in context

Very sad indeed. I cannot condemn, just say that I hope a motive can be established to bring about closure ... If any can be brought for their family.

And kudos JT for including links to suicide prevention, it's rampant everywhere in these ultra chaotic times.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Vietnamese man released after being wrongfully arrested for assault in Tokyo See in context

Two police officers went to the scene and arrested a Vietnamese man [...] based on a general description given to them by the victim and his friend.

Oh, please no. That's profiling someone. So If I call and say. "A man in his 30s with glasses attacked me", I wonder, will police arrest the first 30s-looking man with glasses?

Takahito Matsushima, the General Affairs Division’s department chief, said in a statement: “We hope to thoroughly instruct and educate our officers to prevent a reoccurrence of such an incident.”

Yes please, educate the officers, because that's one of the utmost mistakes a cop could do.

21 ( +38 / -17 )

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