Japan Today

HonestDictator comments

Posted in: Canada, Mexico announce tariffs on U.S. in retaliation for Trump's tariffs See in context

Trump wants to be on the side of "the axis of evil" in WW3. Just keep in mind many Americans are willing to protect and uphold our US Constitutional rights if the so-called POTUS turns treasonous tyrant. True Americans do not bow to kings, dictators, or the president. Our Constitution will remain after him and his crew are gone. Trump will try to remove American's right to vote in FREE and FAIR elections. Trump will try to remove the US 2A to protect ourselves from his attempt at getting full consolidated power over the US (including Congress, and Senate.)

Only problem is the US military does not have to obey if any of his orders violate their oath to the US Constitution.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Canada, Mexico announce tariffs on U.S. in retaliation for Trump's tariffs See in context

@Bass, History repeats itself. No, it will not fix itself... I've watched this happen for over 30 years. GOP creates massive economic problems due to deregulation, and sucking up to corporate and rich America, then blames the dems. Dems try to fix things, but because the damage the GOP inflicts is bad, it takes time. The GOP then claims it is taking too long to fix, and they can do it better... then if the GOP gets back in power... they GO RIGHT BACK TO deregulation, and sucking up to corporats.

Trump is doing this process a LOT faster, a LOT harder, and violating the POTUS oath of upholding and respecting the US Constitution.

As I said, you guys never learn until it is too late. And I also said a long time ago, "one of these days it will be so bad, the US will never recover." Keep that in mind in the next few weeks to months... It is going to be worse than you could have ever conceived. And that is what you get when you believe in nothing but lies. Just remember all the "I told you so"s" from everyone trying to warn MAGAts about this for the past 12 years. But Project 2025 is a great idea in your mind right?

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Posted in: Canada, Mexico announce tariffs on U.S. in retaliation for Trump's tariffs See in context

Good lord, only idiots believe other idiots aren't stupid. It most certainly will not work the way MAGA nutters or Trump and cabal thinks it will. Trump most definitely is stupid, even folks in his admin know it for a fact. I'm watching Trumps chaos unfold in my workplace as we have to deal with medications made all over the world becoming more expensive. I'm watching Trump's federal funding cut affect patients that are in LTC not being able to afford care or insurance coverage for those same medications that have a price increase. I'm watching my 401k already taking a beating thanks to mr. tariffs "help 'murica". How many times do those of us with sane American heads on our shoulders have to say that, "Trump and the MAGA, will tank the US economy!" It will be happening real time in the next few weeks/months. The inflation WILL rise, the deficit WILL rise, and Trump and his enablers will be the ones who directly caused it. Can't blame the dems for this one. It will be TRUMP and MAGAs fault. The world knows, and those of us Americans that didn't vote for this KNOW. MAGAts OWN this MESS. I said a long time ago, "Y'all won't figure out how badly you screwed up, until it is TOO LATE."

My advice for all of US former allies, work around the US as long as Trumps regime is in power. Sanction the US, tariff the US, and the oligarchs who believe that the rich should rule the poor, the GOP members that went full MAGA in their support for Trump. Should Trump attempt military action on US allies/NATO, I fully expect US allies/NATO to band together against Trump and his enablers. The US USED to have dignity, integrity, honor, and stability. MAGA did EXACTLY the opposite of their moniker... I don't even call them idiots any more, they're worse than that.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Posted in: Trump pick Kash Patel must prove he'll restore public faith in FBI, a leading GOP senator says See in context

That’s why Patel was chosen to fumigate the place.

@Bass, why do you insist on delusion? Please explain how replacing self perceived corruption with ACTUAL corruption is the way? I will bring up case in point from world history. Yeltsin during his rule in Russia was corrupt. Putin claimed he would remove the corruption that Yeltsin partook in. When Putin got into power, he replaced Yeltsen's corrupt cabal with his OWN CORRUPT cabal. Why are you so blind faith in Trump's completely obvious corrupt picks of cabinet? You really blatantly like to claim, "Oh he'll fix it" while it is obvious to everyone who is not a cult addict, that Trump is a corrupt convicted felon! You only see what you want to see, and hear what you want to hear. Only when it is TOO late, will you (or more likely your children and future generations) understand the consequences of this entire horror show. Reality always wins, and I've said it before, "Be careful what you wish for". I hope the reality check will finally sink in to you and the rest of the Trumpeteers over the next 4 years.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Biden pardons his son, Hunter See in context

Y'all Trumper's asked for this, but don't like it when it's not your own. Abuse of power never counts when it's "your" guy. Now you want to complain... HYPOCRITES!!!

6 ( +21 / -15 )

Posted in: Trump chooses Bessent to be Treasury secretary and Vought as top budget official See in context

Pretty much his choices have been to screw over the average American working/middle class and working poor, and destroy federal support systems needed by average American citizens... and make the super wealthy a ruling class unto their own. An oligarchy as it is called. Prepare to be wage slaves who never make enough to keep their heads above water. Running a corporate business, and running a COUNTRY are two different things. There are similarities, but they are very different when it comes to beneficial results for corporate profits vs the well-being of ALL citizens.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump chooses billionaire Howard Lutnick for commerce secretary, Linda McMahon for education See in context

And the fools who are working class American's trust a wealthy person to run the US, thinking their lives will improve while the same old situation keeps happening. Trump only looks out for benefits of the wealthy. The GOP has been doing this forever, and MAGA literally kept making sure their lives get worse just to get back at the Libs and anyone who doesn't agree with their cult.

In what world history, has the wealthy ever decided to give up making hundreds of millions or billions to keep the rest of societal classes who are middle class and lower from being destroyed? How to vote against you own well being.

Trump is only hiring out of touch rich people to run the country into the ground... for their GREED. A good cabinet consists of real people who have had to live with the problems that average Americans experience in order to know how to support and resolve the same problems they are hired to deal with.

Remember a long time ago I said, "I got mines, to hell with everyone else..." mentality is the way of the GOP. This is the embodiment of it in real time.

They will keep doing this until the economy and USD tanks so hard it will never recover. Only when money becomes useless, will they come to the realization of how much chaos and destruction their greed has created. Money is their GOD, and GREED is their religion.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump on Day 1: Begin deportation push, pardon Jan 6 rioters and make his criminal cases vanish See in context

American's who weren't dumb enough to believe Trump, are ready for him this time around. Plenty of experience from 2016-2020. Trump has a magnifying glass on him for every breath he takes. Even some GOP folks are preparing to eviscerate him on his "economic" ideas, NATO, and Ukraine etc.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Posted in: Republicans win control of U.S. Senate; House still up in the air See in context

They just don't get it. After four more years of Trump, we'll see the US deficit skyrocket, inflation will go up, cost of living will go even higher, and corruption will be the name of US politics.

Trump is not for the working class. He never was, never will be. The US will now be like Russian oligarchs... Trump will make the economy "look" good for a while, but when his choices fully hit in a few years, the US economy will tank hard.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Posted in: Trump boards a garbage truck to draw attention to Biden remark See in context

Trump and cronies have said far, far worse. Biden saying Trumpeteers "garbage" triggered them, but they like slinging names and such themselves. HYPOCRITS.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

Posted in: Teen Trump supporter charged with threatening Harris backers at polling place with machete See in context

There is no helping the MAGA faithful. They project all the time onto others, completely ignoring that they're the ones at fault for election interference, oppression, and violating the constitutional rights of other Americans.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump shooting: Secret Service admits complacency See in context

I'm thinking it is complacency because it is Trump, and he is not actively POTUS. My evaluation is Kamala is still actively VPOTUS. So the US SS is going to be guarding her way more carefully. Plus Trump has been known to not listen to security details that make their jobs more capable of protecting him.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Musk calls Australian gov't 'fascists' after move to fine tech giants See in context

Without people providing investment money (directly or through stock markets), companies don't have the money they need to expand.

Not a lot of Americans have enough money to invest at such levels, if at all. Remember, most Americans are riddled with debt. I was affected by the crash of 2005-2008. Other folks I worked with also lost EVERYTHING. Jobs, 401k, investments in the negatives. Then Plus, companies can (and should) only expand if there is higher demand for their goods or services, not just because they need money for "expansion". Plus should another crash occur, all that investment money is meaningless. Companies will shut down any expansions as required, and consolidate as much as possible. Much of the money will keep going to the top executives, because I've yet to hear about any of them taking pay cuts, or being denied golden parachutes... For wealthy investors, they still have a huge financial shield. Pretty sure they're not investing all their billions or millions... just a decent fraction of it to keep making gargantuan loads of money. While those below those levels will LOSE much more and be left without much of a financial safety net. So yes, the money is hoarded at the top. It helps to have millions on hand to defend against economic woes.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: China, Russia take swipes West at annual security forum in Beijing See in context

The CCP and Putin's "new world order" that they wish to push only involves them having tyrannical control and power over others. They do not offer any peace, or freedom... Just oppression and serfdom. The people of China that don't buy into CCP indoctrination are very vocal about how trash the CCP is. Putin doesn't have any dignity on the matter either, as he has to arrest any political opposition to his rule (of over 20+ years mind you), and imprisons anyone who speaks out against his invasion of Ukraine.

Oppression and subjugation inspires rebellion. Peace and freedom is what brings prosperity... not what China and Russia has to offer.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Posted in: Musk calls Australian gov't 'fascists' after move to fine tech giants See in context

Wow, a long time ago I called it. Musk is an intelligent fool... Musk only supports Trump because Musk wants the rich and wealthy to keep hoarding all the money, not have to pay income taxes, and keep the "money must always flow upwards to those who already have too much" method. Remember, Musk had a 1,500 layoff but was rewarded $56 million bonus money afterwards.

The rich will run up inflation, live in excess, and complain about the inflation (they caused) and how those darned taxes (37-38%) makes them feel bad while the majority of Americans from upper middle class to the below poverty level will never see the same amount of financial security for GENERATIONS. People live from paycheck to paycheck, and folks like Musk have a huge money shield between them and actual everyday hardships. Musk needs to learn to be happy with what he HAS. Cos karma needs to kick in and check him back hard.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Posted in: N Korea wants to restart nuclear talks if Trump re-elected, says ex-diplomat See in context

Ever seen Trump laugh? Or even... act human?

Trump is definitely human, he's just a spoiled, wicked, corrupt, used to being pandered to, egomaniac. We all know why he cozies up to Putin, Kim, and the rest of their ilk. He wants the US to turn into his own personal United States Empire of Trump (and corporate/elitist/kleptocratic regime).

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Posted in: China accuses Japan of 'smear attacks' in recent talks with U.S., India and Australia See in context

And please, Japan, ignore your American handlers!

Typical wumao/CCP propaganda shill statement... The CCP is the problem, and will always be the problem since their formation. China could have been a much larger and more respected nation without the CCP screwing up the country with their behavior. The CCP lives on nothing but deceit and perceived control over others. The CCPs list of offenses against their own citizens is long., and they want to spread that corruption in their region of interest.

17 ( +21 / -4 )

Posted in: Trump says he spoke with Zelenskyy; pledges to 'end the war' See in context

Trump was, and still is corrupt. The issue is, should in the worst version of our timeline Trump manages to become POTUS again, what will he ask for Zelensky to do to keep getting support from the orange one's administration?

Trump is already on the hook for favors from Putin... So how can such an act be balanced?

13 ( +25 / -12 )

Posted in: 5 people, including 4 children, killed in Alabama shooting See in context

This is atrocious. I can understand them having firearms in a rural area, wildlife can be problematic out there. But WHY did he murder his wife and children and his relatives children!?!?! Even his family members are going to be out for blood.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Former Trump rivals Haley, DeSantis endorse him in show of unity at Republican convention See in context

This is the problem with hyper-partisanship. Even when someone is completely wrong, corrupt, and convicted of crimes.... the "party" ignores it and stands behind to prop it back up to show "solidarity". Instead of saying, "hey, you're a terrible person... we don't want you to represent us AT ALL!" They instead say, "Oh, nothing is wrong. Keep doing all the corrupt, wicked, deceitful behaviour and actions up... We'll stand by you!"

Enabling at it's finest. Only problem is, it is not only destructive to their own integrity... but it will take the rest of the country down with them!

The GOP is for sale, and will gladly put the rest of the US up for sale to the highest bidder to satiate their greed and lust for absolute authoritarian power.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Posted in: Trump arrives in Milwaukee for Republican convention See in context

I'm glad that the assassination was botched, but all the "mistakes" made for the shooter to get into position even AFTER a witness gave warning is extremely odd.

Info is still coming out about the shooting suspect Crooke. Motives, mental state, etc...

As I said, not going to vote for Trump... EVER. I know many people who have been in active duty combat and vets that don't have the luxury of being protected by anyone in civilian life and they're far braver and more courageous.

Trump needs to rethink that whole, "Allowed to assassinate political rivals" garbage he thought he could get away with as a defensive legal excuse for "presidential immunity" without limits or properly balanced restrictions by law. This is supposedly a "lone wolf" attack... but it doesn't bode well no matter what side of the political spectrum anyone is on.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Posted in: Trump rally shooting being investigated as an assassination attempt, officials say See in context

Too bad the suspected shooter is dead. I'd love to know the who, why, and what is behind the motive... although I pretty much can tell why from Trumps own behavior. This is the 2nd known attempt on Trump's life, but the first one was well before he attempted to get into politics. Still not gonna vote for the tool. He is evil.

-5 ( +7 / -12 )

Posted in: Which states could have abortion on the ballot in 2024? See in context

800,000 abortions are performed in the US each year. If outlawed, there is no way that there will be 800,000 underground abortions occurring yearly. So, many lives will be saved.

facepalm... if there are more than 800,000 underground abortions/forced miscarriages, you'll never have an exact number, because there is no way to properly track it! You are NOT SAVING unborn children being brought into this world!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Which states could have abortion on the ballot in 2024? See in context

This could be a good example of why religion should stay out of politics.


Why do you believe that you personally should have a religious voice in a decision that is between the person who chooses to have an abortion (that is between them and God), and think that you should tell them if they can or can't have one (attempting to make it between yourself, and them and God). Freedom of choice is a God given right. The consequences are between them and God, not YOU.

If you don't like abortion, don't have one yourself. But don't interject your personal moral/religious choice on those who can legally choose to do so as it is their choice. The cat has been out of the bag since the 60s, and you can't stuff it back in. If the law was left alone at no abortions allowed during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, there would be no concern. If you look at human history, abortions were done well before there were laws to make it a legal right. My step grandmother (eastern European) "worked" during WW2 and knew how to terminate a pregnancy or force a miscarriage due to what she was doing to survive in that era and passed down the information to all her daughters. Women will do it anyway, and will know how to do it.

I'm not a big fan of abortion, but I'd rather have hard statistics on legal abortion, instead of trying to force it underground/illicit abortions with no way of knowing how societal/population trends are going and what problems are happening.

You're not "saving" babies that aren't born yet, especially since you know you can't even help the children that are already born and alive in this world!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Planned NATO statement full of 'belligerent rhetoric' and 'lies', says Chinese official See in context

China is right about this.

The CCP is never in the right. Once you see just how much they have to cover up and try to (poorly) hide what they do to the Chinese people, you'll understand very clearly. Before the CCP, Chinese culture had manners, dignity, respect, and integrity. After the CCP gained more power, they destroyed China's traditional culture, dignity, respect, and integrity to keep up their lust for power to the CCP elite. The CCP is the problem with China. If the CCP never existed, China could have been in better standing in the world today, and their people would be happier.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Planned NATO statement full of 'belligerent rhetoric' and 'lies', says Chinese official See in context

The CCP sure as hell knows they're full of it, which is why they keep spouting drivel in a feeble attempt to distract from their blatantly obvious actions. NATO and other nations are doing what they're doing because of what the current Russian and Chinese governments are doing. They keep asking for "respect" but behave completely unworthy of earning the "respect" they crave.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

Posted in: The questions about Biden's age and fitness are reminiscent of another campaign: Reagan's in 1984 See in context

Trump is also knocking on his 80s. These men should not be running for POTUS.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

Posted in: Americans to celebrate Fourth of July with parades, cookouts — and lots of fireworks See in context

It's nice they celebrate the end of their civil war.

Please educate yourself more on world history. It wasn't the US civil war. It was a war for the American colonies to free themselves from British colonial rule... also known in the US as the "War of Independence" fought between the years of 1775-1783.

The US "Civil War" where southern states of the US seceded from the US in order to keep their "ways" and maintain slavery and oppression was fought between 1861-1865.

For my fellow Americans. HAPPY 4th of July!

I pray that all remember the sacrifices, and fighting done by those who came far before us to have the rights and freedoms we have today. Please remember that we must not only know our actual rights (and not make choices based on perceived rights), but know our responsibilities to keep our rights upheld and sound, and also respect that the rights of other Americans should not be violated either no matter how much we may have political disagreements. All are created equal!

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Iran votes for new president amid voter apathy, mounting pressure See in context

Notice how the 4 "candidates" must be loyal to the Khamenei... Not to the people of Iran... but to one man who is the "supreme leader" and shall not be challenged. Yeah... North Korea does the same thing. Elections are pointless.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Senior U.S. diplomat warns of risks of accidental conflict sparked by China's moves See in context

JJEToday  04:47 pm JST

Hard to be accidental around your own country and regions which one owns.

Always important to keep in mind Taiwan is a non-UN recognised state and has historically been part of China.

Let's clarify this for you. Taiwan does NOT belong to the CCP. Just like the UK didn't have to let go of Hong Kong as the agreement was to return Hong Kong to the previous governing body before the CCP even existed. Taiwan belongs to the ROC... NOT the CCP.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

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