Japan Today

HooKnows comments

Posted in: Video game bosses gather at 'darkest hour' for industry See in context

Finally, some good news from the gaming industry: video games, a breeding ground for immaturity, laziness, and societal decline, is showing signs of collapse! Maybe now, people will start prioritizing their health, their responsibilities, and their families instead of wasting their lives in virtual worlds chasing meaningless achievements. Gaming has enabled a sedentary culture that glorifies escapism and fosters entitlement, laziness, and obesity while distracting people from real-world challenges. For far too long, it has been a crutch for those unwilling to engage in productive activities or take accountability for their lives.

Instead of perpetually delaying adulthood in their pixelated fantasylands, people should focus on building discipline, improving their physical fitness, and contributing to their communities. It’s time to return to a culture that values hard work, real accomplishments, and personal responsibility. The decline of this industry isn’t just an economic trend - it’s a much-needed societal correction. Maybe now we can raise a generation that understands the value of reality over escapism and chooses the path of responsibility, maturity, and ACTUAL achievement.

So, surprise surprise, a lot of uninformed, ignorant assertions here.

Video games are a medium. No different functionally than music, film, books, even wasting time on message boards.

That is to say, there is no one monolithic "ViDeO GaMe!" genre that encompasses all of the lazy fears you've just prattled off.

In other words, video games, like those other mediums, are incredibly diverse. Because the majority of hits sold on Apple Music are K-Pop and Taylor Swift, does that mean all music from all era, genres, and cultures is vapid dreck? Because Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey are best sellers for books, does that mean books as a whole are garbage because those titles sell the best?

Because Marvel Punch Fighters 14: The Retelling is the highest grossing movie ever, does that mean you cannot find thousands of tremendously informative documentaries to educate and uplift across all streaming servies?

No? Oh, it requires a touch more thought than that? Huh.

"Video games" does not mean Call of Duty 47 and Pokemon only anymore.

The existence of utter dreck cohabiting the same space as true works of art and genius does not negate the existence of the latter. To argue otherwise is either sheer ignorance, jealousy, or idiocy.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan's A-bomb survivors: From discrimination to a Nobel See in context

Biggest war crime in history..

Lol The Japanese quantifiably committed far worse in the same war. The Rape of Nanjing event alone was quantifiably more calculated and cost more lives.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Posted in: U.S. ahead in AI innovation, easily surpassing China in Stanford's new ranking See in context

TokyoLivingNov. 22  12:17 pm JST

Desperated US fake propaganda..


Don't worry, I'm sure China is trying their very best with the world's most shameless state-sponsored industrial espionage scheme to steal everything they can, per usual.

I'm sure if you cry harder though it will help.

Also, what's a "Desperated"?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Ishiba misses APEC group photo session due to traffic jam See in context

Peru at the front, in the centre. On either side, China and HKSAR. At the back corner where nobody wants to be USA. Japan nowhere to be seen. Canada and Oz (not sure, so far away it seems insignificant) on the far left. A photo mirroring the current state of world affairs?

China in the center of the photo and the US in a far corner..


I know we're not exactly dealing with the board's best and brightest here, but imagine being so delusional that the placement of figures in a photo op is what you cling to to highlight your ideologies supposed superiority?

Downright embarrassing, if not totally unsurprising.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump picks Rubio as secretary of state; Gaetz eyed for attorney general See in context

And to make it even more understandable: here's the opposite:

"The opposite of ' woke ' is bigotted, racist, homophobic, antisemitic, ignorant, religiously intolerant…"


THIS is precisely why this ideology is dying. THIS is precisely why “wokeness” was overwhelmingly rejected and continues to die its slow, deserved death.

You are literally saying “If you don’t think like I do, that makes you a bigot, racist, homophobe, etc ad nauseum”

The complete lack of self awareness is pitiful. The left for years truly believed that they could use this ideological hostage taking approach: where pejoratives and insults and threats of being labeled a “Nazi!”, or tremulous shrieks of being labeled a “white supremacist!” could be used as a cudgel to keep anyone from dare disagreeing with them.

The brain rot from this hubris; from bullying your way into this Marxist insistence on everyone shrinking from thinking for themselves and speaking out against obviously indefensible and self-destructive ideologies , led to to the single biggest and most spectacular rout in the last nearly 4 decades.

So please, keep it up, call more people Nazis, KKK members, or generic Istaphobes for daring to disagree with you or failing to support your awful candidates; and continue to lose elections and public support in the most tremendous fashion.

The more childish your tantrums, the better.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Posted in: With Trump's win, some women wonder: Will U.S. ever see a female president? See in context

50.2% of Americans who voted, voted for Trump. That leaves 49.x% who didn't and nearly all of those voted for Harris.

Well, sort of.

Trump actually got (as of the latest tally) 50.7% of the vote, to Harris' 47.7%

Trump also carried the popular vote by over 4 million votes. That's not insignificant. It's the largest rout by a Republican in nearly 4 decades, since George H.W. Bush.

Trump also carried the largest percentage of Black and Hispanic voters ever from a Republican candidate.

The left is going to have to do some soul searching about why these results were as pronounced as they were. The default bleating of, "Oh, all these racist misogynist old white nazis!" refrain is part of the reason they lost, as well as being empirically untrue and falsifiable. As stated, Trump made in roads with demographics that were impenetrably blue for decades, and it shows on the electoral map.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: With Trump's win, some women wonder: Will U.S. ever see a female president? See in context

I notice you left out the Biden point - not a great candidate but destroyed Trump ( the childish conspiracy theory nonsense about stolen election isn’t serious ).

What a lot of folks fail to understand is that in US politics, an election is almost always overwhelmingly a referendum on the incumbent.

For Trump, Covid exhaustion and unprecedented racial/social justice tension months before the election undoubtedly contributed to the general angst and discontent. People wanted a return to "normalcy" and the far off reliability of the Obama years, part of Biden's massive popularity at the time.

Biden's popularity dropped off a proverbial cliff the last year or so in office, and his repeated blunders and visibly declining mental state made him easy pickings for those looking to take shots and score points.

Kamala never did anything, or at least nowhere near enough, to separate herself from his legacy. It was a fine line to walk so I'm not saying she could have done it better, but she was the VP in a deeply unpopular presidency the last 18 months of it or so, and was never able to shake the mantle of just being Biden 2.0.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: PlayStation 5 Pro goes on sale, but will gamers pay hefty price to play? See in context

How much is a iPhone 15pro max? A Galaxy s24 ultra? More than double that price. How expensive is a good laptop or MacBook pro? People forgot the amount of hardware in consoles now and the comparable prices of other tech. Minus the screen , a PS5 pro is packing some expensive chips inside it.

Not a for regular kids anymore, but hard core adult gamers.

You're totally missing the point.

The point isn't (just) how expensive the console is; the point is that it is a very marginal "upgrade" over the preexisting PS5 that has been retailing for $500 for years.

If this was a brand new console released this year with the latest of all tech and a brand new platform, that's still very hefty for any price, but at least it's brand new. This is essentially a mid-cycle refresh with slightly higher fidelity offerings, for additional 35% more.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: North Korea fires multiple ballistic missiles toward sea See in context

Still zero hard evidence of any NK troops in Russia or even flimsy evidence.

So when they start inevitably plucking their bodies from the rubble like their hordes of Russian comrades, what will your Diktat from the Kremlin be then?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Taipei says Chinese aircraft carrier group sailed through Taiwan Strait See in context

Oh Lord. The sheer lack of comprehension here, either legitimate or feigned so as to advance the agenda of certain dictatorial regional powers is staggering, but let's spell it out.

This is a big deal because China has repeatedly threatened to take Taiwan by force, Xi has told his military to prepare for war by 2027, and constant Chinese wargames and routine aerial intrusions occur with regularity around the island.

This idea, as if "Hurr durr it's just like if the US sailed an CAG past Mexico! hurr durr" is just laughable; it would only be comparable if the US was actively speaking of invading Mexico, telling their military to prepare for war with Mexico , viewed Mexico as their perosnal property, and was actively planning an invasion of Mexico.

This goes for any military, anywhere. It's a big deal when you rumble your warships past the land you yourself say you are going to take back by force

So, yes, when an authoritarian regime who is rapidly expanding their armed forces and openly speaks of preparing for war to invade an island nation a few hundred miles from their border sails their premier warship nearby...it's not like you going on your Norweigan CruiseLines cruise to the Med. The naivete here is astounding.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Kyoto losing its luster as a school trip destination as tourist crowds continue to swell See in context

What we do mind when I ask is that they always assume we are from the USA which obviously is a little insulting in a light-hearted way especially as Americans don't speak English correctly along with miss pronunciation and spelling.

The irony here is beyond delicious.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: One Direction's Liam Payne falls to death at Argentina hotel See in context

I find the people who write ‘who?’ in this situation basically don’t like the person or don’t like what the person did - in this case bubblegum pop. Nothing more irritating than the types banging on about ‘real’ music.

It’s very childish and peevish and in this case of a young death, a bit ugly too.

Maybe best to post nothing in this case.

Of course you're right, but this is TokyoLiving. This is what he does. His schtick is to demean/belittle/insult anything he deems "Western", specifically from the US or UK, as those are clearly what he feels most threatened by. 98% of his posts are, "Anything US/UK/Western bad, any potential challenger to that=good"

Apparently that now means dipping so low as to disrespect the recently deceased because he was a popular British pop star, for the unpardonable sin of being British and popular.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: China harassing its citizens in Japan it considers subversive: report See in context

Even our local CCP mouthpiece on this forum, admitted in another thread about the CCP surveiling citizens who are discussing certain “unapproved” topics, that speaking about human rights online would “get the attention of local authorities”

Without a hint of irony about how disgustingly preposterous that sounds to a normal, non-brainwashed citizen of a free society.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S. helicopter makes emergency landing on beach in Kanagawa See in context

An aircraft made an emergency landing on an empty beach, with no harm or loss of life or damage to any property whatsoever. It could not have been a safer, more textbook resolution to an emergency.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Qantas apologizes after R-rated film airs on every screen during Sydney-Haneda flight See in context

I didn't even know that there are still planes for long haul flights that show just one film for everyone. No personal entertainment system for the passengers? How old is this plane?!

Agreed. If I'm going to be on a plane for more than an hour, it's going to have a seatback IFE in it.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Fans toss balls and trash on field; interrupt Padres' 10-2 win over Dodgers See in context


I always thought the American fans were as well-behaved as the Japanese ones. Guess I was wrong.

LA fans have long had the reputation for being the worst behaved fans in the league. No surprise to anyone.

Could be worse though; could be English football fans.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan voted Best Country in world for 2nd year in a row in Conde Nast Traveler poll See in context

By the way, US is not even in the top 20. LOL

Yet, somehow, manages to continue to be one of the top 3 destinations for international tourism on Earth.

Tell us, where does China or Russia rank on the list? We’ll all wait. LOOOL!!

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

Posted in: Are you satisfied with the service the airline industry generally delivers on planes and at airports? See in context

Even more so when the passenger comes from countries where obesity is normalized.

Almost as bad as those where nauseatingly bad hygiene is normalized. Several dictatorships spring to mind.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Ex-defense chief Ishiba elected Japan ruling party leader See in context

Do you think it is sincere applause? It's just a formality, tatemae. On the other hand, the masses read the media and believe a nuclear sub has sunk in Wuhan. So gullible.

Oh but you....you know better, right? Because you just know things, am I right?

The best part of interacting with the muppets for the world dictators and autocrats is they truly don't know how laughable they all look. Nobody buys the things in the free world you're forced to accept at the point of a bayonet. So we all laugh.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Ohtani heads to 1st postseason after Dodgers win NL West title See in context

Marc Lowe:

But he was already in playoffs and won the superior Nihon Series while in the NPB. Ohtani is no stranger to postseason and clutch performance. Unfortunately, Angels were only Japan 2-Gun level.

Utter nonsense. MLB is the premier baseball league in the world with the best players, no contest.

Hence, why Ohtani is there. And the best international players. Also why players who can't make it in the MLB play in the Japanese leagues.

Pretending otherwise is just silly.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan, Australia boost ties in face of regional threats See in context

Er, I think the vast majority of the Global Majority are aligned more with China than the colonial west.

And you'd be wrong. Pardon me while I attempt to hide my shock.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan calls Chinese aircraft incursion serious violation; no comment from Beijing See in context

I curious, when you use the word 'our' are you using it because you are a Japanese citizen or because you are USA military?

Does it bother you that the world is becoming increasingly united and steadfast against the belligerent shenanigans of China?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: South Korea's Yoon seeks dialogue, path to unification with isolated North See in context

No free countries have US occupation troops. They are vassal states willing used and exploited. As such, they cannot be taken seriously as independent countries and their foreign policy is null and void. South Korea (and Japan) are good examples of this.

You seem scared.

Is it troubling that nations like South Korea, Japan, Germany, etc are infinitely better off by any and all metrics than mafia states like Russia in every conceivable way?

Of course, they do trail in the all-important "Invade a smaller neighbor and get utterly embarrassed" score, so you have that to console you, I suppose.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: South Korea's Yoon seeks dialogue, path to unification with isolated North See in context

Seoul needs to make the first step: expel the Yankee interloper invaders.

Pretty scary having a thriving, successful, human rights-respecting democracy so close to your borders, huh?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Baseball is back in the Olympics in 2028. What the rosters will look like is hard to say See in context

They are scared because China can beat them on their own land and they need to get as many madallas, in any way possible, bypassing anyone...

Not sure what a "Madalla" is, outside of a small town in Nigeria, but China has never produced a single Major league Baseball player, is not even third tier at the sport comapred to South Korea and Japan.


4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: U.S. ties China in gold medal count after Americans' nail-biting women's basketball win See in context

I do love the massive cope that China and the US tie in Golds, and the CCP cheerleaders then begin claiming other national entities achievements--despite the fact that, as has been discussed, you don't get to add additional athletes. Each nation has a set limit of athletes they can send. It's hilarious that this eludes the CCP crowd here ("B-b-but if we count this other stuff that's not allowed by the rules!")

Nothing more hilarious though than the fact that with an obvious tie in Golds, the tie break goes to........wait for it.......the other medals won! Of course, no mention of the fact China was decimated at the total medal count by 35 total medals.

So no, China, you didn't "win" anything. You tied for Gold, and got embarrassed in the total medal count. Which even if Gold is all you care about, the tie breaker goes to the other medals. Simple as that.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan wins 1st ever women's team foil medal in Paris; U.S. takes gold See in context

Congrats to Japan!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan Osprey crash caused by cracks in gear and pilot’s decision to keep flying, Air Force says See in context

The irony of USA military service people repeating over and over again that Japan is not an occupied nation

Talk to us about “human rights” Deanza…or will your “local authorities start paying close attention”

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: Princess Leia bikini costume from set of 'Star Wars' movie sells at auction for $175,000 See in context

Utterly overrated..

Dont worry, I’m sure the Chinese will blatantly steal all the ideas and screenplay some 40 years later and you’ll proclaim it to be greatest thing ever made.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: China says relations with Japan at critical stage See in context


Taiwan....when did China "go to war with "US" {lol..."us "] ?

A few border skirmishes with Vietnam and India but no full scale war or invasion like the west and US have done.

Simple facts.

Impossible to convince someone who agree with the genocide in Gaza, but"sparks up " at any mention of China.

Some 180,000 , scores more than all UN and allied forces combined, Chinese troops were slaughtered supporting the illegal and disastrous invasion of South Korea, all to bring about the human rights cess pit that is modern day North Korea, and to actively support and bankroll them.

I get that you’re not big on facts and accuracy, but really, try harder next time.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

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