Posted in: Amid tensions with China, some U.S. states are purging Chinese companies from their investments See in context
“Amid tensions with China”
And who is causing that?
China is brokering peace in the Middle East and Ukraine while the "Land of the Free" redoubles its firepower.
I'm going to start learning Chinese!
Thats amazing! Can you tell us how to say “Useful Idiot” in Mandarin?
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan, ASEAN top diplomats vow to boost security ties See in context
Japan was hated in the 1980s in America. They're acceptable now, because their economy is a lot weaker.
kibousha, your mind games don't work with everyone
Utter garbage nonsense, sorry if that distorts the pro CCP narrative.
Nobody “hated” Japan in the 80’s. There will always be xenophobes, but that’s not even close to the same thing.
Feared economic take over? Absolutely. Respected and admired? 100%. Japan also enjoyed pop culture and socioeconomic ties China could only dream of.
No, the disgust and distrust of the modern CCP is nothing like economic angst over the power of the Japanese economy in the 80’s.
Lying doesn’t help your case.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Biden delivers solemn call to defend democracy as he lays out his reasons for quitting race See in context
“We finally beat…..Medicare”
Pause. Repeat the line.
That’s why you’re out Joe. That’s why. That was the moment that sealed it.
Can’t hide behind favorable media. Can’t hide behind “he’s always had a stutter!” Can’t hide behind having a bad night. Can’t hide behind needing to be in bed by 9pm.
A travesty.
-1 ( +11 / -12 )
Posted in: Dodgers, Cubs to open 2025 MLB season in Japan See in context
No thanks
Oh, c’mon TL! This would be your chance to soak in the Great American Pastime! Surely you’d enjoy that, no??
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: United Airlines plane returns to Japan airport for emergency landing See in context
You couldn’t pay me to get on a Boeing 737
No one is accusing you of being very bright, but why advertise it?
12 ( +15 / -3 )
Posted in: Nikkei ends above 40,000 as yen falls to new 37-year low against dollar See in context
Presently China and India are in talks to further bind their economic, military and political partnerships, mix mashing their trade capabilities to manipulate the global economy. Many African Nations have been significantly bought, purchased and politically managed by Chinese Intelligence and corporate agencies. Out right announcements of such an alliance can be coming in the near future.
Steven Kaszab
Bradford, Ontario
Are you trying to sell a book? That reads like a foreword to a geopolitical fantasy scenario.
First off, China and India could not be much less friendly. Nowhere near being allies. There have been multiple border skirmishes over the last several years with several Indian soldiers severely injured from Chinese buffoonery, and China continues its territorial bullying ad nauseum.
The chance of a Chinese Indian alliance is about on par with a Japanese-Chinese alliance. Its just not going to happen.
As far as Africa goes, it is one of the least cohesive, most infighting continents in the world right now. Light years from being any kind of cohesive force like the EU with anything approaching that level of cooperation. Many of the central, sub Saharan nations struggle with their own coups, revolts, and paramilitary juntas on a yearly basis, and that’s not even touching the horrendous social and economic situations of many of those nations, sadly. China will be on its own aside from a few meager puppet states as it attempts to bully the world for the foreseeable future. We’ll see how far that gets them.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Russia protests to Japan about joint exercises with NATO countries See in context
@OA To summarize your way of thinking invite a country to drop 2 nuclear bombs on 2 of your cities. Be occupied and lose sovereignty for 7 years (25 years for Okinawans). Add military bases for 70+ years and count yourself a big winner.
That mostly certainly is an interesting take on history, a take that pretty much only an USA citizen (military bonus points) could take.
Your point is kind of ridiculously silly considering….yes, in fact, it DID work out for Japan in the long run. One of the most stellar post WWII success stories on the planet; a relatively tiny island nation became one of if not THE global economic super powers in a matter of a few decades, with exceptionally high standards of living , thriving democracy (oops! Is that word censored by your handlers? Sorry!) and geopolitical peace and stability. Yes, it absolutely worked out for Japan. Unlike if they had fallen into the filth heap is Russia and China’s sphere of influence. Rats, you guys missed out.
Sadly nations like Germany had to wait a bit longer for the scourge of communism and totalitarianism to be vanquished before its true united potential could be shown, but boy it was a massive success story too
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: Yemen's Houthi rebels target ship in Gulf of Aden as Eisenhower aircraft carrier heads home See in context
Expected more of the Americans if not the allied support. They should have targeted every part of the Houthi command structure and left it in smouldering bits. Worrying that they don't have the satellite or ground intel to do a job like this. Japan needs to be worried too, as they are expecting the US military to protect them. Hopefully not from the Houthis. Or the Taliban. Message to Washington: You need a win soon as the CV is not looking good. What use are all those F35s and giant carriers if you keep losing to the third world
What are you even on about? What is this comic book worldview that this kind of operation wraps up in the time frame of a daytime drama?
The Houthis haven’t accomplished anything either, while actually taking sizable materiel losses, and putting out hilariously bad images of Vietnam war era ship damage to try sell the TokyoLiving types that they’ve accomplished something.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Chinese sailors wield sticks, axe in disputed sea clash with Philippines See in context
And "littoral " is a geography term, boyo, refers to a coastal area, not ships.
Perhaps you wouldn’t have to worry about so many down votes if you weren’t so objectively wrong and ignorant about so much you post?
8 ( +8 / -0 )
Posted in: Russian food shop in Ginza to close as war in Ukraine drags on See in context
Ever been there? I'd take Russian food over American any time. Note that I'm not talking about Putin or the Russian government or the "war," just the food.
But of course, because America “mean bad scary” according to the majority of your posts, so of course the food must also be sub par, despite your obvious lack of any first hand experience with much of anything.
As America is a nation of immigrants, there is precious little “ American food” , it’s various iterations of dishes handed down and modified over generations: Italian America cuisine , tex mex, Puerto Rican American, even Asian American dishes, and many more.
I do do love the buffoonish “bUT AmErICa MeAnS McDonAlds oNlY cuz thATS wUt I seE on THe TeLlY!” Nonsense that permeates a subset of posts on forums like these. At least they’re so kind as to broadcast their ignorance so as to remove any ambiguity.
-3 ( +6 / -9 )
Posted in: Canada faces national crisis of rising car thefts See in context
I lived for 2 years in London, Ontario about 6 years ago when doing some post grad work at Western.
Drove a decent shape Chevy Blazer I had owned for 10 years at that point. Great 4wd vehicle, perfect for the snow.
In the two years I lived there, it was stolen TWICE. Each time car locked, keys with me. Recovered a few days later in a McDonalds parking lot and and the second time in a mall parking lot.
Never had any other break ins or grand theft auto in the decade plus driving in the US.
It got to be such an issue my family bought me “The Club” for my birthday…
never had any other break ins after that but man I was ready to leave.
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: Alec and Hilaria Baldwin announce family reality series See in context
I can’t wait until they start filming!
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Hong Kong court convicts 14 pro-democracy activists in city's biggest national security case See in context
You miss the point. Britain has no standing to impose conditions in the first place. It is part of China and always has been.
You miss the point, unsurprisingly, as has been pointed out to you earlier, these are not “imposed conditions”, they were agreed upon and put to pen by the CCP itself.
I know it’s a constant struggle with the truth with the autocratic members on here, but while this double speak may work to fool your gullible and brainwashed societies, those of us who are allowed to ask questions and think for ourselves see through this charade. The attempts to try and rationalize the despotic actions of the wretched pariah mafia state you consistently defend though are cute, though. I’ll give you that.
7 ( +7 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan ranks 3rd among top world travel destinations after U.S., Spain: report See in context
Only win in Hollywood movies..
We can't stop whining..
Says the guy who whines about big mean America in every post he makes.
Again, remind us where Russia and China rank on there, please? Please?
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan ranks 3rd among top world travel destinations after U.S., Spain: report See in context
Good for Japan and Spain...
Great places to visit and cultures to learn..
Where are Russia and China on the list, if I may ask? Can you help?
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Protestors block New Caledonia roads as French police pour in See in context
All the votes in that occupied land have been rigged by the occupiers. There are many successful islands nations in the Pacific that don't need thieves from the other side of the world to run them.
The smoke blowing double standards from the 'Taiwan/Ukraine should be free' NATO crowd is astonishing.
What’s “astonishing” is that the forum Moscow mouthpiece has the temerity to talk about rigged elections and invasions without a hint of recognizing supreme, hilarious, delicious irony.
Don’t worry, perhaps they will find a way to silence all opposition …maybe with some Soviet era nerve toxins just…happening…to find their way onto the opposition when they’re out at the mall or some such. Or perhaps they will just happen to slip and fall from a high balcony. These things happen, comrade.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Families of Japanese abducted by N Korea call for U.S. support See in context
Asking help to good old US???...
A heartless country who hasn't friends, only interests..
Dude, go outside and get some air.
All of your posts come across like a jilted ex, or teenage girl with her first heartbreak. It’s so sad to watch. Like the USA broke up with you or something and ran off with your best friend, and now you’re left to spend your days stalking them on social media and crap posting on anything even remotely relating to them.
It’s ok… he just wasn’t that into you.
7 ( +8 / -1 )
Posted in: Weak yen boosts tourist wallets in Japan See in context
I've been, but only once thirty years ago.
And you feel that is still relevant…how?
We’ve been to Rome 3 times in the last 5 years…spent a total of 3 weeks in the city.
Theres nothing unique about the pricing; the scams and gouging that happen there happen in all major cities. Touristy places will rip you off for Chef Boy-Ar-Dee quality pasta, but a block away will be a place with some of the best pasta you ever have.
i dare say in this day and age, with ALLLL the resources available at everyone’s fingertips at all times, if you’re still getting ripped off places, that’s likely on you.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Detroit scores on a wild pitch to beat Texas See in context
You don't have to comment on every US story as much as you want to.
Everything US lives rent free in his brain. Never seen anyone so slavishly controlled by such an inferiority complex. Honestly feel bad for the guy, if he’s not a sock puppet Sino/Russo propaganda account, it’s sad anyone could be this miserable all the time.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Yes, efforts to eliminate DEI programs are rooted in racism See in context
Utter clown world.
If you’re opposed to the idea of judging someone whole or in part based on the color of their skin; you’re the racist.
If you believe people should be treated fairly and equally regardless of skin tone or melanin levels, you’re doing that because “racism”
If you believe it’s perfectly fine to discriminate against, say , Asian students or Hasidic Jews because they do well academically statistically speaking, you’re not racist because…reasons.
The whole goal of articles like this is to try and convince you the blatantly obvious not only isn’t true, but the exact opposite is. We’re at a point now where not only is what is obviously correct labeled as racist or discriminatory, but established words and principles and their definitions are now forbidden.
The good news is the world is waking up to this chicanery and nonsense, and what we’re seeing are the dying tantrums and last gasps of a failed ideology crumbling under the weight of its own idiocy
-2 ( +5 / -7 )
Posted in: Yen sinks to 153 range against dollar for 1st time in 34 years See in context
A Japanese friend of mine told me that 20 or so years ago she spent a week in Hawaii at a very nice hotel and paid only ¥70,000 including the flights. Nowadays that same sum would just about cover the surcharge
A week at a nice hotel in Hawaii with round trip tickets for $450?
No way that was 20 years ago..
0 ( +4 / -4 )
Posted in: Russia says U.S. military presence in Japan impedes any peace treaty with Tokyo See in context
Japan democracy is nothing like the US , a friend in need ,is a friend indeed,the LDP could not get elected dog catcher in the US,I am.not Anti Japanese,I am anti ignorance,I do not tolerate ignorance from an American,an especially from a foreigner
Why is that you incessantly claim to be American, yet you have by far the most indecipherably poor grasp of English of literally anyone on here?
10 ( +13 / -3 )
Posted in: U.S.-Japan Council chief urges more student exchanges for closer ties See in context
Many incidents of anti-Asian hate crimes. Japanese, if they can scrape up the needed coin, are now choosing Australia, Canada or even the UK as these nations are much safer.
Source: Trust me, bro.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Tokyo's controversial Yasukuni Shrine picks ex-admiral as chief priest See in context
If you want to condemn Japan for their invasion, then you need to condemn America and Canada for stripping Japanese people of their land, their belongings and jobs and locking them up in camps for the duration of the war while they were living as peaceful citizens and had no involvement in the attacks
Just stop.
The terrible unconstitutionality of what happened to Japanese Americans is a terrible shame, but to try and put that into the same context as even a FRACTION of the despicable acts by the IJA and IJN during that war is just laughable whataboutism.
Are people really this daft?
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: U.S. envoy urges Kosovo and Serbia to make tough decisions to restart talks on normalizing ties See in context
The US cannot accept that the Kosovo precedent can be applied elsewhere. They pretend it is their unique privilege and monopoly to do this to countries. It's a unipolar mindset rooted in the past.
Ah yes.
Nothing like some comedic gold posts from our favorite Russian stooge.
Much better to just invade peaceful neighbors, blatantly try and annex land like it’s 1939, and then use some good old fashioned 1960s Cold War tactics to promptly get tens of thousands of your troops butchered and become the laughingstock of the world all while revealing your corrupt mafia state cannot be trusted further than it can be thrown.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: MLB sees slowly improving diversity in its youth pipeline, despite record-low Black major leaguers See in context
One has to wonder why this recrimination and pearl clutching ever only seems to go one way over one group.
Why are there not similar articles hand-wringing over the lack of Hispanic players in the NHL? Why so few East Asians in the NFL?? Why not more peoples of middle eastern descent in NASCAR?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. urges Japan, other allies to tighten China's access to chip technology, Bloomberg reports See in context
Why should countries have dysfunctional neighbors? This is not clear to me. It’s better when your neighbors are prosperous and wealthy. If your neighbor is not prosperous or under sanctions, he will not become better for you. It is a utopia to think that limiting the development of another country will be good for you. result. On the contrary, the more you impose restrictions on countries, the more angry your neighbor is with you. Why this is not clear to anyone.
This is one of the most laughably naive things I’ve ever read on this site.
That mindset only works if the nation in question has the same basic respect and intentions as the other nations with which it interacts. If your state routinely bullies and intimidates its neighbors, saber rattles endlessly about invading and annexing its neighbor, has one of the most appalling human rights abuse track records in the developed world, and is operating a fully state funded and sanctioned industrial espionage program more extensive than anything seen in history…
Yeah, in that case, giving them the ammunition with which to shoot you in the back of the head after stealing all of your trade secrets seems like kiiiiind of a silly and naive proposal, don’t you think?
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Sweden officially joins NATO, ending decades of post-World War II neutrality See in context
You'd think Sweden has never attacked or invaded Russia before by some of the comments here.
Try reading a history book for once!
Watching JJE flounder on topics like these is always worth the price of admission, as if Russia didn’t do a good enough job on its own completely OBLITERATING any sense of respect, trust, or good-will on its own, its dispatched stooges on the internet for their best to finish it off as painfully as possible.
Yes, because Charles XII’s war 300+ years ago, is certainly relevant to today’s geopolitical arena, for sure. By that logic, no one should speak with Italy because 2,000 years ago they were at war with and controlled the continent. Or how Napoleon and France? Heck why not Germany and Japan?
There’s making bad analogies because you know your side is irredeemably reviled, and then there’s making bad analogies because … just suck at making good ones.
10 ( +13 / -3 )
Posted in: Gonoi attends White House ceremony for women of courage award See in context
Good old U.S. masquerading as champions of freedom with these awards look very hypocritical and ridiculous..
As ridiculous and hypocritical as your posts?
2 ( +7 / -5 )
Posted in: S Korea's Yoon calls for unification, on holiday marking 1919 uprising against colonial Japan See in context
The more SK and NK fight each other, the more good old US rub its cold bony hands in excitement hiding in a dark corner..
How empty and sad must your life be to always blame the big meanie USA for the schism between the koreas, and not the despotic, murderous tyrant who keeps his people in some of the most abject poverty and despicable conditions on the planet, where attempting to leave or even contact the outside world will get you and your family killed.
But no, must be the US’s fault because TokyoLiving has a complex…
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Record number of online casino users detected by Japan police in 2024
Ant trump will send a bill to Japan to pay for this uptake.
Posted in: U.S. Space Force to beef up Japan unit amid growing threat in region
Posted in: Record number of online casino users detected by Japan police in 2024
Why should I pay for the train, hotel and entry ticket there? Sorry, but if I should ever feel the…
Posted in: Osaka Expo preparations hit home stretch with 2 months left until opening