Japan Today

Hoola_Hoop_A_Cheerio comments

Posted in: Would you support legalizing marijuana use? If so, why? If not, why not? See in context

Marijuana is illegal for one reason and one reason only: It can't be effectively controlled. Because it can't be effectively controlled the government can't effectively tax it.

The end.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Lonely or in need of female assistance? Try a rental friend See in context

This is no worse than a "cuddle cafe."

And Japan's policymakers wonder why their country in is demographic decline.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: While ‘hafu’ is a familiar word in Japan, they are still a minority in the Japanese society. I want viewers to feel the diverse aspects of ‘hafus’ in the film and deepen their understanding of them. See in context


Both producers of the film stated that they have never truly been discriminated against while growing up in Japan. Simply, they are trying to raise awareness about a raising demographic and what it means to be half growing up in Japan.

Likely, the end game is more about changing Japanese citizenship laws allowing for dual citizenship past the age of 22.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Obama summons leaders for debt ceiling crisis talks See in context

Clearly you missed my point.

But I like how you googled a synonym for absurd to add to your farcical post.

Blaming 40 individuals for the failings of an entire government is absurd. I don't care how many $500 words you google.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Abe pledges to bolster economy, defense in Diet policy speech See in context

He didn't say he would bolster security BY participating in international peacekeeping efforts. He said he would bolster security AND participate in international peacekeeping.

Letting your biases interfere with your comprehension skills, homeslice.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Posted in: Obama summons leaders for debt ceiling crisis talks See in context

My intention to post the book above is that we have to admit the US democracy is in trouble due to a fact that these 40 Tea Party members are taking a whole country as hostage. It looks very silly to the world. Hope they are not tanking a global economy along with the US.

Blaming the debt crisis and government shutdown on 40 Tea Party members is absurd. How many seats are in congress, bro? Takes a majority to pass spending bills. Takes a president to sign them. Tea party has neither.

POLITICIANS and LOBBYISTS are to blame. Not Republicans or democrats. ALL OF THEM!!

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan to pay $3.1 bil to relocate U.S. Marines from Okinawa See in context

And the vast majority of US servicemen don't go much further than the "happy ending" massage parlours outside Gate 2 at Kadena. And if those places lose money when the marines leave, not a lot of people will be crying.

Absurd. The "vast majority"? Propagandize much?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: BOJ says Japan's economy recovering moderately See in context

There, there, Jean. Again with the unwarranted negativity? How can you possibly predict that crash of the yen and the Japanese economy. This isn't something I would wish for. If that were to happen, which is very unlikely for reasons you obviously can't fathom, the whole global economy is coming down with it. Whatever money you have--dollars, yens, yuan, or trinkets--will be worthless. When that happens it will be survival of the fittest. You prepared you defend you and yours from the onslaught of rabid takers?

Japan is fine. Spend some loot on a six-pack. Contribute a bit for the benefit your psyche and the economy.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Posted in: Japan's military seeks big boost in defense budget See in context

1) Can the F-35B make a vertical takeoff with a full combat load? Negative.

2). Recent test flights have shown the F-35 to be virtually useless in air to air combat.

3). Japan does not have it

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan's military seeks big boost in defense budget See in context

If there are going to be a war between China and Japan/USA, we all will have a nuclear winter, it will not be a conventional warfare, it will be a nuke war and at the end nothing matter anymore.

Whether you agree China is a threat is irrevelant. Japan views it as such. Thus they are taking measures to protect themselves if need be. China is doing the same because their historical sense of victimhood makes them paranoid. They are building their capabilities as well. In fact, China made the first moves in that regard.

I am of the opinion that any conflict between the US and China is unlikely BEAUSE both possess nuclear weapons. Mutual assured destruction is enough to keep tensions from boiling over.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan's military seeks big boost in defense budget See in context

The Izumo can't handle the F-35B in its current state. It would have to be significantly revamped to be able to accommodate it. Not to mention Japan does not possess, nor have the ordered, the F-38B.

China is a threat and Japan is certainly making moves to hedge against it. But all this speculation about the Izumo being transformed into a light carrier overnight is nonsense.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Posted in: Syria warns U.S. not to intervene militarily See in context

It's unclear, yet you state your opinion as fact. Contradict much?

I put more faith in a biased media than anything that comes from Assad or Putin. That much is certain.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Syria warns U.S. not to intervene militarily See in context

As for who used chemweap, Qui Bono? Not Assad.

How do you know who used chemical weapons so definitively? By all media accounts from within Syria it is the Assad regime that has used chemical weapons. Where do you come up with this stuff? And what difference does it make who used them? Regardless of the perpetrator, its a vile and disgusting thing. Why are you so hell bent on defending the Assad regime? A regime well known for decades of violence and oppression. Putin got in your pocket too?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan turns up pressure on pro-Pyongyang schools See in context


If they prefer to be Korean, go to Korea.

Is that better?

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Posted in: Japan turns up pressure on pro-Pyongyang schools See in context

Has anyone ever heard of Mun Segwang?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Syria warns U.S. not to intervene militarily See in context

I wasn't in Nam, bro. 4 tours between Iraq and Afghanistan.

And I agree with you about veterans becoming activists.

I just don't agree with your comments about McCain and Hagel. Both served with distinction and honor. Despite their politics, I have mad respect for each.

The US hasn't done anything in Syria, which is my whole point and we probably won't. Further, I never said we should. I could care less that a bunch of American-hating A-rabs want to destroy and kill each other. Have at it.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: U.S. military ready to act over Syria chemical claims: Hagel See in context

Both sides have used them. But, since Russia confirmed that only the rebels have used chemical weapons, well then it must be true. What a fool I must be not taking Russia's word at face value.

And where do you think all these chemical weapons came from? Could it be Iraq? Is it not possible Saddam dumped all his goodies in Syria before the 2003 invasion? He certainly had enough warning to get rid of all the evidence.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Syria warns U.S. not to intervene militarily See in context

If you were in Nam, then you would know that both McCain and Hagel were there as well, now wouldn't you? Makes me curious why you would make such a comment directed towards your fellow brothers in arms. And I could care less what a pity hungry blowhard like Ron Kovic has to say. Just my opinion.

As a combat veteran, I would never make such a claim towards those who served along with me.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: Syria warns U.S. not to intervene militarily See in context

That is a very interesting point you bring up about the whole UK pitting the various ethnic tribes together and in particular the Sunni and Shiite

This is not secret. Especially in Iraq. The divide and conquer strategy was a calculated strategic move on the part of the Brits. They did the same thing in India. Age old strategy, really. Nothing new or groundbreaking.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Posted in: U.S. military ready to act over Syria chemical claims: Hagel See in context

Assad is winning this conflict, he is beating the crap out of these foreign mercenaries. All he has to do is continue what he's been doing.

Did I dispute this? I am simply saying that has already been proven that Assad has used chemical weapons. You are somehow implicating the US which has done anything in Syria so far. They are not causing the violence, they are not fomenting it. And they certainly are not conjuring up lies about chemical weapons. The rumors of chemical weapons is coming from media inside of Syria, not the US government. Get your facts straight.

But, Ok. Assad is stomping a bunch of poorly trained, poorly funded, poorly armed, disorganized rabble that. It's really not even a fair fight, now is it? Congrats to him.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Syria warns U.S. not to intervene militarily See in context

Let McCain and Hagel carry their own pack and rifle if they want to play soldier.

I'm not fan of either, but both of them have served in the military and both served in combat. McCain was a POW in Vietnam. I'm sure they both know full well the horrors of war. They lived it. You haven't.

You're still not addressing Russia's role in all this. Why are you blaming the US? The haven't fired a single shot in Syria.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan turns up pressure on pro-Pyongyang schools See in context

Makes no sense to me. If they don't like Japan or Japanese culture and so desperately want to live the life of a N. Korean, then go to N. Korea. They need workers, I'm sure they would be welcomed with open arms.

Oh wait, then these zainichi would no longer have any freedom to do and say as they please. Hypocrites. They whole stinkin' lot of em.

13 ( +28 / -15 )

Posted in: Syria warns U.S. not to intervene militarily See in context

But I will take Bertie Wooster's side in this because you know American war profiteers are chomping at the bit yet again.

The American defense industry aren't the only ones that will profit. And you know it. Focusing solely on America's response is a straw man argument. There are several actors involved here.

As far as the UN: They have done nothing and they will continue to do nothing. Why? Because Russia won't allow it. And why won't Russia allow it? Because they are PROFITING from the conflict.

So, it's ok for Russia to continue to incite violence and profit, then veto any possibility of UN action to stop it? Yet somehow is the US wants to intervene without a UN resolution, its morally wrong because the American defense industry wants to profit? Where is all the outrage directed towards Russia, China, and Iran? They are the primary reason this has gone on so long.

This is getting quite ridiculous.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: U.S. military ready to act over Syria chemical claims: Hagel See in context


To answer your initial question:

Why would Syria's Assad invite United Nations chemical weapons inspectors to Syria, then right after they arrive launch a chemical weapons attack against women and children, just miles from where they are staying?

So when there is evidence of a chemical attack, which there is, the Assad regime can then turn the tables and blame the attack on the Rebels, which is what they are doing.

The use of chemical weapons isn't a lie conjured up by the US. There is evidence of several chemical attack dating back to last year. Get a grip.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Syria warns U.S. not to intervene militarily See in context

Why all this debate about American military action in Syria? Have they specifically stated they will do so? No. In fact, Obama, being the chump he is, is saying that any military action will be in accordance to UN mandate and international law. And why is he saying this? Because he knows full well that that Putin will veto any such mandate in the UNSC. When such a mandate does get vetoed, Obama can say, "We tried, but Russia vetoed it. It's out my hands." Thus absolving him any further responsibility. Obama lets Putin walk all over him on a regular basis. And Putin knows it, so he will continue to do it. Obama is a weakingly. There is no need for any further debate. America will do nothing. As, in my opinion, they should.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: Tokyo's Shinjuku to ban street solicitation from September See in context

Maybe no financial penalty, but I'm willing to be they will be check the visa status of all the foreigners they catch do solicitations.

Which is probably more to the point.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Bradley Manning says he wants to live as a woman named Chelsea See in context


I wouldn't take this article at face value. Manning was being ostracized by his peers for being openly gay and flaunting his gender identity issues. He acted out violently, was pending discharged, got pissed because he felt he wasn't being treated fairly, then lashed out. End of story.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Bradley Manning says he wants to live as a woman named Chelsea See in context

He was a woman scorned. Literally. Read his background and the events that lead up to him leaking the information. Information, which in the grand scheme of things, wasn't really all that groundbreaking.

He didn't "sacrifice" himself, as you suggest. I think we already covered that. He was turned in by someone else. That is the opposite of sacrificing oneself.

Cheers, bro. Enjoy the brew.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Bradley Manning says he wants to live as a woman named Chelsea See in context

He leaked information anonymously. He was turned in to the FBI by someone he was having an Internet chat with. People seem to overlook this crucial bit of info.

If he was a true hero, he wouldn't have hid behind anonymous chats and a plethora of aliases. Point is, he didn't want to get caught.


3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Apple's grip on China tablet market loosens See in context


Service and reliability have a lot to do with it. Get what you pay for.

As for the decrease in sales....China's penchant for pirating technology then selling it at a fraction of the cost isn't a factor? Really?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

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