Posted in: Iraq car bombing kills 32 north of Baghdad See in context
Sorry WilliB, I don't really know what point you're trying to make. All I was trying to point out was that Sarge said that it was "interesting" and it wasn't. It was a few minutes of the guy stating the obvious, and using it as a reason to continue the occupation. He may as well said "The sky is blue and ping-pong balls are round. Therefore we can't leave the Iraqis in a lurch here."
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Posted in: Iraq car bombing kills 32 north of Baghdad See in context
WiilliB Did you check out the video. The guy was talking about how the Iraqis just want to be able to raise their kids, make a living, and live in safety. I would assume that's what all Iraqis want...along with every other person on the planet. Hardly a novel idea.
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Posted in: Iraq car bombing kills 32 north of Baghdad See in context
Yes Sarge. That was interesting to watch a guy talk about all the things the Iraqis want (all of which could be achieved if that guy and his like went home!). Another brainwashed idiot on original.
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Posted in: Palin says she's ready to step in as president See in context
The sky is plaid. Water is dry. Sugar is sour. Palin did well in that interview.
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Posted in: Iraq car bombing kills 32 north of Baghdad See in context
BTW We've now been involved in this war for about two years longer than we were involved in WW2. That's right, our grandparents defeated the Germans and the Japanese in less time than our generation could suppress insurection in a country the size of California.
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Posted in: Palin says she's ready to step in as president See in context
Taka is on to something. I've often thought that some of these diehard conservatives must sit around all day chanting some mantra. It's the only way you could buy into that mindless bulls...
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Posted in: Obama accuses McCain of lies, phony outrage over 'pig with lipstick' remark See in context
Obama is sexist and racist now? Keep slinging. Maybe there are enough scared people who aren't concerned with facts to actually let baseless accusations influence their votes. I'm sure the traitor Republican party is hoping so.
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Posted in: McCain takes on Bush, GOP along with Obama See in context
gooddonkey - great post!
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Posted in: Palin mocks Obama as McCain claims nomination See in context
I am so sick of the "something is going to come out soon about Obama" posts. What? Do you guys have a private line to the McCain campaign? You know something that the rest of the world doesn't? If you think you have some inside dope on the candidate, just say it. It's almost as absurd as McCain saying that he "knows how to catch Bin Laden". If you know how Johnny, why don't you tell the rest of us so we can get the guy who attacked us instead of your proposed 100 more years in Iraq?
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Posted in: Bush to pull 8,000 U.S. troops from Iraq See in context
McNeoCon-"when President Bush hands over the reigns to Mr McCain in november we'll see Iran being liberated next" What exactly do you think liberated means? I do not think that it means what you think that it means.
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Posted in: McCain warns Washington big shake-up is coming See in context
ColAmerica - I can't tell if you are making some farcical joke or just insane."Dissent will not be tolerated..." Sounds familiar. Don't know who said it but I could swear it was someone scary. Yeah, that's American values all right. We don't tolerate dissent. Democracy ROCKS! Sarge - I assume you were joking since you tagged it with "Hee hee" but the funny thing is....yeah sadly, there's nothing really funny about that.
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Posted in: McCain warns Washington big shake-up is coming See in context
It just didn't make any sense. McCain claims to support the troops, but when a veteran protester held a sign claiming that McCain votes against the interests of the troops, he was dismissive and called the guy "ground noise and static". He didn't refute the claims. He just encouraged the crowd to ignore the guy. To which, the crowd responded by chanting "USA,USA". How is demeaning and insulting a veteran with legitimate concerns about McCain's voting record patriotic?
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Posted in: Palin says Democrats spreading misinformation and lies See in context
It didn't matter who McCain picked. The die-hard Republicans would have supported anyone. Too many people treat politics as sport. They have some strange need to support their political party even though they can't put forth a decent candidate. You're not Cubs fans people. Wake up.
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Posted in: McCain says Palin's background was thoroughly checked See in context
Anti-choicers keep bringing up the "Oh, I guess the liberals would have her abort her baby just because it had Down syndrome?!" What I haven't heard anyone say is that it's somewhat irresponsible to have kids at 40-something years old. The risks are exponentially greater, especially for defects like Down syndrome. Maybe she should have shown some of that world class judgment and used birth control (oh, I forgot. God says that's bad)... should have had her husband snipped after 4 kids. Does Jesus hate vasectomies?
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Posted in: Palin mocks Obama as McCain claims nomination See in context
I guess reality doesn't fit into the conservative perspective. Are you saying that it's not true? Unfounded stories har har hum...Yeah, I guess if you say it's not true, it didn't happen. The blatant idiocy of some people is what gets my "knickers in a twist".
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Posted in: GOP convention opens amid talk of Palin's unmarried daughter being pregnant See in context
So, if Palin gets elected, is she going to have McCain pardon all the 18/19-year-olds in American jails and prisons for having sex with their 16/17 year old girlfriends?
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Posted in: Palin mocks Obama as McCain claims nomination See in context
Palin's pastor is a total lunatic. Her husband is a member of the Alaska Independence party (they want to split from America. She spoke at their convention). She supports abstinence-only sex education (and she is "proud" of her pregnant teenage daughter). She is currently being investigated for abusing her power (She fired some state police official because he refused to fire her ex-brother-in-law). She's got tax trouble. The list is sure to grow as time goes on. This is it? This is the person second-most qualified to be the president? Did McCain get into some of that meth that fuels a shocking portion of Alaska's population? Seems so.
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Posted in: Obama picks Biden for running mate See in context
"we all know his choice will be style over substance, such a shallow man." Excuse me!? Joe Biden is "style over substance"? You obviously know nothing about the man or his experience. The guy has been on the national political stage since the 70s. Sorry AlliedForces but your post has neither style nor substance.
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Taiwan Semi is partnering with Intel to make more chips in America.
Posted in: Trump keeps tariffs drumbeat going, with autos targeted next
Posted in: Japan foreign minister stresses G7 unity toward peace in Ukraine
Posted in: Germany's Scholz rebukes Vance; defends Europe's stance on hate speech and far right
Posted in: Europe will not be part of Ukraine peace talks, U.S. envoy says