Posted in: Traveling in Japan? Fill your suitcase with these six healthy food souvenirs See in context
Yes good suggestions but - each time you reach immigration and customs in your country you are asked, " do you have anything to declare?" Yes must be the answer but if you qualify it with the comment, " only processed Japanese food " the customs may just wave you through. If there is no wave then you go through the inspection and delays. Just be aware that yusu, raw , is a no-no and not declared will bring a heavy serious officialism down on you.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: International-hit candy Hi-Chew adds English to in-Japan logo, makes it bigger than the Japanese See in context
With or without sugar?
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Tokyo fish market opens seafood restaurants, spa complex to attract more visitors See in context
In a recent visit I found Toyosu to be unimaginative, tiring and prices way, way too expensive. Better value and at least comparable in quality even in Tokyo centre. Not worth the trip for eating.
7 ( +7 / -0 )
Posted in: Former Tokyo Olympic official says he's not guilty of taking bribes See in context
Not bribes but consulting fees upon which he paid taxes? Any evidence of that?
7 ( +8 / -1 )
Posted in: Publishing exec gets suspended sentence over Tokyo Olympics bribery See in context
An interesting collection of comments today. Perhaps there are a number of other considerations resulting from the conviction. There are a further 15 people to be tried on similar crimes and in connection with this activity. Has this established a precedent for the future trials - perhaps that was intended; why did the prosecution decide on this individual first? Doubtlessly the funds paid were company funds and paid with their connivance and permission. The company trial and penalty? The company on the face of it will not dismiss, I would think, an executive who got caught doing the company business. On probation for four years unless he is convicted of another offence; not just if he performs another crime. How many years does it take to reach finality with a conviction? I suppose he will be careful and let some other executive take the rap for offensive activity in the future.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump charged over efforts to overturn 2020 election See in context
And the co-conspirators will desperately seek to do plea deals, offering more evidence to the prosecutors.
5 ( +8 / -3 )
Posted in: Singapore resumes free tours for transit and transfer passengers See in context
Will this service be available to day stop cruise ship passengers?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Couple in their 80s, 49-year-old son perish in house fire See in context
Rodney, if your house is a large two storied wooden structure, like the house destroyed, if fire takes hold such doors will have little saving effect. Where I live smoke alarms are prescribed and must be connected to the power in case you and, you too Rodney, fail to keep batteries up to date. What does your insurance company say ( in premiums levied ) to a house where an owner is fastidious about the fire risk. Probably absolutely nothing.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Action-packed start to Sydney to Hobart race See in context
Thanks garymalmgren. Missed most of this today as I was busy watching the cricket.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Croatia reach World Cup quarterfinals with penalty shoot-out victory over Japan See in context
For those above who decry penalties - I think the comments by one commentator should settle the matter where he said, or words to the effect, " well that's one game on the field which is finished. No one won. Let's play a different game - lets see who can kick the most goals in penalties". I have never heard it said that this gives an unfair result; a result from the application of soccer skills.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan births at new low as population shrinks and ages See in context
I have just spent 15 minutes reading of the problems being faced by the Japanese according to the writers, who mostly it seems are Japanese or permanent residents. The complaints, all, should be directed against the politicians and the economists appointed by them. According to all press reports and my previous years of experience in Japan ( not there now ) the government party, as all previous governments, are not at all popular - unsatisfactory to the extent of 64% (? ) of the population. And yet time after time just something like 30% of all eligible voters actually vote and even among those persons their selection of a candidate is forced upon them.
Until voters turn out and throw out those they know cannot efficiently govern the crises enumerated will continue. How to fix the issues can be forgotten until on next voting day each community stirs themselves enough to go to the voting booth.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Emergency drill 'assailant' on Japanese train goes viral for being too good at the job See in context
Thanks Capuchin, instructive.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Over 100,000 foreign visitors came to Japan in July for 4th month in row See in context
Monty, thanks for the info. What is the time length of the visa?
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: How Ukraine has defended itself against cyberattacks – lessons for U.S. See in context
A good news lesson.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan rules out withdrawal from joint Russia gas project See in context
The project is a very substantial one and to say that Japan, emphatically, must quit itself of it's interests ignores the effects and consequences of doing so. Shell can sell it's interest in the project ( subject to any shareholding agreements ) yet it appears that Shell Eastern Trading has the right to most of the produce at least for the next few years and therefore capable of continuing to earn profits. But we don't know really how the legalities and agreements affect the parties when one wishes to quit or seek changes. This is a most complicated and historical enterprise. Please be aware that Japan has some significant financial risks in this venture, apart from the loss of supplies which are covered by sale agreements and these are highlighted by Wikipedia - Sakhalin - 11 and quoted as " In June 2008 Sakhalin Energy signed Russia's largest project finance deal, securing a loan of US$5.3 billion from the Japan Bank for International Cooperation and a consortium of international banks. Japan Bank for International Cooperation provided $3.7 billion of the funds.[22][23]
In October 2009 Sakhalin Energy secured an additional $1.4 billion in project financing, bringing the total Phase 2 project financing up to $6.7 billion. The additional debt was provided by a consortium of international commercial banks and insured by Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI), an Export Credit Agency owned by the Japanese government." As to whether this UpToDate news ( and Wikipedia doesn't do a bad job in this field ) is unknown but look and see that nothing in this Sakhalin episode is simple.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: 'Fortress Australia' re-opens after two-year COVID closure See in context
To Eastman and others. My wife returns in a few days from Japan to Australia and I have sought and received assurances that - if the international arriving traveller has received a negative test prior to departure and is fully vaccinated the only requirement is to return directly to accommodation, or home, take a RAT test ( rapid antigen test ) and isolate until result of test is negative ( 15 minutes ). This so for Eastern States, Qld NSW and VIC. Western Australia and South Australia and Tasmania may have more onerous obligations. No sweat!
9 ( +13 / -4 )
Posted in: Email spam exhibition held online by Japanese telecom giant See in context
"All you have to do is send an email to the address below with your full name, credit card number, and PIN."'
Am I missing something here? Hope there is more about security which is not evident from the article and not having read the Twitter material. The scam often starts this way, as you know, by the giving of vital information not subject to security. Would you provide number and pin as described? Sorry but I must be missing something. Please tell me if so?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan to ease quarantine rule to 3 days for business travelers See in context
To follow all the preceding comments, without anything new, I agree with the tones, My wife, Japanese citizen, returns to from Australia to visit her family in a few weeks and is after a long absence looking forward to that. She has made all the 10-14 day hotel accommodation arrangements. She has been fully vaccinated. The news of new standards is met with hostility. My wife's regret is that probably no one in Kazumigaseki will read this and not wake up to reality.
0 ( +4 / -4 )
Posted in: Djokovic adopts wait-and-see attitude to Australian Open See in context
The real point of this difference is that Djokovic even refuses to indicate whether or not he has been inoculated as that "is a private affair".
6 ( +7 / -1 )
Posted in: U.S. college student learns the hard way to get your Japanese kanji tattoo checked by an expert See in context
Come on folk - help the lady. There are a few alternatives to adding two extra tattoos. For example 正邪 right and wrong, 邪恋 illicit love, 風邪 a cold. Just one more kanji might fit. I would like to see a few more- give a hand here.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Kabul airport attack kills 60 Afghans, 13 U.S. troops See in context
It was reported a day or two ago that Japan was sending (an) aircraft to Kabul to recover Japanese citizens. Other nations apart from USA and UK have now withdrawn their aircraft from Kabul. What is the news of Japan's intended effort?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Passenger killed after minivan fell into river may have been part of insurance fraud plan See in context
Conspiracy to commit fraud, even if not undertaken, is a crime
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 158 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 629 See in context
Could someone ( Aly R ? ) give me a brief rundown on the testing system in Japan. After many years in Japan I am out now, in Australia.
Persons with no symptons, with symptoms, where to get a test ?, free or not ? Differ by city and/or prefecture?
You may be aware our State governments plead with residents to get tested, free, so that the results are a fair indication of the virus in the community.
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan sends three vessels to South China Sea in anti-submarine exercise See in context
Very important drills in view of the significant part that submarines will lay in any future conflicts. But for these drills one needs a submarine(s). Did any other country, presumably including Japan, also seeking exercises and drills provide that?
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Australians cautiously return to bars, cafes See in context
For Magnet - "Active cases is a calculation based on total cases excluding persons recovered and lives lost, it does not mean that these cases are infectious. 417" not 1000. Please don't guess - fake news.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Nearly 600,000 Australians lose jobs as virus lockdown bites See in context
The report above is perhaps not clear in it's description of the benefits being paid
. In part, "business" employees who have been stood down or dismissed as result of the convid virus effect on business receive $1550 per fortnight from the business, funded by a payment from the government. The object is to keep employees associated with their employer so that when conditions improve business staff will already on the books and available to work. Other persons, eg those not associated with a business and/or not employed receive a benefit, as a jobseeker payment, of $1115 per fortnight and a little more if there are dependants. Of course other social services are also available. The object of the government, as I hear it, is that all unemployed will receive some benefit during this difficult period.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan to revise criteria on symptoms for being tested for virus See in context
For comparison, up to date figures, 6th May 2020, Australia - tests 722549 deaths 97 cases positive 6896 recovered 6035. Population 25,000,000. In some states now anyone can ask and receive a test.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Oil-hungry Asian nations pounce on low prices to build stockpiles See in context
It has been recently reported Australia increased it's reserves through a purchase of a quite limited quantity of "oil' from the USA, such oil remaining in the USA. This was said to be taking advantage of the cheap prices at the moment. First, I am not an oil expert and I hope that we can have another comment from someone who knows more but --. Oil, hydrocarbons, crude and refined, do degrade, I'm told, particularly refined oils. Stored oils should be either sold and used or care and attention given to maintain their quality, A costly business including the facilities, tanks, land and necessary expensive apparatus. Australia says its storage facilities are filled now so until new facilities become available overseas "facilities" must be used to have the secure reserves. That admittedly not the best situation . However gogogo's statement is a simplistic view, in my opinion. Australia would not buy it's oil and put it in tanks. Australia has probably acquired an allotment of oil, a specified volume, not a specific tank of oil, and subject to conditions, from the USA stockpile reserves for a price. A good deal (?) for the USA and subject to those conditions no rents or carrying costs.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: MUFG Bank to end over-the-counter int'l cash transfers to combat crime See in context
From years spent in Japan, now in Australia, I still have and enjoy the uses of an account with Sumitomo Mitsui. I regularly send money, in Yen, to my account ( for holidays etc ) and to family. I always use Transferwise. The costs and exchange rate are very fair, indeed cheap, and arrive in Japan on the next day. The remittance to my account goes in romanji and to family, in kana. Never a query from the two Japanese banks who collect the funds.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Rosetta Stone increases focus on Asia See in context
As for "better ways" - what's the best Kanji dictionary for IPad?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Austria says stabbing attack suspect swore allegiance to Islamic State
Well kid, welcome to the adult world. Great for the sister who called the police.
Posted in: 14-year-old girl arrested for assaulting mother over smartphone use
Posted in: China's 2024 coal projects threaten climate goals: report
Posted in: Austria says stabbing attack suspect swore allegiance to Islamic State