Japan Today

Hutchy comments

Posted in: After 5 years of negotiations, TPP talks near deal See in context

Here in Canada we are just a few weeks away from a federal election and this issue has just popped up. I would say that generally the average citizen doesn't know a thing about it. The current government is promoting it as "additional consumers for Canadian resources". There are a lot of questions about the deal and if it gains some steam this could become an election issue.

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Posted in: Japan aim to prove win over Springboks was no fluke See in context

Great game against the Boks and now its Scotland. Go Japan Go !

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Posted in: Japan rugby coach relishing World Cup clash against Springboks See in context

Congratulations Japan, you worked hard and what action!

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Posted in: 7 decades after WWII, many praise Germany, scorn Japan See in context

As a young Canadian, the history lessons we were taught certainly demonized Germany a lot more than Japan. The war was Hitler's fault and the Nazis were lunatics. Japan was presented as a tough and challenging opponent. Today and certainly starting in the 80's we regarded Japan as an exotic location, full of colour and excitement. The top consumer brands of high quality were Japanese and we looked for the Made in Japan sticker. Germany on the other hand always seemed too foreign, scary, cold and grey.

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