Posted in: Japan, France unveil new road map to boost defense, economic security See in context
France government sometimes appear to support with China when it comes to the economy. But in the area of security in the Indo-pacific region, both of the countries have to make a strong tie to protect the region.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan cracking down on illegal taxis as tourism boom drives demand See in context
Transport ministry officials handed out hundreds of fliers stating "Beware! Unlicensed taxis are illegal and unsafe!" in English and Chinese to arriving
It’s not necessary state such as thing, but just to warn it in Chinese
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: China's inflation data show economy in doldrums despite a slight improvement in trade See in context
in terms of China , any statistics data is suspicious.
the most importance for democratic countries is not monitoring statistics data in China but continuing pressure by foreign companies withdraw that could lead to china becomes lack of money
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Large typhoon to approach southern Japan through Wednesday See in context
This typhoon may change its direction to western part of Japan which is Kyushu region next week and could cause damage again.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Crisis-hit Sri Lanka invites Japan to resume investment See in context
Sri Lanka must have deeply sensed China’s attempt for the past decade. At that point was good for Japan to resume to help and be involved with this country.
But at the same time, we have to monitor the foreign minister,Hayashi. Who is the man on the photo
He is a super pro-Chinese.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan to see price hikes on 35,000 food, drink items by end of 2023 See in context
As GDP in Japan has been almost not rising for the past 20 years, GDP per capita was left behind by South Korea last year , Taiwan
So I wish this price hike make the trigger to Japan economic growth
In order to make it happen, I want Japanese government to urge mid-small business to rise wage
This is very very hard, though
6 ( +16 / -10 )
Posted in: Japan seeks experts' dialogue with China on Fukushima water release See in context
It’s really strange. Because IAEA has already had a proof that the treated water is within the standard value.
How come Japan have to dispatch “experts” to China ?
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: China begins blanket radiation testing on seafood imports from Japan See in context
The demand of Japanese seafood won’t change in other countries and Japan.
At that point , people may be able to easily get more Japanese seafood.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Hong Kong's seafood businesses brace for sales slump as Japan plans to discharge wastewater See in context
It's so pity that HK residents would eat fewer seafoods or stop eating them.
This is because of something media, like HK or China government control.
Japan has made an so much effort and urged EU and IAEA to explain the safety of treated water scientifically and logically.
But only South Korea and China try to disgrace Japan
8 ( +22 / -14 )
Posted in: Fukushima nuclear plant prepares to release diluted radioactive water into sea See in context
It is pity that some coutures take such actions without scientific and logical perspective
But in return, it reached the agreement between Japan and EU yesterday. Which is EU lifted import restrictions from Japan since Fukushima’s nuclear accident.
It means it tune to be no need to take inspections of radioactivity for food trading
This is because Japanese government’s effort to urged EU to prove safety and EU understood it scientifically and logically.
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan space agency rocket explodes during engine test See in context
Recent failure of JAXA might be result in the Japan government (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan) having not willing to invest for science for decades
I suppose Japan should invest more for Space technologies to be able to compete with other countries.
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: Japan, NATO interests increasingly align but ties still just symbolic See in context
It would become more strong er relations with European democratic countries.
However Japanese and Japanese government would be concerned about Japan’s self-defence forces will have to join in wars in return
Which means democratic countries help each other and be sacrificed for each other
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: S Korean opposition lawmakers want more experts to review Fukushima discharge plan See in context
South Korea also discharged as twice as Fukushima’s “wastewater”.
the main purpose is the same as china that is they want to disgrace Japan.
8 ( +8 / -0 )
Posted in: Hong Kong will ban more products from Japan if treated wastewater is discharged, its leader says See in context
China also discharges treated as 2.2-6.5 times as radioactive wastewater into the sea.
So I think this protest is not logical and scientific.
It is more like china try to disgrace Japan.
13 ( +15 / -2 )
Posted in: One dead as heavy rain triggers landslides in Kyushu See in context
In the past recently 10 years, there were several heavy rainfalls in Northern Kyushu region caused often landslides and floods and was a result in killing people and houses destroyed.
The monsoon, which is a very warm and humid air from East China Sea, flows into the western part of Japan at a late rainy season and apparently continue to build up rain clouds for long time.
I suppose we cannot avoid such a rainfalls. Only way is to construct higher embankments or residents there have to move to other places.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan to ease COVID border controls, entry quarantine from March See in context
Japan is planning to ease its cap on the number of daily new entrants from overseas
that is a good decision.
in general Japan government must allow more foreign students who desire to study in Japan to enter through a whole year.
But at the same time, it needs to inspect carefully if the students are attempting to steal a lot of technologies to make use of military after they are back to their country, such as totalitarian countries.
-15 ( +7 / -22 )
Posted in: Moon expects next S Korean gov't to improve ties with Japan See in context
The relationship between S Korea & Japan won’t improve dramatically even if whoever become new president.
It can’t be helped because of it relying on Chinese stronger economy and also the geographical disadvantage.
S Korea is connected to China and N Korea. As long as China economy weakens dramatically, S Korea won’t get closer to Japan or democratic countries.
3 ( +8 / -5 )
Posted in: Ukraine envoy wants Japan to do more to ease tensions See in context
We believe that Japan can play a very important role in that Japan is the only G-7 country" in Asia, he added.
yes. It’s right for Japan to take some actions as a leader in Asia.
Unfortunately as long as Kishida stays as a prime minister , nothing will be done. Cannot be expected. He’s just focused on how he can win the election coming this July and keep higher his approval rate.
-5 ( +6 / -11 )
Posted in: S Korea, Taiwan expected to top Japan in GDP per capita in 2027, 2028 See in context
As long as the relation between the government and the ministry of finance being NOT dramatically renewed, Japan’s economy will continue to be a slow growth and behind other countries.
Also if many people realize there are a lot of media controls existing, they can discriminate which information is better for Japan’s economy and economic security also.
-1 ( +7 / -8 )
Posted in: Canada, UK join Beijing Winter Olympics boycott See in context
How will Japan prime minister decide for it.
I hope he take an necessary action as a Asian leader.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Kishida says only LDP capable of protecting Japan from security threats See in context
I don’t 100% agree with Kishida’s economic policy but,
as he mentioned above,
“The upcoming election is about choosing the future of Japan."
It’s not an exaggeration that next election is going to be a touchstone for Japanese that which thought they support, which thought can lead its economic growth in future. Which is Democratic or Communism.
-8 ( +3 / -11 )
Posted in: Japan's 1st typhoon research institute opens in Yokohama See in context
I really hope that Japan shows it’s leader ship in the field. Also look forward to making the developments happen and success in real for near future.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Women's entry in LDP leader race may not boost empowerment See in context
It was unfair for two of the women not to to be asked about national security and diplomacy during debate in the japan national press club (JNPC).
Takaichi is the only person other than 4 candidate that she has obviously mentioned the necessaries of national security.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Typhoon heads for eastern Japan; Olympic rowing events rescheduled See in context
Good or bad for surfing match ? Even though there is possibly higher wave but , wind direction may be north , could be different from sea wind. I wish the event are held safely
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan takes gymnastics lead; reigning champ Uchimura bows out after fall from high bar See in context
I’m very sad not to be able to see his play in this Olympic.
But he did his best.
He was in like God’s territory as a gymnast for a long time. He’s an all-round player. I remember even Chinese gymnasts, strongest team in the world, gave up catching up his score and beating his beautiful performances at other Olympic
I wish next new wonderful Japanese athletes appears.
2 ( +7 / -5 )
Posted in: U.S. to seek global rules on AI misuse, Blinken says See in context
I think this rule is going to be important for not only US but also other Democratic countries.
In EU it also made a rule for AI as an ethical code.
All these are for valuing an ethical perspectives and preventing greater control from some authoritarian countries
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan Airlines reports ¥286.7 bil loss See in context
Since the bankrupt in 2010 and the government support, it seems JAL experienced drastically a cost cut and also maybe a rational business.
I wish it recovers from pandemic as early as possible and become one of the world top airline companies
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: Japan says Chinese military likely behind cyberattacks See in context
China wants aerospace technology desperately, that’s why the ministry might’ve attempted the hackings.
One Chinese IT company became the largest shareholder of RAKUTEN.
Japan government and USA constantly investigate Rakuten accordingly, and monitor what the Chinese company has attempted.
So we have to keep an eye on many possibilities which they may attempt.
5 ( +8 / -3 )
Posted in: Taiwan envoy hopes Japan will play greater role in regional stability See in context
Japan have to show more leadership. Unfortunately so far the government has struggled with everything they have done.
Even though Japan has more trade with China, it have to make up its mind of sacrificing its economy down by shifting the trade to other counties.
9 ( +9 / -0 )
Posted in: Tokyo, Osaka consider asking gov't to issue another state of emergency See in context
I dont think the cities in Tokyo last weekend was quieter ,following the preventive measure for Tokyo region.
To make Tokyo Olympic successful, we have to stand the coming Golden week under state of emergency or more strict measure for short time.
Im not sure Suga-san has taken current situation seriously or not.
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: Russia, U.S. agree to work toward improving ties and ending Ukraine war
Posted in: Germany's economy is in the dumps. Here are 5 reasons why
Does the job help pay the bills? Yes? Then it's attractive.
Posted in: What jobs would make a woman an attractive wife to Japanese men?
Posted in: Russia, U.S. agree to work toward improving ties and ending Ukraine war