Japan Today

IchyaWarFare comments

Posted in: Fans fail to show for 1st World Cup knockout match See in context

wow...The S.G.I. in Mexico...scary.

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Posted in: Obama congratulates U.S. team on World Cup win See in context

Good stuff.

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Posted in: FIFA happy with standard of refereeing See in context

With the way these calls are going, I could just stand on the field and call the game. Easy money.

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Posted in: France in shambles after latest internal rift See in context

Clowns...you got that right. Even if you disagree with your coach, you are representing your con=untry. Way to go!

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Posted in: World Cup fans have their say on vuvuzela See in context

I never really cared for soccer in the first place, but when I thought I would give it a shot...I heard that damn noise...thank you, I now have another reason why I cannot watch this sport.

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Posted in: Join the team See in context

You know he was scheduled to go there "thinking" they were going to win.

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Posted in: Yahoo to auction rights to photograph Riyo Mori for charity See in context

I can imagine this bidding actually getting a bit higher but...120 yen...

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Posted in: Dear Angry Western Guy See in context

the point of the article is for us of non japanese decent to dutifully bow our heads in public so as not to inflame any stereotypes or prejudice that j-folk may have. I will do my best to not stand out today

Good luck!

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Posted in: Cotton USA awards See in context

They look...ecstatic.

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Posted in: Capcom ships first million units of 'Super Street Fighter IV' See in context

Guess I will be the only positive on this. Great gameplay, very much improved from SFII or any previous version of it.

@rubytree and jj1980-not gonna happen. this is the only and last installment of four, unless there is DLC.

@smithinjapan-you must not have played anything after II. Also, they have games just like what you have described, they just do not have the draw that SF has. (unless you are a hardcore VF, SC or Tekken fan)

@Weasel-and what company does not? If it makes money, why not sell it? You as a consumer do not have to buy it.

@Venetian-wow, how old is your monitor? If it looked that bad, I think you need to go to a neighbor's house or something to see some good screen shots.

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Posted in: From bombed-out Iranian town to Japan's entertainment world See in context

Smart, talented and beautiful among many other things. This young woman is awesome. I hope to look for more of her work in the future.

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Posted in: Want to look like Aki Hoshino? Read her book See in context

Not particularly, even if I were a girl.

Thank the heavens that you are not.

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Posted in: Want to look like Aki Hoshino? Read her book See in context

She's old enough to be her BF's mother.

So you are saying she had a kid at 13 years of age?

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Posted in: 'Cove' director defiant on Yokota base ban, harassment See in context

To the benefit of the US military "Cove" is not being shown because they would lose money showing a limited appeal movie, it's a matter of dollars and sense.

Actually, we do not pay for the movies on base. We pay two bucks, if that and that is to help keep up the facilities. No money involved to help this decision. This is strictly a political reasion.

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Posted in: To fly through ash or not? That's no easy question See in context

The military would probably say "too costly", but compared to the money being lost by a) the airlines and b) the passengers, you think it'd even out...

showme1now-the military would not say that. That means more spending money for them. The military does not make the decisions to go and do humanitarian aid or what not, it is the governments behind them.

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Posted in: Blu-rei See in context

Typical, typical. As much as I am pleased that corporate Japan is catering to my lower sensual desires in promoting gender "bait" in order to try to sell things, I have to ask, what about pandering to women too! They are just left out in the cold. If these corporations had any kind of sense, or women at the top, they would promote a girl and a GUY as "commercial bait" instead of just a girl. Just saying!

For the "typical" JN woman, she will see this and think it is cute. That is how they are reeled in. Remember, everything has to be cute to sell.

Some people are just not getting it. Her name is Rei (pronounced ray) and she is blue. Get it? Blue Rei. Blue Ray.

We got it...just don't care.

Whatever, she looks good with or without blue paint.

That is the part that most guys care about.

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Posted in: Jessica's Secret See in context

This isn't actually a good photo of her, the red lipstick doesn't suit her. She doesn't look that old in other photos.

I guess this photo did not get "photo shopped" then.

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Posted in: Nara officer gets slashed while responding to call See in context

I think this article is poorly written. It states that the guy with the knife was away from the scene of the crime. It does not say when or why, so I am assuming that is why 40 officers were dispatched; to search and locate the criminal. They probably split into pairs and that is why this picture is the way it is. If not, then I just wrote a great excuse for the cops.

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Posted in: Christian militia accused of plotting to kill police in U.S. See in context

Crazy man. Trying to start something in the name of God right? Man, how many people got to die for this stuff.

Then you got them crazy neck red people up there swallowing it up.

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Posted in: Nintendo to release DS game console in 3-D See in context

Why make something else when the first item is still at the top of the market? DS has room to grow still and I hope this 3-D thing sounds as good as it is.

Well, why not make a new Wii then? That is what is suffering from less then stellar software. Barely any 3rd party games and all the first tier stuff is not that great.

Second, they just came out with the XL a little while ago. Yeah, I know it is just a bigger DS, but the fact of the matter is that the software that they got out there is mediocre at best. Yeah, there are some great games, but how many companies are going to go and start coding and making games for the 3D platform on the DS? Sure there will be some games but for the price this thing might come out at, you could probably buy another PS3 or 360. Of course this is just all speculation.

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Posted in: Train shame See in context

But then again I have never understood train 'rules' here. It's okay to talk to your friends on the train but not on the phone? Why can't you put on makeup (I do anyways)? Isn't it far better to make yourself look nice, assuming that you're not spilling onto your neighbors. Same with food. All of those are taboo, but you can come onto a train reeking of cigarettes or beer and sit next to someone? You've got to be kidding me.

LOL. Too true. Heck you can even get plastered and sleep on the train and in some cases drool on the passenger next to you or in some cases have seen some guys puke on the train.

And the talking...loud obasans in the morning and the damn kids in the afternoons. Loud as all hell. So why do I bring an I-pod, DS or PSP to use or listen to? Because everyone else is being loud and obnoxious.

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Posted in: Nintendo to release DS game console in 3-D See in context

Another DS? Do we really need another DS? Need to work on a new console or at least third party games. My first DS works just fine. No need for another one.

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Posted in: Former doctor fatally stabs 8 students in China See in context

Sad. I pray for the little ones and hope the ones that are injured make a swift recovery, both mentally and physically.

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Posted in: Life in the garage: Architects make cars a part of the home See in context

So this story is for who and who can afford it?

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Posted in: Larger-than-life Erika Sawajiri returns See in context

I heard she was a good actor/actress. Here is hoping she rides this sleaze thing through.

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Posted in: Nurse arrested for breaking patients' ribs See in context

Wow...that is just messed up. What is the time frame between each patient?

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Posted in: 'The Cove' wins Oscar for Best Documentary See in context

@Tiger-Good post and I agree with you.

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Posted in: 'The Cove' wins Oscar for Best Documentary See in context

It's not particularly Japan-bashing, this documentary just happens to focus on what's going on in Taiji.

This is where you are wrong. You can go to any other site or forum and you have people saying "why don't we do that to the Japanese or the Japanese are so cruel". Don't believe me, look it up. Perception is the key and most people percieve this as a Japanese thing. The people in this forum have been to Japan or live here and know the difference. Those that have not, think Japan is some island in BFE that kill dolphins and whales for food or what not. This film did not intend to do those things, but search yahoo or where ever and you will find this hate in their forums.

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Posted in: 'The Cove' wins Oscar for Best Documentary See in context

@skipbeat- good post, except I do not think dolphins are cute. Great post none the less.

@cleo- you think they will really give up that money?

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Posted in: Woman fired, another quits as abuse at nursery school surfaces See in context

Glad someone stepped up and said something before this got any worse.

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