Japan Today

ihavegreatlegs comments

Posted in: What to do on New Year's Eve in Tokyo See in context

My plans are secret.

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Posted in: TV commercial of the week: Snickers and Erika Sawajiri See in context

I think she is cute.

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Posted in: Twitter, mixi join forces to counter Facebook in Japan See in context

I found mixi annoying. Guys kept hitting on me.

-3 ( +4 / -6 )

Posted in: Archeologist says he has found Pocahontas wedding site See in context

All I can say is wow. I have waited for this news ever since seeing the Disney movie.

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Posted in: In climate talks, West would redefine rich and poor See in context

Despite their swelling national bank accounts, China, India, South Africa and others say they are still battling poverty and that tens of millions of their people lack electricity or running water.

Sounds like the South Bronx and lots of other places in America...

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Posted in: Debt deal failure looms over U.S. military strategy See in context

I hope they stay strong in the Pacific.

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Posted in: The KFC-Christmas connection in Japan See in context

Haruka is a perfect spokes person for KFC. She is very cute and lovely to look at. Maybe I will go get a chicken wing.

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Posted in: Former Daio Paper chairman to be indicted over dubious loans See in context

Now sing along folks. O L Y M P U S Olympus boooooooooooo

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Air traffic controller who leaked Air Force One flight info suspended for 3 months See in context

He did not break any written laws, so it is kind of weird. Just spank him and tell him to be a good boy or take away his toys.

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Posted in: Apple's tongue-tied Siri faces 'Singlish' rival See in context

And a finger pointing at your nose if you are trying it in Japanizu

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Posted in: Woman stabs boyfriend for cheating at Monopoly See in context

Wow, maybe he nicked a few green houses and a couple of hotels. Or perhaps he got the Luxury tax fine and paid 10% rather than what he really owed. God bless america

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Posted in: Apple's tongue-tied Siri faces 'Singlish' rival See in context

Yes oberst la

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Posted in: Thousands of flood-hit Thais to be allowed to work in Japan See in context

Have them bring the factories back with them

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Posted in: Fishermen net bag with Y11 mil off Iwate coast See in context

Maybe although cruel, if they trawled some more they might have found the owner, and could have brought the owner back for a proper funeral. I would think lots of bodies are still being found. RIP

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Posted in: Virus that hit embassy computers designed to send data to servers in China See in context

That is why I would not use G-mail or anything SONY.

The Chinese are obviously much better at this stuff than the Japanese are. Why is JP IT so poor?

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Posted in: Qantas in turbulent public showdown with employees See in context

“In the name of job security, they demand a say in running the company, they want to be paid for work that no longer exists due to new-generation aircraft, they want to retain outdated work practices,” he told the meeting.

What work? Auto Passport and check in readers? Those things never work right especially for international travel.

New generation air craft require higher maintenance and tech savvy staff.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: China limits 'overly entertaining' TV programming See in context

The Chinese are thinking wrong. They can control the masses much better by having them sit in front of the boob tube like zombies watching stupid game shows and other junk. Why would they want to put on educational shows and teach the masses?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: DPJ says it will announce proposal on consumption tax hike in December See in context

Comon sense is not in the dictionary Global Watcher. Common sense finds end points. That is an unknown in this country.

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Posted in: EU bail-out fund chief says 'no deal' with China; Japan visit next See in context

“If the Chinese, who have 60% of global reserves, decide to invest in the euro instead of the dollar, why refuse?” said the French president.

Won't happen as the Euro is a baby currency, plus China would be using dollars from its reserves to buy the Euro.

China will buy up America instead. Would buy up Japan, but there is nothing left here to buy.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Making Japan a more attractive place to do business See in context

Put simply, the old farmers are not going to give up their one acre plots. How do I know?

Because they have stopped day light savings time each and every time it is brought up. Farmers are the only people in the world that do not need a clock. Sun and seasons are all that count.

Great article, but you must get past the one acre farm families and Ozawa will not let that happen.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Adopting English as workplace language in Japan has its downside See in context

Kokugo is the language origin Ben. It does not use Kana but all kanji. Grammatically it is a bear like Hebrew.

I think the the boss of Rakuten should send out head hunters to the graduating classes of the international schools here and make some good deals, including putting them through the university. There is no better place in the world to find many many fluent Japanese speakers and native English speakers, or near native, plus the other languages they know. I had fellow students that often spoke three languages fluently, and some even more especially the Indian students.

I would send teams to those schools. Thousands graduate every year.

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Posted in: Noda offers vague promises to help stabilize Europe See in context

Can't the EU kick out those that are weak and do not belong? How would this work?

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Posted in: Obama to visit Australia's far north See in context

Three great surfing spots. Please take me Mr. President!

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Posted in: What measures should the Japanese government take to deal with the strong yen? See in context

Print a lot more money

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Posted in: DPJ says it will announce proposal on consumption tax hike in December See in context

Global watcher. Numbers wrong.

10% of 5% would be nice. They want the 5% to go to 10%. And yes they will tax food and meds, and my flu shot I got this morning.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan's population growth slowest on record in 2010 See in context

Scrote, you must learn Japanese math! :-)

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Posted in: Softbank profit surges on iPhone sales See in context

I never have a signal problem except on one stretch of the Denentoshi Line. As I do not talk much on he iPhone, I cannot understand the signal dropping thing.

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Posted in: Fukushima nuclear pollution in sea was world's worst: French institute See in context

Well, I hope they are not pulling shellfish any where close by to that area. Migration paths of fish need to be monitored too.

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Posted in: EU bail-out fund chief says 'no deal' with China; Japan visit next See in context

China wants to help because they will expect the same when their day in hell comes and they break up into little fiefdoms

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Adopting English as workplace language in Japan has its downside See in context

I know of at least one person on this site that went to international schools in Japan. Same graduating class. Well the Japanese language teachers at our school were just as bad as the language teachers in the Japanese school system. They just wanted us to memorize Kanji. So pathetically boring. Most of us spoke and read ok, but we wanted to fix our Janglish which can confuse any foreigner trying to speak to us. Any others at international schools here and graduated ?

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