Posted in: Questions for Israel mount after Iran scientist's killing See in context
The US and Israel believe it is fair game to simply murder Iran's elite as they please, then they turn around and say Tehran is the "terror state" and aggressor. Any examination of history shows Iran is a complete and objective victim of imperialism, in every incidence.
15 ( +20 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan eyes 35% quota for women political candidates by 2025 See in context
Gender diversity does not necessarily mean thought diversity. For example, you can stash the government with Yuriko Koikes and Mio Sugitas, and you're not going to see much of a difference. Japan and the government need thought diversity, and they're not going to get it by filtering in gender or even ethnicity. It all starts from the electoral system, which has to be flexible enough to allow diverse type of candidates to get elected. I've explained before in greater detail why the current electoral system and laws are too rigid for that to happen.
9 ( +13 / -4 )
Posted in: Suspected Iranian nuclear mastermind killed See in context
Assassinating a scientist isn’t an act of self defense or "national security". Call it what it is: terrorism.
Double standards are all on display again. Imagine the reaction if China assassinated a leading US figure for "national security". It would be called an act of war, and the entire media apparatus and government will be calling for an all out war.
The foreign policy of the US is hijacked and controlled by blood thirsty war criminals who need to be stopped and held accountable. While there's no doubt these psychopaths like Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley, Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham, and of course John Bolton are sincere fanatics who truly believe the US is entitled to world domination, and any country who dares to challenge them should rightfully be crushed like a cockroach, their whole power comes from the people who stand behind them, the giant arm manufacturers, contractors and other profiteers.
The swamp Trump talked about lies between the Pentagon, State Department, and the Intelligence Community. The only way to stop them is by cutting the military budget. That was the only reason i supported Bernie Sanders. Because i know he's a real socialist who will eagerly cut the military budget in half to pay for his welfare programs. While the welfare programs will be massive fail, at least he would've done a service to the world by killing the military industrial complex, which is currently terrorizing the whole world.
11 ( +16 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan rejects China's proposal for easing tensions over isle sovereignty See in context
No, rejecting China’s aggression.
I don't see any aggression from China. I see aggression from the United States and its regional vassals. It's not China that has military bases all encircling the United States. It's not China that has troops in over 80 countries around the globe. It's not China sanctioning countries left and right for refusing to obey them. It's not China going around the world threatening and bullying countries to stop trading with America. It's not China that is currently involved in dozens of wars. It's not China that has a foreign policy doctrine of regime changes. It's not China that funds terrorist groups in the Middle East. How dishonest can you get? Seriously. The US is now synonymous with regime changes, wars and false flag operations. Nobody in the world trust the US govt. mantra of "spreading democracy".
The only territorial dispute in which i would agree with the Japanese side is their claim over the Northern territories of Hokkaido. The rest of their territorial claims are a result of their whitewashed version of WW2.
-13 ( +4 / -17 )
Posted in: Japan rejects China's proposal for easing tensions over isle sovereignty See in context
it would give the impression that China actually has a claim to the islands.
Clearly they do have a claim to the islands, otherwise this wouldn't even be a subject of discussion.
-16 ( +0 / -16 )
Posted in: Japan rejects China's proposal for easing tensions over isle sovereignty See in context
Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato told a press conference on Thursday that the proposal is "unacceptable," adding the islands are "without doubt Japan's inherent territory from a historical viewpoint and under international law."
No, they're not. The islands were captured by the US after the end of the war, and then given to Japan for purely political reasons without even consulting China.
99% of average Japanese people couldn't give a damn about these islands. Even the ultra nationalists don't really care about them. They're just an excuse to hate China, and to give them netouyo's something to get excited about.
-15 ( +4 / -19 )
Posted in: Trump pardons Flynn, taking direct aim at Russia probe See in context
You gotta love the extraordinary ability humans have to justify and rationalize literally anything.
So, to sum up:
Russian interference in America = bad.
American interference in China = good.
Americans conspiring with Russia = traitors.
Chinese conspiring with America = heroes.
Remember folks, in a sick society, hypocrisy is only a problem when it conflicts with somebody else's hypocrisy. That being said, i am fairly confident that this is rather a natural outcome of being exposed to nothing but one-sided information your entire life. The biggest irony of all is that Chinese netizens have more nuanced and informed view than probably majority of American netizens. How ironic.
-5 ( +4 / -9 )
Posted in: Human rights panel: Japan was wrong to detain Carlos Ghosn; owes him compensation See in context
I have a feeling this Human rights panel will soon find itself on somebody's Enemy of the State list.
11 ( +12 / -1 )
Posted in: 15 Asia-Pacific countries form world's largest free trade bloc in boost for China See in context
Pompeo to Indonesia: ''Stand up to China''.
Pompeo to Japan: ''Stand up to China''.
Pompeo to South Korea ''Stand up to China''.
All signed the RCEP with Beijing today.
You can tell from the collective meltdown of the DC think tank community alone that it's good for China.
10 ( +12 / -2 )
Posted in: Biden seeks to move quickly and build his administration See in context
The media is an absolute JOKE.
Biden seeks to move quickly and build his administration.. excuse me, when exactly did the election END? Who declared him the winner? Who on EARTH gave AP or Reuters the power to declare anybody a winner? It's not up to AP or CNN or any garbage bin of a media to declare anything. 4 States are STILL counting votes, and Trump is already suing at least several States. This election is anything BUT over.
“People want the country to move forward,"
Sure, but over 70 million people voted for Trump, and they will not move forward until all objections and accusations of fraud are cleared.
-16 ( +5 / -21 )
Posted in: Republicans seeking to raise at least $60 mil to fund Trump legal challenges See in context
Actually you're talking about the CCP... Many Americans both "Liberal" and "Conservative" do not have that kind of mentality. Feel free to peddle your disinformation as you please, but as Americans we know how our country works far more than you ever could comprehend.
That's a very xenophobic thing for you to say. How do you even know that America isn't my country too? I think you should apologize.
How did you manage to involve the CCP in this is beyond me. It's true that in east Asian culture, people generally tend to not question authority, but , on the other hand they are very cynical.
I didn't say ALL Americans don't question authority, many do, but in general, most people do not question authority, especially anything involving the US military or foreign policy. Results are questioned, but motives - never. Decades of propaganda have created this atmosphere in which anyone who questions the military is seen as a traitor and anti-American. This extends to the FBI, CIA, and of course, the Intelligence Community whose conclusions you must never question, but just accept as a fact. This culture is beginning to slowly change with the rise of the Fake News movement, and the fragmentation of US society into groups where each group cynically questions the motives of the other. I would say this is a very healthy development. Just 4 years ago, nobody would've even dared to question the FBI director, but because he was against Trump, he became a target of skepticism and investigation. Many self-proclaimed Liberals do the same for the other side, but in a much more cynical way. There are however those Liberals who are truly naive and believe authorities would never lie to them. It's those Liberals who often play the front man for special interest groups. They're just too easily manipulated.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Biden predicts victory as his lead over Trump grows See in context
Have you seen the numerous data on what percentage of American adults have pre-existing conditions?
It's not all pre-existing conditions that are a problem. Regardless, people who are believed to be in a vulnerable group should be ASKED to self-isolate and INFORMED of the risks. If they choose to ignore the risk, there's nothing more you can do about them. People are responsible for their own life, and you have to respect that.
-10 ( +0 / -10 )
Posted in: Republicans seeking to raise at least $60 mil to fund Trump legal challenges See in context
For a system based on trust to work, the rules and the entire process must be self-evident. That was not the case in this election.
Contrary to what the CNN floating heads decry all day long, challenging the outcome of the election is not only not anti-democratic, but it is actually a very healthy thing to do to strengthen the integrity of the system. That's why courts exist. If people were just supposed to accept any outcome of anything, then we wouldn't need a court system.
If Trump and his team have evidence of fraud, they should be obligated to come forward and pursue legal action.
Liberals have this idea that you must never question authority and you must always believe whatever authority tell you, because authorities are good people and good people never do bad things. Their mindset and way of thinking is incredibly naive and childish, and that's why they often play the front man for special interest groups. They are too easily manipulated.
-12 ( +0 / -12 )
Posted in: Biden predicts victory as his lead over Trump grows See in context
The presidential winner will confront a pandemic that has killed more than 235,000 people in the United States and left millions more out of work, and a country grappling with the aftermath of months of unrest over racism and police brutality.
Racist people aren't going to magically stop being racist just because Biden is now a president. In fact, his policies will worsen the standards of living, which might result in more people becoming racist.
The people who died from Covid are all either elderly or people with some preexistent illness. Overall 235K is just a tiny percent of all the infected, whose number is far greater than what is currently reported or registered. A far smarter approach would've been to request all elderly people and people with preexisting illnesses to self-isolate, or be moved to new shelters somewhere for a couple of weeks while the rest of society moves on.
Unfortunately both Trump and Biden have bad advisors. Trump was very heavily misled by CDC the first 3 months that the pandemic is not an issue and nothing should be done about it, and when CDC made a 180 degrees turn later, Trump started downplaying it on purpose because the solution he was recommended would've hurt the economy. Then he made an even bigger mistake to hire Fauci who also misled him heavily. Now it's too late already. Biden however will just listen to the CNN floating heads who definitely do not have any vested interests at all. They are definitely what's right, and what's in your interest. If you suggest otherwise, you hate babies.
-16 ( +2 / -18 )
Posted in: Australia charges first person under foreign interference law See in context
Foreign Interference Law is something that China needs desperately. Not just to stop the Hong Kong separatist movement funded by America, but also to put an end to the overt interference in Chinese domestic affairs by foreign countries, in particular United States.
-11 ( +2 / -13 )
Posted in: Anxious nation awaits Election Day See in context
It's truly unbelievable that the media is not even mentioning the third party candidate Jo Jorgensen which is on the ballot on all 50 states. This is not a 2 party race, it is a 3 party race, but once again, this is the power of the media. The media is so powerful that it can literally shape the perception of reality for hundreds of millions of people with ease.
Both Trump and Biden are essentially the same. There is very little substantial difference between them. Both are big government spenders, warmongers and corporate cronies.
-2 ( +6 / -8 )
Posted in: Osaka metropolis plan rejected in referendum for 2nd time See in context
A truly devastating outcome. I followed the campaign for the entire month, and i was completely blown away by the sheer volume of propaganda emanating from the No camp. Their entire campaign was based on lies, dishonesty, misinformation, demagoguery and disingenuous rhetoric. What was the most shocking to me is that the majority of the No campaign were actually people who didn't even live in Osaka. People all the way from Sendai and Fukuoka were coming to Osaka to campaign against the new plan proposal. Virtually every right-wing news network was against it. Seemingly the entire country was against it, and was heavily involved in spreading misinformation and propaganda to convince the people of Osaka to vote No.
I watched most of the debates, and was amazed how elegantly and well Matsui in particular was able to explain and answer every single question. The No campaign people kept repeating the exact same rhetoric over and over again, and the Yes people kept debunking them with ease.
I was also struck at the incompetence and ignorance of the No campaign, which was headed by none other than the Communist party and the LDP. They literally did not seem to know anything about law and governance, let alone basic market principles like competition. For example, the LDP stooge kept saying that Ishin wants to silence the city government so they don't obstruct the Prefectural government. Matsui (the president of Ishin) kept explaining to her that the two governing bodies have different jurisdiction and authority, and she kept not understanding what that means. He kept explaining to them literally like a child that the two governing bodies are competing with each other for central government money, and that results in them wasting the money, and that the system of organization has to change to remove these incentives, and she kept not understanding, and kept repeating the exact same rhetoric.
Some people have even suggested that there was a fraud on behalf of the No campaign, because literally almost every single poll prior to the voting day showed that the Yes vote was leading with up to 10 points. I was sure it was going to be basket case, and then seemingly out of nowhere the No vote outnumbered the Yes. Very suspicious to say the least, even considering the low turnout, which wasn't even that low, because a lot of people voted early.
Anyway, really, really sad news. The status quo won again. The vile bureaucratic tapeworms came out of their mud hole to make sure these pesky reformists don't take away their mud.
Honestly, at this point, it's easy to lose hope for this country. Last year during a press conference, Matsui said that, if they can't even reform Osaka, there is no way to reform the whole country. If you can't even kill the bureaucratic cesspool of one city, you stand no chance against the bureaucratic apparatus of the entire country.
Still, hope never dies.
I can't help myself but think about the Murakami's book "The exodus from the dream country", in which he says この国には何でもある。だが、希望だけがない。
10 ( +15 / -5 )
Posted in: Why Beijing may want to keep Trump in the White House See in context
Interned a million Uighurs in 85 detention camps. Trump said this was 'exactly the right thing to do'.
Dear god. Despite the mountain of evidence debunking this outrageously FALSE claim, low-IQ people keep repeating it over and over again. There are NO detention camps in Xinjiang. There are terrorists being detained in re-education facilities. This has nothing to do with being Muslim or Han. China had a massive terrorism problem, which they dealt with by monitoring Xinjiang and arresting anyone who is either part of, or linked, or suspected of being linked to a terrorist organization called East Turkemistan Islamic Movement. That terrorist group has killed thousands of people across China. This is THEIR war of terror. The media unbelievably just ignores all of that, and tell you that China detains muslims leaving people with the impression that they are detaining them just for the sake of being a muslim. This is literally like saying America is killing muslims in the Middle East. Would that be a fair thing to say? Would it be fair to say America is killing Muslims without providing the context? If you have a better idea how should China deal with a terrorist organization inside their borders, please contact the CCP and let them know. I can assure you that if there was a terrorist organization inside American borders, they wouldn't bother detaining them in re-education facilities and then releasing them, they would kill them cold blood and nobody in American society would blink an eye. And by the way, it's not 1 million. That number literally made up after an interview with 4 Uyghurs by an NGO funded by the US state department and a bunch of weapon manufacturers. The irony is that US has killed far more civilian Uyghurs in Afghanistan, and imprisoned far more of them in Guantanamo than China has done, but of course non of that is talked about. The media literally control the perception of reality, it's unbelievably scary and somebody needs to hold them accountable. They are getting away with a murder. A murder of reality.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Why Beijing may want to keep Trump in the White House See in context
Interned a million Uighurs in 85 detention camps. Trump said this was 'exactly the right thing to do'.
Dear god. Despite the mountain of evidence debunking this outrageously FALSE claim, low-IQ people keep repeating it over and over again. There are NO detention camps in Xinjiang. There are terrorists being detained in re-education facilities. This has nothing to do with being Muslim or Han. China had a massive terrorism problem, which they dealt with by monitoring Xinjiang and arresting anyone who is either part of, or linked, or suspected of being linked to a terrorist organization called East Turkemistan Islamic Movement. That terrorist group has killed thousands of people across China. This is THEIR war of terror. The media unbelievably just ignores all of that, and tell you that China detains muslims leaving people with the impression that they are detaining them just for the sake of being a muslim. This is literally like saying America is killing muslims in the Middle East. Would that be a fair thing to say? Would it be fair to say America is killing Muslims without providing the context? If you have a better idea how should China deal with a terrorist organization inside their borders, please contact the CCP and let them know. I can assure you that if there was a terrorist organization inside American borders, they wouldn't bother detaining them in re-education facilities and then releasing them, they would kill them cold blood and nobody in American society would blink an eye. And by the way, it's not 1 million. That number literally made up after an interview with 4 Uyghurs by an NGO funded by the US state department and a bunch of weapon manufacturers. The irony is that US has killed far more civilian Uyghurs in Afghanistan, and imprisoned far more of them in Guantanamo than China has done, but of course non of that is talked about. The media literally control the perception of reality, it's unbelievably scary and somebody needs to hold them accountable. They are getting away with a murder. A murder of reality.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Why Beijing may want to keep Trump in the White House See in context
Interned a million Uighurs in 85 detention camps. Trump said this was 'exactly the right thing to do'.
Dear god. Despite the mountain of evidence debunking this outrageously FALSE claim, low-IQ people keep repeating it over and over again. There are NO detention camps in Xinjiang. There are terrorists being detained in re-education facilities. This has nothing to do with being Muslim or Han. China had a massive terrorism problem, which they dealt with by monitoring Xinjiang and arresting anyone who is either part of, or linked, or suspected of being linked to a terrorist organization called East Turkemistan Islamic Movement. That terrorist group has killed thousands of people across China. This is THEIR war of terror. The media unbelievably just ignores all of that, and tell you that China detains muslims leaving people with the impression that they are detaining them just for the sake of being a muslim. This is literally like saying America is killing muslims in the Middle East. Would that be a fair thing to say? Would it be fair to say America is killing Muslims without providing the context? If you have a better idea how should China deal with a terrorist organization inside their borders, please contact the CCP and let them know. I can assure you that if there was a terrorist organization inside American borders, they wouldn't bother detaining them in re-education facilities and then releasing them, they would kill them cold blood and nobody in American society would blink an eye. And by the way, it's not 1 million. That number literally made up after an interview with 4 Uyghurs by an NGO funded by the US state department and a bunch of weapon manufacturers. The irony is that US has killed far more civilian Uyghurs in Afghanistan, and imprisoned far more of them in Guantanamo than China has done, but of course non of that is talked about. The media literally control the perception of reality, it's unbelievably scary and somebody needs to hold them accountable. They are getting away with a murder. A murder of reality.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Why Beijing may want to keep Trump in the White House See in context
Because American global influence has waned so much under Trump, emboldening Chinese and Russian foreign influence. China can afford to pay the US a couple of extra billion USD in tariffs because they stand to can so much more from more powerful foreign policy.
China is not paying the tariffs. US consumers are. And if China really gets emboldened, they would've done a lot more than they are doing now, which is almost nothing. Just stand like idiots and allow these rabid dogs to attack them.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Why Beijing may want to keep Trump in the White House See in context
Defending the CCP is more difficult.
Why? Tell me why. No, SHOW me why? I want to see with my own eyes WHAT exactly have the CCP done? Show it to me? Did China not do an amazing job with Covid? Did they not inform the world? Do they not follow every international institution? Tell me what exactly do i have to hate China and their government for? Sure, they're not exactly Libertarians, but i am asking specifically about the whole pandemic period. Show me, Jizimo, what have they done wrong? They are literally that kid that sits at the back of the class and everybody spits and throws garbage at them, then the school teachers walks in and accuses the bullied kid of being evil? This is just absolutely beyond unbelievable. But this is the power of the most powerful entity on earth - the English propaganda machine. The US govt. literally sponsors separatism in China, just recently was reported that they also fund anti-Chinese propaganda ads in Africa, they go around the world banning and attacking every successful Chinese company - Huawei, ZTE, Ant Group, Tik Tok etc., they spread easily verifiable lies and disinformation against them 24/7. TELL ME what is the Chinese government DOING WRONG?? Tell me. All i see is this vicious rabid dog America attacking China and trying to annihilate them. And yes, you probably don't see it if you only watch English media.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Why Beijing may want to keep Trump in the White House See in context
Another anti-Chinese article by the US propaganda machine. Same old narrative over and over again. Nothing positive of China ever said. Chinese side of the story is never presented. China is again portrayed as the bad guy while America as the good guy. Any information positive of China is forbidden. Any info negative of US is not allowed. Everything US does to China like going after their companies in a ruthless way, spreading disinformation against them, all that is ignored and not mentioned. Unbelievable. Media outlets like AFP, AP and Reuters must be held accountable for their propaganda. This is just a pure evil propaganda machine.
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: Why Beijing may want to keep Trump in the White House See in context
It's common knowledge both China and Russia want the dunce to remain in office.
It's common knowledge, but it's not common sense.
Trump is started a trade war on China, his administration is currently engaged in the most ruthless disinformation campaign against China anyone has ever seen since Nazi Germany and their campaign against Jews, Pompeo's twitter account is on a 24/7 loop just spewing hatred and lies against China, goes around the world and bullies countries to ban Huawei and stop doing business with China. ZTE was banned. They tried to ban Tik Tok. Now they are trying to ban Ant Group just for being a successful Chinese company. Any Chinese company that becomes successful becomes a target of US harassment, but yeah, definitely China wants Trump to win.
This is some next level twilight. Brainwashing of people in the 21st century is unbelievable. I truly feel sorry for people like you.
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: Tokyo ward assemblyman apologizes for remarks against LGBT rights See in context
it is worth remembering that I will be ridiculed by future generations for my narrow-mindedness and blindness on certain issues.
We will be regarded as barbarians and bigots.
Jimi, you already are, but you're too blind to see it. Blind and brainwashed by your media.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Suga says Japan not looking to form 'Asian NATO' to contain any specific country See in context
And, sadly, so far the leader in this game of a succeeding world order is frankly China - with its effective governance (might not agree with the methods, but no one can deny their effectiveness), wildly successful strategic soft power (belt and road initiative etc), and efficient use of “bootstrapping” to upgrade its technology and military capabilities (stealing/adopting advanced nations’ technology and adapting it rather than building from scratch).
That used to be the case like 10 years ago, not anymore. Huawei essentially has no competition in the 5G sector. Who would they be bootstrapping from?
Also, Chinese soft power? Are you serious? Soft power is another term for media power. Who controls the "international media"? America. International media is American media. The whole world watches American media and get brainwashed into hating China with lies and disinformation. American media is currently involved in a ruthless anti-Chinese disinformation campaign, yet you think China has any soft power.
and finally that is not subject to disinformation campaigns online by hostile nations.
This has to be the most laughable and bizarre thing anyone can ever say. It's amazing how the bully of the world - America has such a massive victim complex. America is the one going around the world bullying countries into banning Huawei, including England, Germany, Australia, Japan and so on, bullying them to stop doing business with China OR ELSE, putting crippling sanctions on any nation that it dislikes, carpet bombing the entire middle east, and is currently engaged in the most ruthless disinformation campaign i have never seen in my entire life against China, yet people like you are indoctrinated to believe America is a victim of a foreign disinformation campaign. Americans are never exposed to any foreign news media or information. If they were, they would know just how brutal their own government is. In America, there is a total and complete one-sidedness of information about China, Iran and Russia. Anyone who tries to give you the Chinese side of the story is instantly deemed as "CCP bot", "CCP shill" or "CCP paid propagandist". The Julian Assange news were completely cut off from the media. US killings of innocent people in other countries cut off from the media. Killing sanctions cut off from the media. US sponsoring separatism in China cut off from the media. Terrorism in China cut off from the media, instead they only cover how they "crack down on muslims" without mentioning who those muslims were. The list goes on and on. Despite all this and more, people like you believe they are the victim of a foreign disinformation campaign? My goodness. When was the last time you actually watched a foreign media, or were exposed to any foreign information?
THIS is what i call the power of the US media empire. It's a power that no other country has, and is unlikely to even come close to having in the next 100 years. There is a reason why the public opinion in Germany has shifted towards being negative of America. Majority of Germans now view America in a negative light, and now just Germany, most European countries do. It's not because of foreign disinformation campaign making them hate America, it's because of what YOU do to them that never gets covered in your propaganda machine.
What makes you think Japan sailing in International waters in the South China sea is a threat to anyone? That makes no sense at all.
Right. So you're telling me if China conducts a military drill in the Gulf of Mexico, America will just be cool with it? If that ever happens, you can be sure that Americans will be calling for war with China. China is entirely surrounded by US bases. You have to be either incredibly naive or incredibly dishonest to think that isn't provoking them.
-6 ( +8 / -14 )
Posted in: More than 180,000 back inquiry into Murdoch's Australian media 'monopoly' See in context
Diversity of ownership is not going to solve the problem if the owners have the same ideology. Murdoch maintains its media monopoly through the power of the Government. TV licenses & govt. regulatory agencies are used to suppress competition. Only free market can beat a monopoly.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Subway bad manners See in context
The infantilization of Japanese society is one of the biggest cons for me about living in Japan. The entire notion of having common sense and being responsible for yourself and your own actions, and just having common courtesy is replaced with this idea that your actions and behavior have to be strictly regulated to make sure you do the "right" thing, and giving people freedom to behave the way they want is seen as almost obscene and obnoxious because if people aren't told what to do, then how are they supposed to know what to do? What if they do something that isn't correct "manner"??? We can't have it. Every action needs to be regulated to make sure it conforms to our "guidelines of life".
Regulating every aspect of somebody's life means you are depriving them of the opportunity to learn by trial and error. That's one of the reason Japanese and east Asians in general behave in a way many people would describe as childish and immature. They aren't given the opportunity to learn for themselves what is right and what is wrong.
14 ( +22 / -8 )
Posted in: China to test all 9 million people in Qingdao for coronavirus See in context
How can anybody seriously trust the news coming from China?
I trust them more than i trust any English-language media with their mountain high track record of lying, misinformation, and unquestionable conformity to the US govt. agenda. I can write 10 books just listing all the lies and fake news of the Trusty Trio (Reuters, AP and AFP). The first few months of the pandemic, despite all the warnings from China, the Murdoch media around the world kept pushing the narrative that this virus is a hoax and made up by the Democrats, then it became real, but less dangerous than the Flu. Few months in, and the virus became a Chinese lab bioweapon made by the CCP to kill America. You'd have to be an utter fool to trust anything they say. The rest of the US media just parrots "anonymous" sources, ex-CIA officials now working for Raytheon, and of course the "intelligence community", and never questions what they have to say. It's one thing to be naive, but this is just next-level stupidity.
With very few daily infections reported on Worldometers every day, it seems they have found a miracle cure.
Does this answer your question? US did nothing for over 3 months, and even today, refuses to take basic precautionary measures like wearing masks, and you wonder why they don't have as fewer cases as China, which shut down their entire country the day it was discovered that the virus is h2h transmittable? Look at the video and see the draconian measures that are taken. In Europe, they don't take 1/100th of these measures.
All the news about Covid in China are manipulated by the CCP and it is never verified.
Can you show me even a grain of evidence, or is evidence not needed when it comes to claims about China?
Lies and lack of transparency.
That is literally what the US has been doing for the past few months. States have been caught fudging Covid data, and CDC has been ordered to drop the testing numbers from their website. Pence was also caught demanding States doctor the data so the numbers appear low. source:
Now you show me your evidence that China has lies and is not being transparent? I am waiting. And no, a Trusty Trio headline is not an evidence.
China can not fool the whole world.
No, but the US government in cahoots with our Trusty Trio and the rest of the US propaganda machine certainly CAN.
1 ( +4 / -3 )
Posted in: As a society, we feel like we cannot show our weaknesses, that we must hold all of it in. It's not just that people feel like they can't go to a therapist, but many feel they cannot show their weaknesses to the people they are close to. See in context
That's because Japanese society has a culture of shaming and bullying. Showing what is considered "weakness" means you become a target of bullying, shaming and harassment. There is no easy fix. Japanese media needs to be heavily involved in facilitating national conversations about these issues. The intellectual elite and leaders of various social groups and movements need to strongly condemn these norms and expectations. Once there is a strong push against certain social norms or expectations, the next generation of Japanese will grow up without them, and that would be their "normal".
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: China harassing its citizens in Japan it considers subversive: report
Posted in: Trump has long blasted China's trade practices. His 'God Bless the USA' Bibles were printed there
Posted in: Ethel Kennedy, social activist and wife of Robert F Kennedy, dies at 96
My car is a 1988 Nissan Laurel Medalist. Beats having a Ford Probe, I suppose
Posted in: What do you think of the names that Japanese automakers give to their cars?