Japan Today

IMadeAnAccountJustForThis comments

Posted in: 2 doctors arrested over cover-up of patient’s murder at hospital in Aomori Prefecture See in context

Wow... Just wow.

Pillars of the community running a hospital...

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan to release 210,000 tons from rice reserves due to surging prices See in context

The ministry suspects wholesalers and farmers are hoarding rice in anticipation of further price hikes.

And yet the farmers are heavily subsidized by our taxes.

Greedy little fellows aren't they?

2 ( +10 / -8 )

Posted in: Japanese woman found dead in Hungary had sought embassy help over DV See in context

Sounds to me like she should've told the embassy the passports were stolen. They technically were.

@ jay :

If Japan had signed the hair convention it would've worked against her; If she could get back to Japan, the exhusband would've had a legal option to interfere.

As it is now if she made it to Japan the exhusband would have no options.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: Little-known porn 'white post' boxes fading into Japan's lurid past See in context

I say one of these in the country side many moons ago. Had to ask what it was for at the time. This is the type of thing that should be

World Heritage Listed - Something uniquely Japanese.

Last year, Nagasaki closed a series of white post boxes on a trial basis. The city says the annual number of collected items has dropped from about 5,000 to 6,000 in the 2010s to around 2,000 today.

Yes, closing boxes would see a reduction in things dropped into them wouldn't it?

According to the National Police Agency's statistics for 2023, the number of victims of child pornography was 1,444. Of these, uploads of nude selfies accounted for more than 30 percent.

> "It is necessary not only to regulate and eliminate harmful information, but also to support children who have been victimized online and establish an improved system of sex education."

Something tells me that printed media wouldn't have much child porn, although these boxes would be convenient ways for terrible people to Dispose of it.

I fully agree that serial education in Japan is something that needs improvement.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Posted in: Japan to recommend ancient capitals in Nara Prefecture for UNESCO listing See in context

Why is Japan so obsessed over UNESCO world heritage sites? I just don't get it....

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Posted in: Japan to halt funding for U.N. women's rights panel over call to end male-only imperial succession See in context

allowing the family to adopt new male members from former noble families that lost their status after World War II.

Wouldn't this dilute the precious bloodline, thereby making the Imperial family less 'pure' than before. Just mentioning 'noble families' really stinks. Noble families like that noble guy Aso?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: Rocker Marilyn Manson won't be charged after long investigation of sexual assault allegations See in context

what we knew and expressed from the start — Brian Warner is innocent

They didn't say he was innocent though did they?

They said charges where old and evidence lacking.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: New 'oligarchy' under fire as elites descend on Davos See in context

Can someone enlighten me as this information is missing from the article, where is Davos?

What's a confab?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: LDP staff member of Tokyo assembly charged as funding scandal grows See in context

Hidekatsu Yajima, a 72-year-old accounting staff member,

Who is this guy?

He's the fall guy. His boss is the one who they should be going after.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Posted in: Gamers tear into Musk for 'faking' video game prowess See in context

Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE),

DOGE? They've got a govt. Dept with initials from an internet meme? Is this some kind of inside trump/musk joke or something?

The billionaire unfollowed Asmongold on X, and soon the streamer lost his blue checkmark

Not suspicious timing at all is it?

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Posted in: 8 face charges after employee at girls bar dies from excessive alcohol consumption See in context

Seems it would be difficult for the staff and customers to decide that, unless they were keeping exact tabs on how much she had.

I doubt that at all, after all the business is increasing her pay on the amount that she drank. I bet they know EXACTLY how many she had.

What a horrible place to work with systems such as that.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Posted in: Racing circuit, resort ideas eyed for Osaka Expo site development See in context

Both these ideas seem exciting, but how much use would a race tracks actually get?

Also the water park, are they just going to open it for the two during summer and close it at the start of September?.

I don't know what I'd put there, but it's prime spot right? They should make it something for locals and travellers to use.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Father, son arrested for assaulting police officer at Sapporo game center See in context

What duties did they obstruct?

Probably the duty of the police to try and remove them from the centre.

The question begging to be asked here is, however, have otaku become so out of touch that they can't even game properly in a game center?

Something tells me you don't know what type of place a game centre is anymore. They are usually full of photo booths and prize games and often full of young girls or couples on a date.

As you could imagine ( or maybe you can't) drunken men 'acting violently' would warrant a call to the police.

The type of 'otaku' you are probably thinking of wouldn't go there because there would be few video games.

Do people not understand these articles after reading them?

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Posted in: Man arrested for threatening teenage daughter with knife See in context

Sounds like the guy is being over dramatic. Divorce? Daughter got a lover? Lost his job? Who knows?

His motivation doesn't really matter. Threatening to kill someone isn't a nice thing to do.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: WWII veteran recounts escape from sinking Japanese navy carrier See in context

Wow. What an experience this guy had. It is nice to see that even at the time, despite propaganda telling people otherwise that not all Japanese were crazy

military culture, in which young noncommissioned officers were punished without reason.

Even this guy in his training thought the system was messed up and shows that Japanese Military were pretty messed up in their ways.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese government will check and judge new baby name pronunciations See in context

Seems to be a lot of anger about this from JT readers. However it makes sense.

It seems that names are being made incomprehensible. I guess an English equivalent would be naming a kid 'John' in writing but saying the pronunciation (of the written form John) is 'Fred'. Which makes sense.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

Posted in: Anti-whaling activist Paul Watson released after 5 months in Greenland prison See in context

but nice try deflecting from Japan's industrial-scale whaling under the sham of “research.”

Japan doesn't claim it's research anymore. It's straight up commercial whaling.

Where are the consumers for this commercial endeavour ( that is heavily subsidized)?

It's pretty shameful that some tsunami money was given to the whaling industry.

5 ( +28 / -23 )

Posted in: 16-year-old boy arrested for robbing convenience store, using toy gun See in context


But the good thing about restricted gun possession is the boy can't get hold of a real gun. He might have killed someone accidentally with a real one.

I would personally prefer being held up by a fake gun thinking it was real, than a real gun to experience that it's real.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Posted in: Ex-firefighter arrested over 10 arson incidents; says he did it to ease stress See in context

"Ex"-firefighter? What is his new career, I wonder...

A criminal.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Fresh fin whale meat auctioned for first time in decades in Japan See in context

Our taxes are what's keeping the industry going. With few people purchasing whale meat, how did they afford their shiny new boat? Out taxes.

Normally a business that can't make its own profit would fold and go under.

So why does the whaling industry get so much public money?

Lobbying and manipulating the system no doubt.

4 ( +13 / -9 )

Posted in: Video game bosses gather at 'darkest hour' for industry See in context

Pressure - pursue

Worrying - whoring.

Edit options would be nice.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Video game bosses gather at 'darkest hour' for industry See in context

Good to see Jay said what needs to be said. People should stop taking immediately and pressure more mature hobbies such as gambling, Pachinko ( totally not gambling) , drugs and worrying at every opportunity.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan would be better off without death penalty: Italian activist See in context

In an opinion poll conducted by the Japanese government in 2019, 80.8 percent said the existence of capital punishment "could not be helped."

What information exactly does a question like this reveal?

People are resigned to having capital punishment?

They want to get rid of capital punishment but can't?

Capital punishment is an integral part of society?

I suspect whoever came up with the question for this opinion poll didn't know what they wanted to ask. (Or perhaps they knew they wanted a specific outcome)

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Posted in: Court upholds rejection of call to halt Miyagi Prefecture nuclear reactor See in context

emergency evacuation plans for the nuclear plant, stating they were not relevant as it could not be assumed a serious accident was likely.

Erm. Isn't the pont of emergency evac plans set up for the chance that a serious accident happens? Sure one might not be likely, but then at Fukushima, they thought that such a large tsunami was also unlikely.

Evacuation is usually a last resort, so if one happens, a serious accident must've occured. But assuming a serious accident won't occured is just going to leave people dead when/if one does occur.

What a crazy ruling.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Extra Diet session begins with minority gov't; budget, reforms on agenda See in context

@marc lowe,

Before complaining about wording, you should understand their meaning. 'Minority' doesn't only refer to racial minorities. It can be used to describe many types of things.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Posted in: 6% of Nissan employees in U.S. to retire early in restructuring See in context

retire early

Double speak is alive and well I see. They're being fired, let go, getting the sack. I hope they get a good payout.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Ex-nursery school teacher gets 14 years in prison for sexually assaulting 7 girls See in context

... "it is only too easy to imagine the grief of the parents whose precious children were assaulted...

How about a bit of sympathy for the children who will have deal with this for the rest of their lives?

The guy only got 2 years per child. Considering how he seems to have a serial habit, I feel it's a bit light

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Posted in: Australia's plan to ban children from social media proves popular and problematic See in context

Education is the key here. The genie is out of the lamp now, and a ban would be difficult and clumsy to implement.

I agree with Peter14s idea as probably the best way to handle something like this.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: As Donald Trump staffs up for second term, only MAGA loyalists need apply See in context

I thought the President's job was to look after the people and the country. This article makes it sound like Trump is looking after Trump at the sacrifice of the country.

15 ( +21 / -6 )

Posted in: Over 85% wary of bad tourist behavior at Japan national parks: poll See in context

....how do Japanese behave?

Just like everybody else. I've seen more Japanese old men peeing, spitting and littering the street than foreigners.

Japanese always follow the rules... Except when they don't.

-7 ( +14 / -21 )

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