Posted in: North Korea says front-line units ready to strike South Korea if more drones appear See in context
He's bluffing. He isn't stupid enough to attack South Korea. He'd be dead inside of two weeks and his army in ruin.
what if he isnt? is everyone ready for another war? you all like to instigate things but will get surprised if the worst case scenario happens. every one is stupid when it comes to war. everyone is smart when it comes to war. based on the on-going wars in (Russia, Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Iran) no one wants to firmly intervene because they know they are too, will be joining the war and sacrifices their economy. (plus the people).
If NK-SK will start another war, and US will intervene on it, dont be surprised if China will get involved. also Russia on it. because those 3 countries, NK too, dont want any US military on their backyard.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. says Russian jet caused spy drone crash over Black Sea; Moscow denies collision See in context
US really wanted to escalate those conflicts. in any reasons possible. they want to start something and bring the other with him. he was like "NATO! do something, this guy pinch me. i was just peeking"
same with NK= Japan/SK conflict. he purposely starts provocative "countermeasures" until someone, either NK or SK will make a mistake
Taiwan is not yet escalated since US is busy on those 2 boys.
you see. this is a psychological warfare tactics by US but using those "international rules" provocatively. until he accumulates enough countries to follow him or justify his future actions.
-3 ( +10 / -13 )
Posted in: North Korea fires ballistic missile toward sea See in context
yeah. this is it. US is preparing the SK to be a battleground.
i need a month long stack of popcorn...
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: U.S. House speaker declines Zelenskyy invitation to visit Ukraine See in context
"thats a battleground. we created that outcome. i can see it......from here"
not so far in the future.
Taiwan Battleground.
SK and Japan Battleground.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: 86% fear Japan could be involved in war as tensions mount See in context
hypocrisy at its finest. you throw a rock. expect a bread to come back?
-3 ( +4 / -7 )
Posted in: 86% fear Japan could be involved in war as tensions mount See in context
first one in Asia to publicly sanctioned the Russia and other countries involved instead of standing by and watch just like any other small countries in Asia. publicly annoy the egoistic Kim just to have strong ties with US and ex enemy (SK).
surely you dont expect to get involved in a war if the worst case scenario happens?
-2 ( +3 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan, U.S., S Korea hold maritime drills See in context
The reason to have those militaries and exercise their capabilities publicly is to prevent war. If your adversary considers the price of attacking you too high they won't attack. A large force, well trained and with the clear intent to use it if attacked is the best deterrent to war, and far less costly than the wars being perceived as weak invites.
that would be effective if the country or any entity you are facing has a common sense. that is knows how to be afraid on a "large force". but what we are talking here is NK. that boy Kim who we all know is a prideful one. do you all think he will step back on the "large force" they're implementing right now? nope. you all can see that he is eager to pull the trigger. both sides are taunting each other. because they all know that whoever strike first, will be on the wrong side. let me tell you one thing, one small mistake on those "alliance" on on NK's side, NK will go crazy and the rest will be history.
im not siding any one of them. im just against the playstyle of US using smaller countries to provoke whoever oppose him.
Ukraine on Russia
Taiwan on China
SK and Japan on NK
its power trippin using the justice he calling "unity"
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: Japan, U.S., S Korea hold maritime drills See in context
Japan and SK are too dumbfounded on political power just because US is at theyre backs. collateral damage is the worst part of it. if that war will be start in the future, believe me, 3 countries will have no future. and US is safe playing as the mastermind.
-9 ( +1 / -10 )
Posted in: Japan, U.S., S Korea hold maritime drills See in context
Good. NK needs to be reminded what may happen if they go crazy.
i think you're not watching on a broader perspective. Japan and SK is closest to NK. what will happen to them if NK go crazy? US will be safer on the least but nuclear weapon is still a nuclear weapon. if they know that they're barking at a mad dog, they should know it will bite if cornered. you're thinking no casualties on Japan and SK? you must be blindsided.
-4 ( +2 / -6 )
Posted in: Ukraine's Zelenskyiy calls for fighter jets on trip to Europe See in context
The next logical step is to ask for tactical nukes to push back the separatists who are dug in.
dont make tactical nukes as an option. because that is what everyone is avoiding thats why the war takes this long enough. if you put nukes on the list. we already know the outcome. because Ukraine has no nukes to put on. if someone from other countries give them nukes, that country will be held accountable by Russia.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Ukraine's Zelenskyiy calls for fighter jets on trip to Europe See in context
You can't talk "peace" and have a gun.
-7 ( +2 / -9 )
Posted in: U.S., allies clash with Russia, China over North Korea tests See in context
deescalate and meet halfway...
simple as that.
yeah US is big as a continent. and NK is small like a ranch. US should lower his eye level to be respected by some people who knows what he is playing
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan adds 2 ships to its fleet of Aegis-equipped destroyers See in context
seems like they're expecting it to happen rather than avoiding it..
brace yourself. we all need escape route
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: N Korea fires suspected long-range missile designed to hit mainland U.S. See in context
US/Japan/SK should take the words of NK seriously. because one thing is certaion. between Russia and North Korea, NK dont back on their words. they know the consenquences, and theyre willing to take it.
its an art of provocation. both sides are using it. one wrong move and it will escalate rapidly....
-14 ( +6 / -20 )
Posted in: Leaders quietly work to ramp up pressure on N Korea at G20 See in context
the more you gang up on Kim, the scarier he will retaliate. this Yoon is a bit full of himself just because US is holding his hand.
on this era, and current events, every leader has knowledgeable enough to know that messing with someone who has a nuclear reserve will give them unthinkable aftermath. since we know that nuclear weapons are NK's only power. he will use it regardless any consequences he will get.
Yoon is trying so hard to get the upper hand.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan, U.S. hold joint military exercise with eye on China, N Korea See in context
just another day for US to escalate hostilities on Asian affairs.
-4 ( +5 / -9 )
Posted in: Biden to discuss N Korea nuclear threat with Japan, S Korea leaders See in context
US should stop their unlawful weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs. it makes other countries feel inferior to them and will bound to follow what they think is good. but only for their beneficial.
if you have a nuclear power at your back. you have the upper hand of communication.
Russia and China dont mind NK working on its nuclear progress. why US always minding it?
-11 ( +1 / -12 )
Posted in: Kishida says Japan urgently needs to strengthen its military See in context
Japan has no nuclear capabilities. also military strength to be able to stand in front against Russia and NK. it will takes years or decades to be able to to that.
unless they will buy US equipment or agreed to be their puppet and battleground. outcome will be unthinkable.
-6 ( +3 / -9 )
Posted in: Kishida says Japan urgently needs to strengthen its military See in context
History repeats itself
now.. the way how blinded Kishida-san on US schemes, if things go south and if he will follow Zelenskyy's emotion based decisions...
brace for impact. new cities will be written in books
-4 ( +5 / -9 )
Posted in: N Korea fires 23 missiles, prompting air-raid alert in South See in context
South Korea must take a stand with this tyrant little kim, be as it may be Soul needs to send a deadly message to little kim by any means possible and if it takes or means eliminating him then let it be.
what will happen to SK then? unscatched? children will play like theyre used to be?
seem you dont picture out your decisions too well
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: N Korea fires 23 missiles, prompting air-raid alert in South See in context
Putin has more manners than Kim, keeping his nuclear weapon as a last resort on a worst case scenarios.
i dont think Kim has that ego to think of others since NK has been isolated long time on diplomatic issues worldwide. surely he will go all out with his nuclear weapons.
US and SK may won the war. but no one will see a bright future...
-4 ( +2 / -6 )
Posted in: N Korea fires 23 missiles, prompting air-raid alert in South See in context
The time has come to relinquish the ambition to destroy the DPRK. It is about time to recognize the DPRK and sign a peace treaty with her.
yeah. just think which decision will save more people now or in the future. no more egocentric decisions.
accept NK as a Nuclear Powerhouse just like Russia, China, France and even US.
what will the cost of acceptance? truce, treaties, diplomatic arrangements.
what will the cost of disturbance and opposition? people. children. land. history.
NK is a small country. accept it
NK has nuclear weapon. accept it
NK dont want to be under of someone. accept it
NK dont want US domination rules just like Russia and China. accept it
or your children will see no future.
the most dangerous type of people or animals are the cornered ones. they dont have anything to lose so they will go all out.
-4 ( +4 / -8 )
Posted in: North Korea demands the U.S., South Korea halt joint military drills See in context
US is the problem in all turmoil occurrence.
if he sees a threat on his invasive propaganda, he will make it an enemy through and through.
for US's side, he all wants the power over the world. if there are countries capable of countering him, even if it a small one or a big one. he will destroy them until they bend the knee. like other dogs of US cough Japan cough
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: U.S. plans to deploy nuclear-capable B-52 bombers to Australia's north: report See in context
see why US don't want NK to pursue nuclear weapons while they are also making it day by day?
see why they are doing their best to tell some lies ( idk any more what are lies and truth on their conflicts) on Russia just to break that country apart from the world?
see why they keep China on track and doing every thing to counter every China's progress (be it domination or economic progress) while they're also extending their influence throughout Europe and Asia.
idk if you're blinded or not. but that is just hypocrisy.
-2 ( +3 / -5 )
Posted in: U.S. plans to deploy nuclear-capable B-52 bombers to Australia's north: report See in context
some of us has been enlightened. some of us are blinded. as days goes by, some of you will get the bigger picture. just keep asking and you will see the answers on the most important question "why"
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: U.S., Japan, S Korea warn of unparalleled response if N Korea holds nuclear test See in context
There is much the West can do to make life uncomfortable in Pyongyang.
thats not the West want.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: U.S., Japan, S Korea warn of unparalleled response if N Korea holds nuclear test See in context
The Downfall of Three Countries
Asia's Three Sunken Houses
Asia's Darkest Time
The Day I Met Your Initiator (iykwim)
Provocation's Aftermath
What is Power?
Western Ego Drives Three Asian Countries to Ashes
if this continue, we will have a book about it.
yup. you know it. US is not one of them. even though started the war provocations. having most of the weapons and armies.
of course. it is for the "support"
-7 ( +2 / -9 )
Posted in: U.S. vows full military defense of allies against North Korea See in context
guys guys. we all know this.
North Korea is a Nuclear Powerhouse. accept it.
given the sea of current events, you can study every actions of US, or any other powerhouses. provoking, threatening, feint actions etc.
US made a statement of "full force" on its "support" on Japan and SK? thats fishy.
We all know how sensitive Kim will be. if you threaten him, he will surely retaliate will all his weapons.
and surely NK would fall. that is a fact.
but this is also a serious fact, NK will not fall alone. and if he cant grab US with his downfall. you all should know which country(ies) will be coming down with him.
because of whom? also US
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: U.S. vows full military defense of allies against North Korea See in context
US are not accepting some countries in middle east as a Military Powerhouse, thus starting a fight but not on their backyard.
US are not accepting a country being another Nuclear Powerhouse, thus starting a fight but not on their backyard.
Russia dont want US on their backyard. but US proclaiming them delusional and doing provocative progress. thus supporting a fight but not on their backyard.
China making a progress putting military near US allied country, but US dont want that. what could be next?...
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: U.S. vows full military defense of allies against North Korea See in context
you dont know or cant seem to understand the meaning of a Nuclear Powerhouse. they dont start it because of its grave aftermath that only few remains to tell the tale. some of us just making it light as a joke and telling insults on public figures.
but everyone can snap. a silent monk or a warmonger dictator. worst case scenario, all of us will see how it will begin. some of us will see through it. but only few of us can tell the tale.
US making a serious BOLD statement threatening a Nuclear Powerhouse in stating a "defense" by using full war equipments.
but it is not their ground. it is someone else's. it is not their people. it is someone else's. the aftermath of a battleground is not theirs. they are starting to lit a fire on another's house. what could go wrong?
-5 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: Trump has unleashed chaos by distraction upon the international community. That's no accident
Posted in: What's next for Honda and Nissan?
Yes x 1000 to Joy Division/New Order! The soundtrack to the 80s and 90s.
Posted in: Mariah Carey, Chubby Checker, Cyndi Lauper, OutKast and Phish get Rock Hall nominations
Posted in: Legal hurdles keep high-profile rape victim's film off Japan screens