Posted in: Antiwhaling activist Pete Bethune is facing 5 criminal charges in connection with his intrusion onto a Japanese whaling vessel. What do you think about it? See in context
I think Bethune probably thought that he would get released. He is a first class idiot and he deserves all that he has coming to him. A warning to him and all other activists is that doing illegal acts is not the best way to further your cause.
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Posted in: Dante Carver mum on relationship with Vivi model See in context
zhazam05 you thought it was good enough news to read it didn't you?
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Posted in: Depp gets to the heart of the Hatter See in context
I think that Depp is a great actor and very humble too.
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Posted in: Off-duty cop arrests student for stealing bag to buy White Day present See in context
5th dan in Kendo hey, should have snapped off a branch from the bush where the boy was hiding and given him a few whacks for good measure.
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Posted in: Japan happy as export ban on Atlantic bluefin tuna rejected See in context
Humans should be able to do whatever they want to animals. We are on the top of the food chain so until animals start figuring out ways of not getting eaten, I say we eat them.
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Posted in: JAL to offer premium economy service on Narita-Sydney route See in context
Return that is!
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Posted in: JAL to offer premium economy service on Narita-Sydney route See in context
Haha I am going to Australia around Christmas for three weeks for 75,000 incl. taxes and the lot(in flight ent. and dodgy meals). Anyone not willing to take the flight for almost half price is bonkers. I wonder how much the executive shell seat costs?
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Posted in: Obama's bow to emperor causes outrage in Washington See in context
American overreaction to a simple gesture. Oh no! We are no longer a superpower! Who cares!!! Yay for being from a country who doesn't give a hoot about being a superpower.
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Posted in: Taiji sets dolphins free following int'l outcry over 'The Cove' See in context
Intelligent? Maybe so but we are at the top of the food chain so bad luck for any animal that we humans decide to eat.
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Posted in: Star of Taiji dolphin-hunt film wants to win over Japan See in context
Spudman thanks for the definition. So these men who catch the dolphins, if besides this they also 'catch fish for a living' are then just fishermen catching dolphins. Makes sense now. Who knows there may even be a few salary men who catch dolphins too!
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Posted in: Star of Taiji dolphin-hunt film wants to win over Japan See in context
Fisherman do not only catch fish. If you think about the verb 'fish' it is not exclusively used for fish but for all aquatic animals. Therefore fisherman is still an appropriate term to use.
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Posted in: Izumi Mori launches dogwear fashion brand Celebra Dog See in context
ironchef what country are you from? I know you can buy clothes for dogs in the US, UK, Australia etc. Which is no different from "this country". What is a little different is this story's newsworthiness.
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Posted in: 4-year-old boy falls to death from fifth-floor apartment window in Shiga See in context
timorborder did you insert only the first half of my sentence for any reason in particular?
I agree that the mother is at fault but to not feel sympathetic for her loss, that is just cold.
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Posted in: 4-year-old boy falls to death from fifth-floor apartment window in Shiga See in context
I am certain that it is impossible to keep your eyes on your kids for 24 hours a day but in saying this a parent should be aware of the possible dangers that can occur in the place in which they are living. i.e. A 13 metre drop to the ground and a window with no safety screens.
The mother had to learn a tough lesson and will probably beat herself up over this for the rest of her life.
RIP little fella.
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Posted in: 8 suspects, including mother, held in rape of 16-yr-old girl in Fukuoka See in context
The younger 16 year old sister is most likely a twin. I guess even a couple of minutes is important in deciding who is higher up in the family.
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Posted in: 8 suspects, including mother, held in rape of 16-yr-old girl in Fukuoka See in context
This is sick.
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Posted in: U.S. sailor gets life in prison for killing Japanese taxi driver See in context
AK619 in the the three executions the other day one of them was a Chinese national. A foreigner...
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Posted in: Serial cat killer on the loose again in Tokyo's Setagaya See in context
This seems like torture. If you want to kill stray cats make it instant. Then use the hide for something. 動物は最高の素材です。
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Posted in: My first run-in with the police See in context
Let us not always be the victim. The Myers ran a red light. This is against the law. In Japan not following the rules is seen as suspicious and when you think about it what is not suspicious about two grown adults who know not to cross on red and could not wait those extra seconds/minutes? When police (not just Japanese police) see something suspicious it is their duty to ask questions. As to what questions it is up to them. Not that I agree with how the Myers were questioned. I just have come to accept that the chances of getting one up one police are slim so the best thing to do is answer them politely and move on. No matter where you go police are criminals with badges. Don't play up, follow the rules and you won't get in trouble. If we were not occasionally stopped and asked to show our alien registration cards, then for what reason must we carry them around at all times?
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Posted in: The cheering gets nasty at a pro baseball game See in context
Hmmm, difficult one here. Definitely had to be there I think. Overreaction by the female baystars supporter. Though is there any way the incident could have been prevented? There is a reason why they have seperate areas for different teams and also for those not into the loud cheering etc. Other than the slap, anything that happened is the fault of the reporter for going into that section in the first place. Everyone, with sports events especially book early and get the seats you want.
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Posted in: Silencing science: How Trump is reshaping U.S. health
Posted in: Hamas accuses Israel of ceasefire breaches ahead of next hostage-for-prisoner exchange
Oh so that allowed their money to be unfrozen in a decision made by (not Trump)? i see.
Posted in: Iran supreme leader says U.S. talks 'not intelligent, wise or honorable' but doesn't rule them out
Trump is just on a roll. Got Nippon Steel to stop trying to buy USS. All the questions went to…
Posted in: Trump says U.S. Steel will get investment from Nippon Steel, instead of being bought by it