Posted in: Fauci warns of 'suffering and death' if U.S. reopens too soon See in context
“God of medicine and anointed, he is not.”
No but Trump was sent by Jesus so he must have the answers. Watch that Clorox it has a kick.
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: Fauci warns of 'suffering and death' if U.S. reopens too soon See in context
Reading the Trump supporters here I see they share Rand Paul’s confusion. Fauci is not setting policy, not calling the shots. Dumpster is. Please follow the program.
6 ( +6 / -0 )
Posted in: Bob Dylan announces first album of new music since 2012 See in context
Sounds great so far.
‘I’m the last of the best, you can bury the rest’
Setting the record straight.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Armed U.S. protesters enter Michigan capitol to demand lockdown end See in context
The US is descending into darkness. There are just way too many crazy, scary people. More than I ever imagined.
Two Trump supporters we hospitalized for drinking disinfectant today. Let’s hope they keep focused on Trump’s cures and not their weapons.
0 ( +4 / -4 )
Posted in: Loyal customers try to keep their local eateries afloat during pandemic See in context
We run a popular Japanese restaurant outside NYC. We have been trying take out only, not what we normally do, for a month now. It is not working sadly. We lose too much weekly and will be forced to close next week. Support these places that are open. Don’t take the for granted.
8 ( +9 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump says governors playing 'political game' with virus tests See in context
So lack of tests is the new hoax?
7 ( +7 / -0 )
Posted in: Don't reopen yet, governors tell Trump as coronavirus deaths top 40,000 See in context
‘ in their actions and words’
If Trump had just set out to unite the country, to calm the storm, to offer leadership to the entire country, left and right, Americans would have rallied behind him. Words are extremely important.
Mistakes are made. How we rise above them is what defines us. Trump has done the exact opposite of what a leader should do. Because pits all about him. Everything is about him. And he thrives on chaos and division it’s the source of his power. He needs the country at each other’s throats.
His followers follow his lead and can only speak of this in partisan terms. The virus is a weapon used against Trump. It’s a pretext to attack him, a hoax used by the Dems to do political damage. So they fight back as they would any other political threat. Support your side attack the other side. . It’s the strategy since January. It still is.
Well the virus doesn’t care about the economy or Trump’s chances. And all the spinning and accusations won’t change reality. You can’t gaslight a virus.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Don't reopen yet, governors tell Trump as coronavirus deaths top 40,000 See in context
Their leaders must really suck, eh?
This has not been easy for any country or leader. But few leaders have behaved as poorly as a Trump. Xi and Balsonaro come to mind. Let’s see how Abe does going forward.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Don't reopen yet, governors tell Trump as coronavirus deaths top 40,000 See in context
60% of the US supports the stay home orders. 75% think the worst is still to come. 65% think Trump responded too slowly. His polls are very low when you consider the usual rallying around the flag that happens during a national crisis. He is starting to attack even Fox and Drudge for their negative coverage.
His call for unrest and the despicable, silly blame games are desperation moves. There are just too many documented instances of his buffoonery. His lies. His misdirections. Etc. He needs for this to magically go away. It won’t. What will he do then? It’s a scary time to have a narcissist in office and a cult willing to follow him anywhere.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Don't reopen yet, governors tell Trump as coronavirus deaths top 40,000 See in context
What a disgrace the Banana Republicans are. Every principle they once held so high out the window. State rights? Siding with Putin over our own intelligence. Hush money to porn stars. I could go on and on.
A hollowed out shell of a party, following a hollow, shallow narcissist. This will not go well for the country.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Australia calls for independent probe into WHO and global virus response See in context
bass4funkToday 11:03 pm JST
The Banana Republicans are so proud of the ability to obstruct investigations.
The Dems did the same thing
Typical partisan argument that can’t see past party.. Puts ideology before country. I never voted for a Democrat. I love out country and Democracy first and foremost. Trump is shredding both. And you guys just stick to he same old media war talking points. Sad.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Australia calls for independent probe into WHO and global virus response See in context
bass4funkToday 07:48 pm JST
In addition, the House and the Senate should also open immediate investigations into the Trump administration's incompetent and botched response to the pandemic.
Yes, let the Democrats try and embarrass themselves for a 3rd time.
The Banana Republicans are so proud of the ability to obstruct investigations. Like a child signing their signature on the wall after potty training. If we have a Democratic Senate perhaps we will hear from the actual government players, under oath. Instead of the truth being buried.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Australia calls for independent probe into WHO and global virus response See in context
WilliBToday 09:12 pm JST
Trump is still ignoring the medical advice.
How? I thought he does everything that Fauci recommends.
Trump shifts his rhetoric by the hour. I won’t recap. But as of today, after backing down from offensive to any decent America position of ‘I alone decide what the states do’ he has said let the states decide. Then he encourages armed protesters to ‘liberate’ themselves from the lockdowns. Shameful. I used to consider myself a Republican. Now I consider them the Banana Republicans.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Australia calls for independent probe into WHO and global virus response See in context
I just want to be clear. I don’t doubt China played games. As did Abe. As did Trump. And the WHO may have been swayed by China. We all deserve and need the truth. I just doubt we will get it. I think governments will be looking to cover their behinds. Trump is still ignoring the medical advice. For the same reasons he did all along. He needs the economy for the election.
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Australia calls for independent probe into WHO and global virus response See in context
Of course there should be an INDEPENDENT investigation into the WHO’s response. As there should be an INDEPENDENT investigation into all responses by all parties. But since so-called leaders like a Trump are looking for scapegoats I highly doubt the INDEPENDENT part. Australians will need to judge their own leaders motivations. Trump’s are as transparent as the water that runs down my drain.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Country folk singer John Prine dies at 73 of coronavirus complications See in context
This is so sad. A beautiful man. I had the pleasure of meeting him in the 70’s. Like his songs he was a pure heart.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Bob Dylan releases first original music in nearly a decade See in context
‘my high school bandmates’
Tony lives in my area and has played at my venue. He is a nice guy. He loved my wife’s ramen we serve there.
Dylan’s tune is a stark tune for stark times. A funeral dirge for a lost America.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: 3-year-old girl dies after being hit by truck in restaurant parking lot See in context
It always drove me crazy when I lived in Japan. Watching parents walk through parking lots with their toddlers trailing behind them. Seemed very common.
6 ( +8 / -2 )
Posted in: Panic buying follows coronavirus across the globe See in context
“You're joking, right? In Tokyo the kombini, supermarkets and drugstores were quickly stripped bare “
Not in my area. I was deeply impressed by the restrain on display. I often relate that to my fellow Americans.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump aides defend U.S. coronavirus response See in context
bass4funkToday 09:06 am JST
Trump fired the Pandemic task force in 2018. It doesn’t take miracles. It takes science.
“Actually, he didn’t fire him, it was Bolton that did. But he has a team, so we should let them do their job. Harping on them, won’t help the public, it definitely won’t help the Democrats.”
Typical cult response. You asked and I answered. Your come back is very lacking indeed. You referenced expecting a miracle. Funny enough this is what Trump mentioned would end it.
Lets not forget Trump called for Obama to resign during the Ebola outbreak. Typical bully, he can dish it out but whines when he gets called out. Shameful time to be an American.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump aides defend U.S. coronavirus response See in context
They are finally working on test kits in a serious way. But the lack of preparedness is appalling. Not shocking, just appalling.
3 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump aides defend U.S. coronavirus response See in context
After Don JR accused Dems of ‘wanting millions and millions to die’ so it would hurt his Daddy, Pence came out and defended the remarks. Saying junior’s message was ‘let’s put politics aside.’ Meanwhile, Daddy, as usual can’t stop patting himself on the back in between denouncing the Dems.
4 ( +7 / -3 )
Posted in: Trump ousts hawkish Bolton, dissenter on foreign policy See in context
Trump says he fired Bolton. Bolton says he resigned. Is the USA now a place where both of these are true at the same time?
Let’s face it, Trump lies ALL the time. Bolton probably only lies SOME of the time. I go with Bolton’s version of events.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump says Cohen hearing may have contributed to North Korea summit failure See in context
There is an unwritten rule that Americans support the President while overseas. This may not have happened to another President. But Trump has only himself to blame. No other President treated the ‘other side’ with such malicious contempt. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Trump’s dwindling list of allies will eventually run out.
7 ( +11 / -4 )
Posted in: Senator's dramatic demand spurs panel to seek FBI Kavanaugh probe See in context
‘The FBI has already said that it doesn’t fall in their purview.’
did you hear that on Fox News?
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump vents anger on NATO allies, EU, Trudeau See in context
Digging in to the chronology of this story I have changed my view. It seems Trump launched the first volley on this post summit fray. As usual I’m disappointed and embarrassed by the guy.
How all this effects the summit with Kim is not so clear. The Kim’s always use a similar style of negotiating themselves. I expect it to be a surreal display in any case.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump threatens U.S. allies on trade before leaving G7 summit See in context
The same argument can be made against the other G7 leaders. No one wins a trade war. At least in the short term. And the US does have the largest stick.
Again, I don’t support Trump but I also believe we who oppose have to frame our aurguements and positions in a way that will win his supporters over. Not drive them deeper into the darkness.
The dairy issue is relatively small but both sides are focusing on it for a reason. It is a grassroots (pun!) issue. It’s a people issue. Those who dismiss Trump’s point of view so easily are making a big mistake. In the end for whatever (good?) reasons Canada may have they are in fact protecting the market. They need to use finesse to win their argument. Trudeau’s statement that Canadians won’t be pushed around while walking out the door of their compromise meeting was shooting a volley. The Resistance can deny that all they want. Trump returned fire as could be predicted. The surprise was with Trudeau not Trump. But The Resistance frames it as Trump’s responsibility, his amateur behavior. Well I can tell you his supports won’t buy that. Result, a deeper divide.
Not well played in my opinion by Trudeau if his goal is to get back to business as usual.
I say this as someone anxious to get Trump out of office.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump threatens U.S. allies on trade before leaving G7 summit See in context
‘That makes Trudeau’s position much stronger. Unlike Trump, he has the support of his people.’
Unfortunately this is not quiet true. Trump’s numbers are rising. He got elected in the first place partially because the Dems abandoned the working class. I understand trade is a very complicated issue. But when it gets argued in simple terms in the media Trump wins. He looks like he is the one fighting for the working class. While his opposition looks more concerned with the G7.
I want Trump out. But the opposition keeps using tactics which just make him stronger.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump vents anger on NATO allies, EU, Trudeau See in context
So you seem to agree with Trump, Trudeau used his statement to undermine Trump. That may work to boost his popularity, as Trump’s aggressiveness boosts his with his supporters. But is it the best way to make true progress on the issue? I doubt it. And more importantly Trump’s supporters will just dig deeper. And Trump will gain more support with the American working class. In the end I believe cooler heads will prevail over trade. But the way this spins in the media just reinforces the perception Trump is misrepresented in the media. Trudeau is given a pass in this drama. Trump supporters see this and that deepens the divide and mistrust. Trump winds up looking like he cares more about the American worker while the press cares more about NATO and the G7.
As far as Kim. Who knows? Maybe Kim will relate to Trump’s style. That whole spectacle is like a Saturday Night sketch. Let’s hope the comedy improve doesn’t go off the rails.
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: Trump vents anger on NATO allies, EU, Trudeau See in context
I want Trump gone as badly as the next guy. But his opponents just keep giving him all the political boost he needs to keep on ‘winning’.
We all know the various positions on NATO and tariffs and the hard deep divisions around them. But didnt they all just try to meet on some sort of common ground? Did Trudeau need to attack Trump at this moment, when the ink was not even dry? Why? Is that diplomacy? As Trump leaves on an important mission where is good faith of allies? I get it Trump is a jerk and I want him gone. But by issuing his strong statement Trudeau basically challenged Trump. When you challenge Trump you get slapped. We all know this. What did Trudeau think he would gain? Fight around the table. Not in the media. That is where you lose to Trump. Now Trump looks like the tough guy who doesn’t back down. The opposition can complain all they like. Trump wins this round again.
Please let’s stop making this easy on him.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Australia soccer star Sam Kerr found not guilty of racially aggravated harassment of police officer
Posted in: How Musk's crusade against government could benefit Tesla
Posted in: Japan seeks exemption from U.S. steel, aluminum tariffs