Posted in: New daycare centers held up by residents opposing noisy kids See in context
I suggest that residents should excuse noisy kids to some extent. Please remember our childhood. Probably, we were noisy like the kids. Residents living around parks for children had been excusing our noisiness. In addition, residents were another educator. They always willingly scolded us when we were too noisy beyond a level which can be condoned. Through such so-operation of residents, we could grow up adults who have good morality. Compared to countryside, People in Tokyo don’t concern about others. However, children should be raised by neighbors as well as family. An co-operative attitude to nurturing should be needed in modern Japanese society like it twenty years ago.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: What’s wrong with English education in Japan? Pull up a chair See in context
I agree with author's idea.
However, I want foreign people not to misunderstand Japanese English situation.
A lot of Japanese English teachers now try to tackle with the problem and received qualified education to speak English during the class, which is sometime called "classroom English"
Japanese English education certainly has been not effective to real English conversation, but it started to change into better ones. Japanese people are very smart, so they will become good globalized people soon by utilizing their good knowledge.
-31 ( +10 / -41 )
Posted in: Will Apple's digital wallet kill the card swipe? See in context
Mobile payments are certainly very useful and speedy, so in the global society, this kind of payments will be needed.
A lot of sightseers are trouble in foreign money exchange.
New phone service help the sightseers have a comfortable time during their trip.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Rakuten considering Airbnb-like home rental service in Japan See in context
Rakuten is one of the biggest companies in Japan.
The company really is devoted to enrich Japanese society through the power of internet like above services.
In addition, the company has been setting a rule on the employees. It is necessary for businessmen working in globalized society. The rule is that employees in the company are forced to speak English. It is very precious opportunities for Japanese businessmen to brush their business English skill up.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan carries out world's first iPS stem cell implant surgery See in context
This is a big first step for us.
Thanks to effort of scientists like this, we can receive qualified surgery.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: 'Spirit' fades for famed animation studio after Miyazaki signs off See in context
Hand-writing is tougher than we imagine in making movies.
However,devoting a great deal of time and care is strong point of Gibli animation.
Miyazaki know how important it is.
I believe that keeping traditional way from MIyazaki is only way for Gibli to succeed.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Growing restrictions make for frustrated park users See in context
Banning any activities in parks leads children to undesirable physical ability.
Because of the decreasing of playground, their physical ability have been worth than ever before.
It's one of Japanese social problem.
Government should make more playground. In addition, people around the park allow children to make "happy noise" as it is future noise.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Pay apology agencies to say 'I'm sorry' when it’s just too hard to do it yourself See in context
Whenever i apologize to someone, I'm always with the following idea.
Apologizing to someone soon after making mistake. Apologizing to someone seeing their eyes.
This article's type of apology is not exact one, I believe.
People who have good morality never want this company forever.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Chinese firm serves up 'smart chopsticks' for food-wary diners See in context
This innovative item is sometime needed.
In Japan, June is rainy season, so humidity has been high during the season. In the situation, food unfortunately are easy to go bad. Every year, lots of people suffer from the food poisoning due to high humidity.
In such case, the innovative item will play a good role.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Celebrity hack puts focus on Internet 'cloud' See in context
We should be wary this kind of incidents.
I work hard to read newspapers and news of IT crime.
Through media, we should gain a knowledge to protect ourselves or families from hackers.
To gain updated news defend you from tragedy.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Invasive insect threatens iconic Florida citrus See in context
This type of disease can be seen in Japanese rice field.
It is very difficult for Japanese farmer to solve the problem, but we have eradicated it.
I'm sure that people in Florida can exterminate it !!!!!!
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Gov't advises citizens to stockpile toilet paper See in context
I have experienced the serious disaster in the place which was hit by the earthquake.
It was serious tragedy I can remember easily.
It is important for people to prepare for the disaster to buy such commodities, but I wanna say from my experience that having a mind of sharing things and helping together is the most significant during harsh situation.
5 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Child welfare officials never visited home of 5-year-old boy who died of neglect See in context
Child welfare officials never visited home of 5-year-old boy who died of neglect What do you think about this tragedy ?
Child welfare officials did what is never done. They should compensate this. However, Japanese government should commit to eliminate neglect. The main cause of neglect is low wage and lack of welfare facilities due to undesirable economic situation. Japanese growing strategy, Abenomics, was carried out and it surely has a positive impact on the Japanese economy, but its effect is a little. Without devoted activities, we can't defend our beloved children from neglect.
I have an idea.
Japanese governments should construct welfare facilities more like baby farm which offer their service at low price. This seems to be very difficult, but I think it's possible. Around me, lots of elderly people who once retired from their job wants to work again. The governments should offer them the suitable job which help parents foster their children. Elderly people have enough knowledge to grow children from their experiences and resilience to work hard. Japanese society has been changing into aging society, and its stream can't be stopped. From the point of view, offering them child-raising is a very good idea.
In conclusion, neglect is a serious social problem Japan holds. We should be devoted to tackle with the problem, so idea like the above will appear in our brain.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Want to read manga and eat ice cream for free? Give blood in Akihabara See in context
In Japan, there is lots of facilities like that. I'm a college student. I often see blood drive. They surely give me some cookies or chocolates.
Giving something is reasonable to get something.
In the case of Akihabara, manga character attracts lots of attention.
Not only giving something but also such kinds of thing play a important role.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Robot printer autonomously moves around room See in context
This machine is very useful.
Roomba helps lots of elderly people living alone clean their room efficiently.
Now, Japanese society is aging society. The number of elderly people will increase rapidly.
Compared to decade ago, not so many elderly people can't use IT machines like cell phone or PC, but a few years later, elderly people will use such creative machines easily.
in that time, Fuji Zerox's new machines will play a big role.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Japanese train seats for the elderly: To sit or not to sit? See in context
I'm Japanese, and live here.
But I didn't know about the interesting deference of word usage between Tokyo and Sapporo.
I think the word of Tokyo is better.
Businessmen in Tokyo are always tired, so they may be allowed to sit if there is no people who needs the seat around them.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japanese people reflect on examples of excess customer service See in context
I want everyone not to think that All shops in Japanese have this tendency. This kind of excessive service can be seen especially in city like Tolyo.
I grow up at countryside in TOUHOKU.
I haven't experienced irritating service there.
There are so many people in Tokyo. People don't know each other. Japanese people are very kind, so they are too careful about being disliked.
The anonimity and excessive kindness from the feelingleads them to such unnecessary service.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: No photos: More U.S. parents try to keep kids off Facebook See in context
This is negative side of SNS. It was very useful. We can share our precious memory through the function of group in Facebook.
Facebook should set safer security system. If they don't, the number of parents using SNS will decrease at an unbelievable rate.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Celebrities take on 'Ice Bucket Challenge' to fight disease See in context
I think tips campaign isn't moral.
This act include the danger that people may forget the victim of ALS.
This act should be banned. People have to find out the other idea to attract lots of people.
This act is so childish
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Man gets 4 1/2 years over threats to 'Kuroko's Basketball' manga author See in context
At first glance, Japan tend to be thought as the peace and safe countries. However, I don't think so.
this kinds of crime can be often seen here.
Level of well-being is not so high in Japan. The suspect said that he was bullied by his parents. Economic recession has been causing such domestic violence.
Japan is certainly peace, but people here don't feel so happy.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Anxiety makes Japanese stingy, says psychologist See in context
This article say that Japanese are usually stingy because of the effect of much serotonin.
However, I doubt the fact.
Do you know the big earthquake March 11 in 2011 ?
In the disaster, Japanese people helped each other without any compensation. People shared the food they have with others. Even children helped parents clean the toilet.
Now, I believe that Japanese people certainly tend to worry about the future, but we don't stingy at all. It depends on situation.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Facing decline, pachinko industry tries offering a clean, well-lit place See in context
I disagree with young people's playing pachinko.
They have more important things to do like studying or traveling.
Some young people are prone to borrow money from their friends to play pachinko.
Such tendency should be eliminated soon.
It may increase the number of heavy-debtor in Japan.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: 73-year-old man dies after falling off roof while removing snow from vacant house
Posted in: Musk says he has no plans to acquire TikTok's U.S. operations
i see no reason why we have to worry about. we have american boots on the ground army in…
Posted in: What would happen if Japan is attacked?
Posted in: What would happen if Japan is attacked?