Posted in: Kishida sends ritual offering to Yasukuni Shrine See in context
The EASIEST way to stop the insinuations & issues at Yasukuni is to MOVE the A-C class war criminals to a different shrine. The A-class were installed by a war-mongering head priest (Matsudaira Nagayoshi).
Mostly the A-class because they’re the absolutely MOST contentious group to countries who suffered under their control.
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Posted in: Views on U.S. bases shift in Okinawa See in context
It’s not just crime (which was mostly rapes, drunken shenanigans, and racing…) but the noise, & issues with helicopters crashing (breaking pieces off) into populated areas.
For 77 years, Okinawa has been continuously occupied by US troops “for their on good,” ignored by the Central Government, and the US military doing stupid crap like drag racing, raping people, and getting abusively drunk. I mean, the 1995 Okinawa Rape Incident was just the worst of the incidents, but before that, the Japanese police couldn’t arrest and prosecute any crimes from US troops.
My Point: they have good reason to be resentful.
Japan has been mostly safe since WWII and—until recently—we haven’t had such OVERT threats. Additionally, the JSDF has finally become big and militarily strong enough to feel like an actual national military again.
So, not surprised by the whole ball of flies in the wax mix of reactions among the Okinawans.
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Posted in: Japanese folk rituals approved as UNESCO intangible heritage See in context
My cousins were visited by Santa Claus when they were 5 & 6 y/o and they cried like maniacs for hours afterwards.
Do we never let Santa near them again?
No, because it happens the NEXT year with the school, and the year after that... and after a while they stopped being scared when they realized he wasn’t going to DO anything.
It’s a cultural hertitage to force kids to sit on Santa’s lap, terrified or not, but we don’t call for it to stop either.
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The worst news. It just keeps getting more and more insane.
Posted in: Kennedy confirmed by Senate as U.S. Health Secretary
this is the first Trump policy I can completely agree with. Me too.
Posted in: Trump wants denuclearization talks with Russia and China
Posted in: Why so many marriages in Japan are sexless – and what you can do about it
As long as he can get this war to stop and Zelenskyy out of our pockets I’m open to anything
Posted in: Trump promises Kyiv involvement in peace talks with Russia