Japan Today

IslandFever comments

Posted in: Angry parents demand more daycare as Abe struggles to respond See in context

Japan has plenty of money, the government would rather give it to the United States, to buy a bunch of lemons no one wants: http://www.star-telegram.com/news/business/aviation/article27262162.html; http://www.defensenews.com/story/defense/air-space/strike/2015/06/06/japan-fighter-f35-jasdf-f15-f2-upgrade-situational-awareness-sensors/28379749/

A few hundred million here and few hundred million there, soon we're talking real money. But ain't going to no kids...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan boosts military outlays to counter Chinese navy See in context

Japanese fighting ability has completely atrophied. Keeping the US here as your protector has made the Japanese fighting spirit flabby and weak. If the US walked away from Japan, the Japanese leaders would be lining up in Beijing to kiss whichever Chinese official is in power's derriere...a big wet kiss on the behind...LOL!

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Posted in: S Korean leader criticizes Japan during Hagel meeting See in context


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan sends foreign ministry emissary to China See in context

The real problem is the complete lack of any kind of meaningful leadership in Japan. You have a band of nitwits and cretins like Ishihara, Noda, Abe, Ozawa and and endless stream of uncultivated, ill-mannered, dull-witted fools whose mouths open allowing their inane, thoughtless remarks to come flying out causing all manner of trouble.

This is the real problem. There seems to be no one fit to lead in this government or among the elected officials of Japan. There are plenty of ordinary Japanese professionals and otherwise who are highly intelligent, very wise and fully capable of formulating intelligent policy. Unfortunately though, these people are not in positions of leadership.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan, S Korea play hot potato with Noda's protest letter See in context

What Japanese leaders lack in maturity they more than make up for in stupidity.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan, S Korea play hot potato with Noda's protest letter See in context

Japan is acting like a bully here. They are pushing Korea around over these islands which were Korean territory and were stolen by colonial Japan. They fell through the cracks in the settlements after World War II, in which Japan was forced to forfeit its ill-gotten gains. In typical fashion, the Japanese government is claiming these islands on a technicality. Same story with Takeshima. That is Chinese territory. Even China and Taiwan agree on this.

Japan has about as much skill at dealing with non Japanese as a Chihuahua does playing chess, ie: none. They just storm in and start to try and throw their weight around. Fools.

You know, this is also to add insult to injury. The Japanese government has no morality and no shame. They raped and abused the Koreans for a half a century and now they want to drag the humiliation and cruelty out as long as they can. Pathetic. Nothing good will come of this for Japan.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: British PM Cameron in Japan to discuss defense weaponry trade See in context

They should have invited Netanyahu, and they could call themselves the Three Stooges.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Gov't rebukes Hatoyama over Iran visit, criticizing IAEA See in context

Wish this guy was still PM and thinking for himself. Japan ought to be neutral and not just a puppet of the US.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Japanese star charged over Taiwan taxi driver assault See in context


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Fears grow of Israeli attack on Iran See in context

You know something that one one seems to ever figure into the equation of an Israeli attack on Iran is the response of major powers like Russia and China, which are both supporters of Iran. Russia and China prevented a US attack on Syria recently, by using their veto powers in the UN. One thing you guys need to understand is that the US and Israel use agent provocateurs in Syria, Libya, Iran and many other points east to stir the pot.

China and Russia which are not US satellite states can understand this. Many Europeans, Japanese and obviously Americans have no clue about any of this. So when people start making generalizations about Muslims, or about who does what and when and why, it is very often from a seriously under informed standpoint.

In any case, the real question is what will the Israelis do? They have already proved themselves over and over again to be fully capable of murdering women and children in their beds, as in Gaza and Lebanon. They are proven war criminals and would be answering at the Hague if it was not for a bought and paid for US congress, which which only wants to know how high when ordered to jump by Benjamin Netanyahu or whichever other fat oaf is in charge at the Knesset.

Luckily for Iran, which I will admit is in already locked in a low level conflict with Israel, and has been at the top of the Usraeli hit list for some time now, this is not 2003. We don't have the smirking chimp in the oval officer and Russia and China are much more firm in their opposition to reckless American militaristic adventures.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Fears grow of Israeli attack on Iran See in context

I think Israel's "perception management" program is disintegrating in the harsh light of reality and they are becoming desperate. In truth they want what they want soon, before Obama gets a second term and does not have to worry about getting reelected. The real window of opportunity is not that Iran may have a bomb by the end of the year. That's not it at all.

Israel has really rubbed Obama's nose in the dirt, first with Netanyahu's incredibly rude lecturing of him when they met, and now with lining every major Israel donor up behind the repugs, who don't stand a snowball's chance in hell of being elected. They want chaos before they have a sworn enemy, which is exactly how Obama will treat them when he is reelected, in the White House next November.

These are extremely desperate and dangerous people we are dealing with, and I am not talking about the mullahs.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Fears grow of Israeli attack on Iran See in context

Maybe it's time for Iran to push for the United States to attack Israel. I believe that Israel may have a clandestine nuclear program. They could use their nuclear weapons against the west, if they decide they don't like the way we are treating them. They could also sell them to other rogue states, like they may well have done to South Africa.

Of course Israel just flouts UN resolutions that it join the non proliferation treaty, of which Iran is a signed up and abiding member. Yes, I think it is time for Iran to urge the United States to attack the potential terrorist nation of Israel, oh wait, they already practice terrorism, not sure what else you call the incineration of civilians, targeted killings and attacks on UN outposts...

israel is a nuclear armed rogue state, a failed state. They represent a real and present danger to world peace. It's time for America to step in and bring those boys to heel before they cause some real damage.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Fears grow of Israeli attack on Iran See in context

Iran does not have a bomb. They don't need one. All they need to do is show they have mastered the nuclear fuel cycle, it would not be much more than rocket science (for the delivery system, which they seem to have pretty well organized, having just launched an indigenous satellite into space), after that. Just like Japan. Japan does not need nukes, it just needs to show the world it has mastered the nuclear fuel cycle (debatable, especially if you live in Tokyo, like I do, and keep hear about meltdowns, melt-throughs etc, etc).

Anyway, Iran is a far more important, more advanced, more civilized country than Israel, which is nothing more than a bunch of glorified squatters sitting on stolen land, which in their hearts they know is wrong, but because they have painted themselves into a corner, they can't back away from. It's obvious who is the guilty party in this dispute, but they are clever enough to have managed to project the blame on others and actually get the gullible to believe them.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Fears grow of Israeli attack on Iran See in context

It's like a hornet's nest. The worst possible thing you can do is go and take a whack at a hornet's nest. Attacking Iraq was like attacking a small ant colony. Attacking Afghanistan was like kicking a sleeping dog. Can be done, if you are big enough. But size does not help when you hit a hornet's nest. If you are well organized and have the right chemicals you may be able to destroy it. But in the real world destroying the entire country of Iran is not possible, nor desirable.

America could not win in Vietnam or Korea without using nuclear weapons. When you look at Iran, think Vietnam or Korea, except they can shut the world economy down overnight by blocking the straits of hormuz. You think Israel wants to answer to America and the world for starting the Great Depression of the 21st century? No way.

Iran is not even developing a bomb. that's a red herring. Israel's foreign policy is to turn all of its neighbors into either

A. American satraps, like Saudi Arabia, or the way Egypt was before


B. Failed states, like Iraq and like they are trying to do with Lebanon

That is what they want to do with Iran. They are not happy with a powerful Iran, the same way Japan freaks out about a powerful China. People need to get along and stop all this nonsense.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Fears grow of Israeli attack on Iran See in context

This will not happen. Israel has been threatening to attack Iran for decades. Won't happen. You can take it to the bank.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: 'Radiation divorce' enters Japanese vernacular See in context

Actually the LNT theory is not universally agreed on. Both hormesis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiation_hormesis and LNT http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_no-threshold_model, are recognized theories that remain unproven, but have backers on each side, and from reputable backgrounds. LNT is the agreed international standard, based on the precautionary principle. Me, I am going with hormesis. Never felt healthier in my life.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Couple held over murder in Tokyo linked to arson murders in Yamagata See in context

More top flight journalism...here... I am so glad there was no context for this story, I mean who needs context when you can just plaster up some bizarre facts and leaved people bewildered and confused by the random evils of society....

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Chinese man held after petrol bomb attack on Japan's Seoul embassy See in context

Uh nigelboy....you want to back up what you are saying here...? Saying the relation of the Koreans to the Japanese was like that of the Austrians to the Germans is a little off. More like the relations of the French and the Germans....not a consenting relationship by a long shot. Maybe you ought to open a history textbook, and not the Japanese ones you've obviously been using to school yourself.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: TEPCO employee arrested for attacking passerby while drunk See in context

Never makes sense to reason with a drunk. Having said that, I will step in if someone else is being threatened or attacked. Idiots will be idiots. It's not the job of regular civilians to police or keep people in line. That's what cops are for. Still, like I said, if someone is being attacked you bet I'll get in the middle of it. To ignore that is just cowardly. Of course now I've said this, I'll probably stumble on some extremely dangerous situation, and have to put my money where my mouth is....doh!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Chinese man held after petrol bomb attack on Japan's Seoul embassy See in context

Thank you yyj72.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Chinese man held after petrol bomb attack on Japan's Seoul embassy See in context

Of course by that logic, the Koreans could say "get over it" to the Japanese with any future atrocity toward them, but surely this would make the world a cold place. we just abuse each other and say "get over it."

Come to think of it, all this discussion has got me thinking. Maybe I need to go around and make amends to all the people I have wronged...maybe we all do...I sure wish, as an American, that my country would do that. But it takes a strong country, or a strong man or woman, to say "I was wrong.."

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: Chinese man held after petrol bomb attack on Japan's Seoul embassy See in context

At this point even if Japan was simply say screw you to the rest of the world, and say well we killed a lot of you in the war, tough luck, get over it, I would at least find that more courageous than this kind of cowardly trying to wriggle out of taking responsibility. Maybe Japan should just say "go to hell!" to the rest of the world. Maybe Japan can be, despite what Locke said (no man is an island unto himself), an island unto herself...

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Chinese man held after petrol bomb attack on Japan's Seoul embassy See in context

Listen, it's not about the money. The very fact that you keep on bringing up the matter of money is the essence of the problem. Japan only seems to be able to understand money. We gave them money so why don't they shut up. Maybe North Korea should give some money to Japan and tell them to shut up about the kidnap victims? That is absurd.

The issue is about the Japanese attitude. There seems to be some kind of national blockage toward a simple apology. That is all these people want. They just want Japan to say, look, what we did was wrong, we are sorry and we will do whatever it takes to make amends. If Japan is too broke to give money, or wants to argue that it has given money already, so be it. But there needs to be some kind of admission that Japan was wrong in the 1930s and the 1940s, but Japanese authorised textbooks, statements by Japanese government officials, and a plethora of other actual manifestations of Japanese attitudes, not least of which are the disgusting uyoku who are supported by and linked to the LDP (not sure about the DPJ), just make it seem to the Koreans and the Chinese that the Japanese are giving the one finger salute to them...know what I mean?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: Chinese man held after petrol bomb attack on Japan's Seoul embassy See in context

It's all relative. I am not condoning the treatment of the Japanese kidnapped by the Koreans, but they were not tortured like millions of Asians were by the Japanese. There is no comparison, and the problem is the lack of empathy that Japan shows the rest of Asia. It is strange.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Posted in: Chinese man held after petrol bomb attack on Japan's Seoul embassy See in context

The Japanese people are one thing. For the Japanese people, I have nothing but respect. Their leaders......we are talking a special breed of fools here..

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Chinese man held after petrol bomb attack on Japan's Seoul embassy See in context


-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: 'Konkatsu' marriage activity businesses booming See in context

sorry, I meant to add, and a 2 year old, who we love the hell out of.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: 'Konkatsu' marriage activity businesses booming See in context

Good observations Gonemad. I am an American with a Japanese stay at home wife, and a part time job, and you can bet it keeps me on my toes! ; )

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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