Japan Today

isthistheend comments

Posted in: Things Japanese girls do that make guys go, 'Huh?' See in context

Shall we talk about the girls that work at the banks?

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Posted in: Things Japanese girls do that make guys go, 'Huh?' See in context

juddernman sums it up quite well. "Wait till your married, nice to look at but nothing on the inside." The 11th point might be, "they'll object to whatever just to show they can." I think its their way of getting back at having been given ZERO opportunities. as in period. And when you think of it, its the way the society runs. Look at the choice the people have to vote on for politicians, the teams they have to cheer for, the athletes, the "talento" they/we have to watch ad naseum on the "major" channels year in and year out, year after year.

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Posted in: Beauty and the ogre See in context

Gamera, I'm surprised you can't tell. She's the one with the big green head of course!

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Posted in: Beauty and the ogre See in context

And her name is N...N... O...O.. R...R... I...I.. K...K... A...A. N-O-R-I-K-A Norika Gonna shout it all night Norika , Gonna shout it every day,

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Posted in: Kitcho: Japan's Ultimate Dining Experience See in context

Used to love these kinds of places. But no more. Just give me good quality freshly cooked rice (preferrably whole brown rice) , soup (miso thank you), noodles (soba/udon without pork soup thank you), fruit, vegetables, peanuts, sesame, tofu, a thin slice of meat/fish if you choose, and nice hot tea after the meal.....day after day after day. Its the real "dining" experience. All the rest is for show...and at least $50 a pop.

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Posted in: Asada off to slow start at NHK Trophy See in context

Excuse me Ms. Asada. Weren't you going to beat Kim Yu Na's top Olympic History mark? Goes to show you how competitive/fickle the world of sports can be. One day high on adrenaline you can dream of the moon, next day, a hit of reality and your fighting just to make the top 3.

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Posted in: Man arrested for stabbing woman says he wanted her underwear See in context

The fetish exists partly because the J-women allow it to exist. As hard as that might be to swallow, think about it. The women just go along with the sexist crap from K1-through K8 Jr. High and High School and beyond. STand up women! Women only trains is not the problem and not the answer. Get more respect as equal citizens. Oh, I just woke up. Well it was a good dream anyways.

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Posted in: Yon-sama invites 600 fans to photo shoot at Tokyo Dome See in context

Right. I don't know what the heck oba-sans see in this guy, other than the White Sonata fame. K-women, now that's another story entirely.

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Posted in: Mexican authorities seize 105 tons of U.S.-bound marijuana See in context

I wonder how many tons are being grown/produced in these borders? Anyone have a guess?

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Posted in: Keisuke Kuwata resumes work on album after recovering from cancer surgery See in context

If all J-singers were as talented as KK they would really deserve the name "talent". His voice and music transcends language, culture barriers. A real world class singer song writer and musician.

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Posted in: What are some of the most unusual themed restaurants, bars or cafes you have been to in Japan? See in context

That would have to be The "Smokers ONLY Cafe" right across the street from Shinbashi Sta.

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Posted in: I protest See in context

Protesting in Japan only works if a) you are a member of the Yakuza supported right, or if you are doing something else like protesting against Nike's name being included in Yamashita Park (for a considerable amount of money). All other forms are just seen as troublesome. When we want to protest an opposing opinion to a and b, the people here just say "shoga nai". Shoga nai. In my opinion, the mentality and life style in this country goes beyond anything that outsiders can become a part of or truly fathom. The history of the country, the oppressiveness and restraints of living on the archepelago, WWII, and more. Outsiders choose to live here and must put up with alot. But the J-people also put up with a lot so having extra "protests" to them seems childish or troublesome. Everyone has a protest to make. Some just feel THEIR protest is more important than YOUR protest.

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Posted in: Make way for the Butt Police See in context

One English phrase that used to be uno No. 1 was "Mind if I smoke?" Can you imagine someone saying that nowadays? They know how bad it is, and how the times have caught up on the "coolness" of it. I think lighting up might qualify as the worst social offense outside of relieving oneself and the other bodily functions which should be done in private. And yes, its ridiculous to have smokers in restaurants in Japan. Not many are big enough to clearly separate one from the other.

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Posted in: Rock 'n' Roll Circus Tour See in context

Quite a contrast of pros and cons. I agree she ain't no Sarah Vaughan, but that's not what J-girls like because they can't ever relate to that kind of stuff. Ayu is their alter ego because she sings to their mental/emotional/(dare I say spiritual) states. Which to say the least are different than ours (read foreigners). I heard her songs for several hours in a car the other day and as BGM goes, the music becomes more palatable with time. The voice never improves, but the total sound with her voice/lyrics/timing/synthesizer effects starts to become listenable.

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Posted in: And then there was Ichiro: MLB teams in process of shedding Japanese players See in context

Kwaabish, the reason is that they're not Japanese (get it?). Also read earlier that Kazuo Matsui prefers to stay in US even if he can "only" play in the minor leagues. Tells you something about life on the two planets.

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Posted in: Nadal beats Monfils to win Japan Open See in context

NAdal, a lefty, with awesome speed, power, stamina and humble personality (at least in hero interview) has 43 wins, 9 majors and still 24 years old Federer a classic right-hander of superb, almost ballerinac technical beauty has 63 wins, 16 majors and still only 32-3-4 (?) years old. This kind of competition makes for great fan interest!

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Posted in: Ferrari fan See in context

And neither is smiling? He's saying, "I just got nabbed". She's saying "maybe I shouldn't have pressed him for it in the parking lot."

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Posted in: Ichihashi sends letter of apology to Hawker's parents See in context

ensnaturae2 "one young man's life in fragments, two broken hearted families. I prefer that something better than hate & rage might grow out of these sad circumstances."

Please don't equate the perpetrators rights/sympathies to be equal to those of the dead victim and her family, for heavens sake!

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Posted in: Ichihashi sends letter of apology to Hawker's parents See in context

Would that he thought these thoughts BEFORE committing the dastardly murder. And don't give me any of that womanslaughter BS. Any "normal" conscientious human being would never, ever take the series of very meditated horrendous actions of a) killing b) stuffing in a bathtub covered in sand (never heard of that before), c) running past 9 policeman barefoot no less, d) staying fugitive in one's own country for over 2 years even though an awkward looking individual taller than the avg Japanese person, e) multiple plastic surgeries, f) trying to finally escape to Okinawa.....I mean COME ON! All these actions were of a criminal nature and a criminal mind. Its too late to "come clean" and say I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" And to send such a lettter to the parents of the victim is as written above simply despicable and selfish beyond belief. Just like a-b-c-d-e-f above.

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Posted in: Ichihashi sends letter of apology to Hawker's parents See in context

Ditto all the above. I just hope this guy never sees freedom again.His dastardly act doesn't deserve a second act or even a chance for a second act.We should make a hero out of the plastic surgeon office person who revealed the photos that led to this killers capture...after years as a fugitive. That he had the nerve to stay here instead of fleeing to to Viet Nam or Thailand etc. as rumours mentioned, prove that here in good ol Japan is the safest of all places, even for xxx like him. It makes you wonder about the relative safety and mind your own business policy of life here.

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Posted in: Matsui's status with Angels unclear See in context

Matsui was great as a Japanese power hitter. In High School they touted him as the next Sadaharu Oh. He hit 50 homeruns the year before he went to MLB. But everybody knows, the dome is a home friendly environment. And so is the Japanese baseball, which is different (lighter?) than MLB ball. I remember Barry Bonds commenting "If Matsui hits 30 home runs a season that would be outstanding." He never did. Tops was what 20-something. Yes he won the WS MVP last year for 3 HR's in the series (One game?). But again, that was the highlight of his storied career, outside of the museum his father set up to take FULL advantage to his namesake.He was a consistent, dedicated, very Japaneseque in nature with humility and discipline to a tee. Ichiro is still far and away the greatest Japanese player to play in MLB bar none. Nomo was sensational for the public interest he created and the pioneering timing of his challenge. Matsui and others owe him alot, as does Nomo owe Japanese baseball from the 1930's alot, according to Robert Whiting's excellent book on Ichiro...a must read for anyone interested in the history of JPB.

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Posted in: Support rate for Kan's cabinet falls after Senkaku incident See in context

Klein2 you mean Hatoyama not Hosokawa (about 20 years ago).

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Posted in: Poisonous mushrooms may have been sold at festival in Tokyo See in context

So glad no one made curry with the damned things!

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Posted in: Hotel Okura Kobe opens dog-friendly rooms See in context

elbudamex, ditto. To boot, dogs are given more consideration than people by most of the owners. Its like they can understand J-language better than foreigners. Ever get that one? Now they stay at the prestigious Hotel Okura?What next? Green cars? Dogs only trains?

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Posted in: Rally for Senkakus See in context

"I'm tired of hearing people say, "What happened to Japan?" as though some superior spirit should just exist despite being inferior in many ways and doing nothing to improve the situation. Perhaps this will motivate Japan's youth to do a little more and work a little harder."

What chu talkin about Willis? I mean Smyth? Since when is this news? Change now? Please. Motivate Japan's youth to do a little more? They'll just continue to blame others ad infinitum, including but not exclusively China, and USA, next Korea then whoever is next up. That's how the consciousness of these people exists from cradle to grave.They have been this way ever since the Senkakus islands existed.

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Posted in: Osama bin Laden softens tone in audiotape message, but to what end? See in context

Rumour has it he's living with Kim-san in North Korea. They're playing chess/shogi alternatively connected to their respective dialysis machines, both talking about their glory days, or as referred to above OBL might not be on this earth anymore. In which case, Kim is playing with himself.

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Posted in: Japan hikes taxes on cigarettes by 40% to curb smoking See in context

Hiking taxes by 40%. Its a gimmick. Just like the gimmick of golf range owned/operated by a smoking family. Recently they put up a sign, "No smoking inside the waiting room". But in the outdoors range, they allow smoking galore. I told the guy at the register today, it should be opposite. When people want to take a break from the athletic activity, they can go inside and smoke, but when they are on the range, there should be no smoking allowed. He looked at me and blushed, out of anger of being criticized (as they often are) or embarrassed, I couldn't tell.

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Posted in: Anti-austerity protests sweep across Europe See in context

Japan is going through its own austerity sweep. Now Europe, will the world economy recover? Maybe not like we've known it for decades.....is what people are saying.

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Posted in: Date Krumm beats Sharapova at Pan Pacific See in context

A win is a win. I'm sure Sharapova was surprised. But I'm sure she also was jet-zoned/lagged out of the synch and all that. Come on. Do you think she really prepped for this event? Just a top along the way. That being said, Date-K sure showed she ain't no crumb. And woe to anyone who takes an opponent lightly. Even a 40-year old opponent. Its a great lesson in the power of believing in one's self. Even Date is surprised with the results, I'm sure. But deserving!

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Posted in: Oda leads Ishikawa by 1 stroke at Panasonic Open See in context

smith san, of course you know why. I know you know why, because I always look forward to hearing your words which I value as being of my top 3 favorites of all contributors. Its because this is a society that treasures youth AT ALL COSTS, quite literally. Since Oda is 34, there's nothing special about him winning. But an up-and-coming teen, with somehow much brighter and bigger future, now that's something to latch on and root for!...or so they imagine.

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