Japan Today

ItsMe comments

Posted in: What do you think of some of the Japanese titles given to foreign movies when they are distributed in Japan? See in context

Awful! Dreadful! The worst I've heard yet is calling "Raising Arizona" 赤ちゃん泥棒... So they give away what happens in the movie before it even starts! Its quite common that they take an interesting name that leaves intrigue, and dumb it down like the example above!

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Posted in: Sony to sell Tokyo building to fund its restructuring See in context

...oh, and as for the wonderfully reviewed Xperia Z... Their mobile business accounts for 1% of their business! That single sector is not going to fix Sony's woes. (For those not in Japan, the post above that says PER = P/R in common american terminology, which is the "Price earnings Ratio").

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Posted in: Sony to sell Tokyo building to fund its restructuring See in context

Sony stock price still has a PER of 48, hardly what you would call a good stock buy unless you really thought they had fantastic things in the pipeline that would greatly increase their profits over the next few years... They still have a ways to go.

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Posted in: Japan anti-nuclear movement takes a beating See in context

Whoever is against generating power from nuclear fission is an idiot Right only for those who are mathematically challenged. Why don't you add in the cost for Tepco cleanup in your energy prices, not to mention actually including the costs to manage the spent fuel for thousands of years... Nuclear has never been viable when you look at actual total costs.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Are you proud of being whatever your nationality is, or don't you think about it one way or another? See in context

Why be proud of something you have no control over? Religion is somewhat similar. How is it that most of the world feels they are the lucky ones to have been born in the best country, and are a part of the only true religion. Highly unlikely that you are correct on either front, much less from any single point.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Sandy's death toll 43; millions without power See in context

What the hell is wrong with reporting these days? "43 dead"--- I think they are only counting US deaths... are these the only ones that count?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Microsoft launches Windows 8, Surface tablet See in context

Microsoft tries to play catch-up again by putting together a muscle car with great components held together with a crappy OS. It would be one thing if it was actually a Win 8 OS, but its a stripped down confusing thing that is going to further erode consumers confidence in MS.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan's indifference to 'Gangnam Style' riles S Korea See in context

Yeah, right, sorry S. Korea... The only place that seems to think it is fun to make fun of the chubby asians are the European Countries. Yes, certainly that is the point that Psy is making with this video and this song... But that doesn't mean that Japan (or any other Asian nation) will necessarily see the humor in it.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Kitakyushu man robbed of Y20 mil at his home See in context

Why cry if a thief stole kick-backs from a dirty construction manager? There really is no other explanation for why someone in construction would keep 20 million stashed under their mattress, or why some shady folks would even know about this money...

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Posted in: Fukada hopes air traffic controllers will watch her new drama See in context

Any drama to shows the reality of any profession will either be too boring for prime time, or too embarrasing to the profession they are trying to portray.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Operator of nightclub where man was beaten to death arrested under illegal dancing law See in context

Illegal Dancing, really???? Time to call in Kevin Bacon.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan protests after 3 Chinese ships enter waters near disputed islands See in context

Good to see we have master diplomats here on this forum... Sinking the ships is obviously the smartest response. Escalation is clearly not a good solution.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Posted in: Coast guard on lookout for 1,000 Chinese fishing boats See in context

Regardless what your political view on who "owns" these rocks--- both sides are being idiots. Japan provoked the matter with the nationalization of the island (buying them from the private owners), and China is not only allowing the protests but is actually encouraging them. There were apparently air raid sirens in Shanghai... What purpose would this serve other than to panic the populace? I don't see a good end to this...

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Posted in: TEPCO says it has no money to develop renewables See in context

But still, even if you want to argue making solar/renewable infrastructure is too expensive, you cannot compare that to the cost of running nuclear energy--- clearly, nuclear has cost them more to run when you consider the costs they now have to pay for.... And we still haven't seen the long term costs of spent fuel storage actually be taken into account either. If its short term costs they are complaining about--- sell off their @Tokyo data center. That will build you a nice renewable power plant!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: TEPCO says it has no money to develop renewables See in context

Sell off @Tokyo and quit your bitching, Tepco! I love the quote that in order to have a "healthy financial condition" they need nuclear--- right, your nuclear policy seems to be exactly what got you in this mess. Talk about incompetence. Hurry up, free the energy markets, and let Tepco die a quick death!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan to ask international court to settle S Korea isle dispute See in context

All you silly people can make whatever claims you want about whose islands they are... But I highly doubt anyone here is really an expert on the issue.

Seems to me that having the international courts make a decision would be the only way to solve this peacefully, because you can spin the story in any number of ways. Korea "saw it first" and showed on maps, doesn't make it Korea's property. Proximity to whatever country also does not make it that countries property. I believe there are historic documents, particularly after WWII that may have some say in the matter.

In any case, It seems like Japan must have a better case if they are willing to go to court, but Korea is not... Does this not imply that Korea would have more to loose?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Posted in: 14-year-old boy held for beating parents, sister with bat while they sleep See in context

This really isn't all that new. Remember the Kobe kid? Now apparently "reformed" and living here in society under a new name. There have always been fringe freaks, its just that the incident is so shocking that it sticks in our minds --- but really it is nothing that is statistically significant enough to lose sleep over...

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Sumitomo Electric develops new touch screen fusion splicer See in context

What the hell is a "direct core monitoring fusion splicer"???? Cold fusion at home? This is definately the most bizzare article I have ever read, as I have no idea what any of it means... Sounds like an article out of "The Onion" or something.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: TEPCO gets Y1 tril in public funds, putting it under gov't control See in context

zichi, fair enough, there may be assets that they could sell off--- They most likely could not sell whole as-is to a private company, but I agree that parts could be made to be worth something... that said, with issues of regulation up in the air, I think even selling off certain assets could be difficult--- or it could make it more difficult to pass necessary regulation because of the "deals" that might be made necessary in order to complete a sale.

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Posted in: TEPCO gets Y1 tril in public funds, putting it under gov't control See in context

zichi, I highly doubt there are any buyers for Tepco, thus the need for the govt to step in. can't really let them go bankrupt, or all businesses in kanto will have no power--- not exactly a good plan to keep the economy rolling... I'd have to say they do not have good short term options---- all we can do is hope some of the long-term plans go forward, like separating power distribution from power generation to increase competition, etc... Not sure what is happening on the "safety" side, but I would suggest one single thing would increase safety significantly: eliminate nuclear subsidies, and require companies to pay for the cost of the 10,000 year disposal of spent fuel.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Controversy dogs Romney as he jets in for London Olympics See in context

Its the banks that put us here, not the economists.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Controversy dogs Romney as he jets in for London Olympics See in context

Bass, There is no common ground anymore. We can argue about who started it (conservatives or liberals), but that won't change the fact that both parties cannot agree on even simple things, and that they are both pandering to politics instead of listening to experts for solutions to the problems in the US. Its much easier to put out a 10 point post on how you support small businesses (as Obama recently did), or so say how your going to eliminate all the job-hindering regulation (like Romney did)... But any economist with a brain will tell you that small business support is an incredibily insignificant portion of the economy, and regulation is NOT what is keeping businesses from growing. They are both politically motivated solutions that have no effect. ---- If they really were going to fix the problems, they would eliminate special interest subsidies and close loopholes, shut down citizens united to get rid of corporate influence in politics and raise the retirement age to something more reasonable. <-- Unforunately, these policies don't win you elections.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Controversy dogs Romney as he jets in for London Olympics See in context

...I must add "controversy dogs" does clearly seem to be a reference to Romney's treatment of the family dog... Wonder if this was a intentional or subconscious bias...

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Posted in: Controversy dogs Romney as he jets in for London Olympics See in context

Comments like Old Fan above only show how biased and partisan both sides have become. Completely removed from any ability to look objectively at the situation. The reality is that articles like this persist because Romney has shown complete incompetence in defining himself or making his case for why America would be better with him. Obama has done only slightly better at making his case, but recently has actually been either lucky or very skillful at controlling the message of why Romney would be a worse solution. Still lacking from either candidate what THEY would do to improve the current situation.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Posted in: Tens of thousands protest Japan nuclear restart See in context

The very poor "counting" talents of organizers, politicians and media is leaving any reporting on this doubtful. How are we supposed to know what numbers to believe when it ranges from 20,000 to 100,000 ??? Ridiculous.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: In N Korea, learning to hate U.S., Japan starts early See in context

All countries brainwash, and use schools as a primary location to start the process early. The only difference is the brutal nature of this indoctrination, and the inability for the population to get any alternate points of view besides that which is thrust upon it...

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Gov't turns to AKB48 to sell bonds See in context

...Because there just isn't enough government debt yet in Japan... Don't you think its a bad sign that they need AKB bimbos to help them sell bonds???

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: AKB48 candy ad criticized for encouraging homosexuality See in context

I'm quite sure that watching more men kiss is not going to encourage me to be more gay, and and also quite sure that kissing women in front of my gay friends is not going to turn them straight.

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Posted in: Fujitsu opens 1st data center in China See in context

More likely than not, they are servicing the China market with that data center. Note the article says the development is for financial institutions. Financial institutions that are not near or in that development would have too high latency, and would not use that data center. Financial institutions that WILL be in that development will probably be HSBC, ICBC, CITIC, etc... Local banks.

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Posted in: Fujitsu opens 1st data center in China See in context

..."Subterranean floor"... This could be a problem... A mission critical facility should not be putting critical systems below grade, as the risk of flooding can result in downtime. I have seen this a lot in China--- the subterranean floors are not counted as GFA, so everyone want to build them into their projects (free area)...

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