Posted in: S Korea's Park says she is not opposed to talks with Abe See in context
Japan has made two apologies for the comfort women, if they give a third then a forth will be demanded and a fifth, a sixth and so on. Spoil the child and it will always want more.
What is an apology without sincerity? Where is the remorse with continuing denials?
0 ( +7 / -7 )
Posted in: Abe adviser calls for stimulus after 'shocking' GDP See in context
Maybe Japan with its largest trading partners, China and South Korea, can work out a productive and sound economic policy/plan for the whole Northeast Asian region. In today's interconnect globalized economy, especially given the huge trade between Japan , China and South Korea, it is more effective if these three countries work coherently together, than apart, to combat economic downturns and grow their respective economy.
if only.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Abe presses campaign for meeting with China's Xi See in context
mgglifeSep. 30, 2014 - 09:50PM :China's demand is very simple, no need for other people to think hard to guess:
1.never go to the Yasukuni Shrine 2.admit the dispute islets are dispute. (This sentence is so weird) nothing else.
1.Japanese government members can go visit the Yasukuni Shrine as often as they like or even move their government HQ there if they like, as long as those convicted war criminals are not there.
2.Japan needs to revert their unilateral actions on the status of those disputed islands which began by Shintaro Ishihara that caused all the current troubles.
Until Japan government/Abe shows some sincerity then what is the sense of talking.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: S Korean PM nominee withdraws over pro-Japan remarks See in context
But Moon has been under fire after media reported that he called Japan’s colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula God’s will.
Based on this from the report, it doesn't really show that he is pro-Japanese but more of delusional. The Japanese occupation of SK and atrocities committed there was done by men and nothing to do with God. It is good that SK keep such person away from seat of authority.
-10 ( +2 / -12 )
Posted in: S Korea holds live-fire drill, ignoring Japan's protest See in context
Another example of South Korea playing by the PRC handbook of diplomatic relations. The new Jade Kingdom will be >as happy to have them as a vassal as the old.
That's ludicrous. South Korea have its own interests and independent foreign policies. To South Korea, Dokdo belongs to it. period. The reason South Korea is doing this naval exercise is because there are continuing voices from Japanese interest groups and governmental officials denying SK's sovereignty of Dokdo; which can be seen from the links below.
And this basic naval exercise simply show SK trying to reaffirm what they believes; that Dokdo is theirs. Trying to play the China-Fear card is just disingenuous and manipulative. What Japan need to understand, for the betterment of the relationship between them and SK, is that Dokdo will most likely stay under SK sovereignty as SK already controls it and with people stationing on the island.
-5 ( +5 / -10 )
Posted in: Tokyo assemblywoman heckled on why she isn't married or having children See in context
“They should not shout things that have nothing to do with policies,” she said. “Jeers like that degrade a person and >amount to abuse. They should show respect for an assembly member who stands for questioning.”
She shouldn't felt degraded. The only one that got degraded are the one who shouts these stupid statement and questions. She should stand up for herself and other females in the society that have been constantly attacked and pushed down by her male colleague and demand an apology.
In any political democratic society/system, these people would be reprimanded. Will the Liberal-Democratic Party do the right thing? That's another question.
9 ( +10 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan demands China withdraw plane encounter video footage See in context
I have not seen any official statement by the Chinese government stating those Japanese intercepts took place in June >the 11th. but the matter is not when, but what is shown.
Those photos on that link shows Japanese jet fighters intercepting very closely to Chinese aircrafts.
However, the intercepts on the photos is not the same ones shown on the video. On the photo, the jet fighter numbers are 863 and 910. On the video, the jet fighters have number 866 and 815. Two different incidents showing Japanese jet fighters flew very closely to Chinese aircrafts.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Japanese fans shamed by ref's World Cup performance See in context
I don't see why the Japanese fans needs to feel shame by how Yuichi Nishimura performed. Yuichi's actions/decisions are his alone and the fans have nothing to do with them.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan demands China withdraw plane encounter video footage See in context
The thing I don't understand then, is why would China lie about it to the world and claim that the video was taken on June >11?
I have not seen any official statement by the Chinese government stating those Japanese intercepts took place in June the 11th. but the matter is not when, but what is shown.
If China wants to tell the J-gov "Pot calling the kettle black, eh?",
The Chinese side only showed that Japanese jet fighters also intercepted their aircraft at very close range too, as shown in these videos which Japan demanded China to withdraw.
... but at the same time bring up the past 415 incidents of Japanese fighters scrambling against Chinese planes?
I think this information was released by the Japanese side.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan demands China withdraw plane encounter video footage See in context
This is confusing. The original claim by Japan on Thursday, June 12, was that 2 Chinese SU-27 fighter jets flew >dangerously close to 2 of Japan's military planes.
The video that Flyfalcon has graciously provided above, shows 2 Japanese fighter jets (F-15? according to some folks >here?), and the video seems to be taken from some sort of cargo plane (not a fighter jet), and in addition, there is only >one Chinese plane shown in the video, not two (Even as a total amateur when it comes to planes and fighter jets, all I had >to do was look up "SU-27 fighter jets china" on google images, and it was CLEAR that the video was not taken from a >SU-27 fighter jet).
So either China really does think we're all idiots, or this is a completely separate case of 2 Japanese fighter jets flying >close to a Chinese plane ON THE SAME DAY that Japan claimed 2 Chinese fighter jets flew close to a Japanese >military plane.
I believe this video shows the close intercepts by Japan's F-15s before the current news of SU-27 intercept. However, the Chinese government just didn't make any noise about it till now. The Chinese government is basically trying to tell the Japanese government, 'pot calling the kettle black, eh?'
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan demands China withdraw plane encounter video footage See in context
The video is a bit clearer on the follow link than the one on youtube,
Japan's F-15 #815 and 866 intercepted a Chinese aircraft. If this is fake then all Japan need to do is tell the world its F-15 #815 and 866 never intercepted a Chinese aircraft at this close range.
It is almost impossible to withdraw/censor a video once it goes on the internet.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan summons China envoy over 'dangerous' flights See in context
iWorld, pleeeze try not to manipulate JT audience by WSJ Chinese version. This is what Chinese are good at. American >media has been so fooled by this. Too bad you cannot fool me, iWorld.
what manipulations you think I am trying to do here? Are you implying those video from that website is not real? Those two F-15 815 and 866 intercepted very closely to the Chinese aircraft, just like how the Chinese are intercepting the Japanese now, didn't happen?
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan summons China envoy over 'dangerous' flights See in context
“It was an action that was extremely regrettable, and which cannot be tolerated,” said top government spokesman >Yoshihide Suga, of the Wednesday incident.
Japanese Jet Fighters flying extremely close to Chinese aircraft.
-3 ( +3 / -6 )
Posted in: Japan plans arms procurement agency to promote exports See in context
Samsung/LG copied Sony/Panasonic. And how Japan's arm industry is trying to copy South Korea's.
-6 ( +0 / -6 )
Posted in: China should build ties with Russia to counter Japan: newspaper See in context
Who has the upper hand in Russia-Japan trade? Remember, Japan imports 99 percent of her oil needs. What Japan need is raw materials, oil and natural gas from Russia. Politcally, they look harsh on Russians, but internally, they are soft on the Russians. Facts are Japan needs Russian supplies. What does Russia need from Japan?
As you said, japan needs Russia now and in the future it will need her more. Then when the condition is right and if Japan do something Russia doesn't like then Russia can sanction Japan; as Japan is doing it to Russia now.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: China should build ties with Russia to counter Japan: newspaper See in context
If Japan can sanction Russia now, then Russia can sanction Japan in the future.
-3 ( +3 / -6 )
Posted in: Amari says China should isolate economic ties from politics See in context
To the Russian Federation, you are fools to trust the Chinese communists. When the time is right they will take Siberia by force. Watch what the communists do to Vietnam and learn. Then it will be the Republic of China and then Japan. Not long after that they will take Malaysia and Singapore. It is time to fight of become their slaves.
How do you sleep at night? lol
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: Amari says China should isolate economic ties from politics See in context
"Amari says China should isolate economic ties from politics"
Well, any day now, Japan and North Korea is going to sign their Free Trade deal.
-5 ( +3 / -8 )
Posted in: China frees ship after Mitsui O.S.K. pays $28 mil See in context
NeoJamal: Don't be surprised Mitsubishi and other Japan Inc, in China exodus happens very rapidly. They were there to help modernization of Chinese industry.
South Korea companies like Hyundai is expanding in China with more factory.
Toyota want to expand production in China and source more parts for their electric cars.
Tesla plans to start making cars in China the next few years.
First, there won't be exodus of Japanese companies(any global companies that matters)from China. China is a huge market and without selling their products in China , Japanese companies won't be able to compete in this globalized world. Another thing, Japanese companies were/are not in China to help it modernize but are there to make profit.
-9 ( +2 / -11 )
Posted in: Hashimoto re-elected Osaka mayor; voter turnout 23.59% See in context
People won't vote when they know their vote doesn't make any difference.
5 ( +8 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan to impose sanctions against Russia over Crimea See in context
The American have spoken, and so Japanese echos.
4 ( +9 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan says it is puzzled by new China WWII national days See in context
"Japan says it is puzzled by new China WWII national days"
According to Abe and many of his loony politicians, Japan was not defeated on WW2 and there was no was massacre in Nanjing by the Japanese.
That's the puzzlement.
10 ( +18 / -8 )
Posted in: Obama to visit Japan, S Korea, Malaysia, Philippines in April See in context
You know why the American doesn't condemn Japan's continuing denial of its pass atrocities committed on South Korea and other Asian countries as it had with countries/politicians that have denied holocaust? USA can simple demand Japan ends its denial, as a simple command from the master to its lackey, but it chooses not too. Because it fits American's interest for the continue quarreling between Asian countries.
Simply, Divide and Conquer.
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: Obama to visit Japan, S Korea, Malaysia, Philippines in April See in context
To tell Park that unless South Korea stops supporting China and stops with this incessant inferiority complex driven hatred towards Japan,
And I don't see how South Korea is supporting China.
What Ossan meant to say is that there is an order in Asia, in which Japan rides on USA's coat-tail, and South Korea on Japan's. People get upset when South Korea try to think and act they are equal to Japan.
-3 ( +5 / -8 )
Posted in: Unfriendly relations See in context
First step, like what German had done, make it a crime for denial of Japanese atrocities.
4 ( +10 / -6 )
Posted in: NHK manager's Nanjing denial no problem, gov't says See in context
People, put your pitchfork down. This is Japan, so it is probably just another mistranslation. Everything is just fine!
2 ( +8 / -5 )
Posted in: China plans joint military command system See in context
The USA and Japan will not recognize China's Joint Military Command, and as such, they will fly B-52 and Jet Fighters over wherever this Command might be! Take that China!
-7 ( +5 / -12 )
Posted in: 70-year-old Japanese politician arrested in China on drug charges See in context
Simple, really. Japan can check to see if him and his family live within their mean or not.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan gives OK to S Korea's expanded air defense zone See in context
Japan gives OK to S Korea's expanded air defense zone
Wow, what does Japan think it is? South Korea's relationship to Japan is not like Japan's to USA. South Korea doesn't need Japan to give "OK" to do this.
-1 ( +5 / -6 )
Posted in: China slams Japan for resolution on air defense zone See in context
Japan’s lower house of parliament might as well pass a resolution demanding Beijing and Seoul to hand them sovereignty of Korea and Manchuria.
I am one hundred percent sure the resolution just as effective and they will comply.
-2 ( +4 / -6 )
Musk is on the front cover of Time sitting behind the Oval desk. Chum for the losers to chew on
Posted in: Democrats ask for investigation into DOGE's access to Treasury's payment systems
Jack Smith! Lol what a failure that whole thing was.
Posted in: Countries vow support for ICC as Trump hits it with sanctions
Soccer has 22 players, not 21.
Posted in: Sumo returns to Paris and turns heads
The grifters are in full panic mode
Posted in: Democrats ask for investigation into DOGE's access to Treasury's payment systems