Japan Today

Jack comments

Posted in: Japan gov't OKs bill to offer free coronavirus vaccines See in context

Nothing this government do will ever make people happy/satisfied. LOL. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

4 ( +11 / -7 )

Posted in: Japanese actress Yuko Takeuchi, 40, found dead at home in apparent suicide See in context

So many experts on mental health. :)

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: JAL ditches 'ladies and gentlemen' for gender-neutral greetings See in context

LOL. All these negative comments. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

-16 ( +11 / -27 )

Posted in: Abe tweets that he has visited Yasukuni Shrine See in context

Why do people feel like their own countries are innocent of any kind of aggression? The West? China? Oh, please.

Let him visit Yasukuni if he wants to.

No one also cares about your opinion regarding the old man, as you said.

-11 ( +25 / -36 )

Posted in: China sends more warplanes as Taiwan honors late leader See in context

China, ugh! Have some respect to a nation in mourning.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan reports over 970 new cases ofcoronavirus infection; 222 in Tokyo See in context

Totally agree with you, Christopher Glen.

Every day, it's the same kind of reporting. For what purpose?

13 ( +17 / -4 )

Posted in: Pandemic could take shine off moving to Tokyo for work See in context

It's not a bad thing, imho. Like what Christopher Glen said, "decentralisation!"

I think it's better to have several "Little Tokyos" "Little Osakas" "Little Nagoyas" all over Japan. Otherwise, what'll happen to the countryside in the coming decades?

18 ( +19 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan reports record 795 new daily virus cases amid resurgence See in context

GoodlucktoyouToday  02:55 pm JST

10000 is just a normal day in big US or Brazilian cities.

We should be thankful.

Tokyo has 17-19m people.

Totally agree with you. Not to belittle the problem but this kind of reporting is just meant to get clicks rather than responsible reporting.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Posted in: Japan reports record 795 new daily virus cases amid resurgence See in context

Another kind of reporting that's meant to agitate people even further. Sheesh.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Posted in: Japan now scrambling jets against Chinese military aircraft taking off from Fujian See in context

China is a bully. Period.

And with its one-child policy, it raised an entire generation of self-entitled "Little Emperors."

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: At least 54 cultural assets in Kyushu damaged by heavy rain See in context

To you it may just be a damn pile of rocks, but to others, it is definitely more than that. Long after you and I are gone, that castle will continue to stand and show the world a portion of Japanese culture.

3RENSHOJuly 16  01:06 pm JST

" , Just bulldoze the damn pile of rocks and save money (but saving money is not the priority, of course)...


1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: At least 54 cultural assets in Kyushu damaged by heavy rain See in context

This is heartbreaking.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo enlists nightclub workers for Q&A-style videos to fight coronavirus See in context

just can’t understand the importance of having to go to these places. 

And here we go with the vitriol again...

I don't go to nights clubs or hostess bars of any sort, I don't like going to them, and you don't have to go either. It's a good, old-fashioned, personal choice (something we are seeing less and less of).

To uphold the core tenets of this democratic world we live in (even if it is a facade in reality), it's hypocritical to say that this legal business venture cannot take place because of your saying so - yet your's can.

Thanks to you arrogant people, I as well as many of my friends And others have to continue to drain their bank accounts to put food on the table and pay bills.

You might have to check yourself there. Just seconds ago you were very vocal about how you want to take away the livelihoods of a very particular group of people who are not harming anyone anymore than the morning subway commute.

I hope you can sense the irony encapsulated in your post...

I am totally with you, AgentX. So many people have this "holier than thou" attitude. Before making judgments about the lives and the choice of jobs of people, find out more about the reason why they are there in the first place.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan reports over 600 cases on Thursday; 286 in Tokyo See in context

I don't know how this kind of reporting helps the problem. It only leads to people becoming more vitriolic towards various groups. If you're going to report about the number of cases, please report about the number of recoveries, about efforts being made to find a cure. Where is the balanced news reporting? Otherwise, you're only fanning the flames.

286 people to what? 10 million people? 15 million people? That's a pretty small number. And I don't mean to say that the lives of those 286 people don't matter. They do matter. What I'm saying here is the way these stories are angled seem to stem from wanting more clicks or just to rile up people.

And I believe in asking the government to beef up its measures. But I also believe in citizen/resident responsibility. Just go on Instagram and you have all these young people partying/clubbing. Lol! This virus is here to stay but the responsibility of fighting lies both on the government and society.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Former Marines pitcher Jackson arrested for possession of cannabis See in context

Totally agree with you!

YellowHatJuly 10  04:42 pm JST

Right, Dan, so because you don’t like the law, which is broadly similar across the vast majority of countries by the way (no drugs allowed), it is “bizarre”?

This guy was no doubt well aware of Japan’s strict laws regarding narcotics but chose to completely ignore them regardless.

The arrogance I see from some people on this issue is breath-taking.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan braces for more heavy rain as death toll rises to 66 See in context

Does anyone know how help/aid can be extended to Kyushu? Any organization accepting food donations?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Gov't urges Tokyo host, hostess clubs to act to stem coronavirus spikes See in context

It's so easy to say close the clubs and everything but have you thought about the livelihood of the people who work there? Are you going to offer an alternative source of income?

Just because you're earning loads of money doesn't mean others are the same. Easy for you to say "Close all those bars" when you're living in the comfort of your spacious apartment, right? And you still get your salary regularly.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Tokyo's daily coronavirus infections hit new record of 243 See in context

Well, Japan is definitely handling the situation better than other countries.

So many people rant about the government not doing this or not doing that. What are you doing? The problem today is so many people have loads of opinions as if they can solve the problems themselves. Have you ever for a sec thought about the responsibility the leaders have on their shoulders? Of course, it's not easy but THEY ARE doing SOMETHING. Drop in the bucket or not, it is something.

There's nothing wrong with criticizing but to just purely criticize for the sake of it, how does that help? If you're not going to offer any solution with your criticism, you're just spreading negativity.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Koike urges Tokyo residents to stay at home at weekend See in context

So much negativity.

What would happen to people who work on a contract basis?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Olympic flame to be carried by car instead of torchbearers See in context

So much negativity.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Posted in: Family to seek damages over suicide of Mitsubishi Electric recruit See in context

Agree with @oldman_13. No disrespect to the family of the young professional and not to generalize but many young professionals today are too soft and can't handle difficult situations. IMHO, it's not just an issue in Japan. It's the same thing in Singapore, Taiwan, and other countries I've been to/worked at. From personal experience, many of my friends and I had been thrown under the bus one too many times, we didn't exactly emerge unscathed, but we did survive.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

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