Posted in: Self-centered zombies running rampant through Japanese society See in context
A poorly written, un-researched fluff article. Much like its target topic.
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Posted in: Cop's handcuffs stolen while he's investigating adult entertainment business See in context
And if you believe that, you'll believe anything! ah ha ha.
"uh, boss, I uh, was investigating the brothel, alone, when, uh, well, uh, my handcuffs were stolen."
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Posted in: Look at my body See in context
Its a spray on tan, intended to help show contrast. If you see pasty white skin on a body builder you'll realize why they try to look darker.
The don't look like their using steroids at all. Whoever said they think these guys are on the juice, has no clue what their talking about.
There's nothing wrong with people trying to improve themselves. Too bad so many like to just type out a few nasty remarks rather than get off their butt and do something.
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Posted in: Liquor store intruder slashes 5 cops in Okinawa See in context
Japanese police don't deal with crazy violent crime on a daily basis, like police in places such as Detroit or LA or Washington DC. I'm guessing that they are so shocked at seeing it really happen, they hesitate. Just a guess.
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Posted in: Liquor store intruder slashes 5 cops in Okinawa See in context
Nice to see that the Japan police are not trigger happy.
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Posted in: Miniskirt Police singer nabs groping suspect on train See in context
To all the gaijin men who think they've been felt up on trains in Japan: It's wishful thinking!! In my opinion it's EXTREMELY unlikely that the girl intended to do anything. Contrary to popular gaijin belief, most Japanese girls aren't gagging for a piece of you.
You're right, it is unlikely. Most aren't. But it does happen. Same in the reverse situation: most men aren't train gropers, but there are a few and they are active.
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Posted in: Miniskirt Police singer nabs groping suspect on train See in context
Northlondon, these aren't the bush'n'blair years. Liberal isn't a dirty word anymore. I don't think anyone missed the irony, but thanks for pointing it out.
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Posted in: Miniskirt Police singer nabs groping suspect on train See in context
I agree that it is alot less threatening when it happens to a man rather than a woman, so it is difficult to compare situations. The women are also alot more subtle with their methods. But since male foreigners usually are afforded a wide space on trains, it is usually easy to identify a female intruder.
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Posted in: Miniskirt Police singer nabs groping suspect on train See in context
I'm sure many of us have been on the train and you feel something brush you and you think, is that intentional or just the train moving? It happens a couple times, and finally you give someone a dirty look. Perhaps 3 stations have come and gone, so its been 10 minutes. I don't think the groping is always blatant - its often disguised as a "natural" occurrence and so it is isn't easy to sort out exactly when it happens. And it isn't just men who go for a little physical contact on the train.
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Posted in: Sayonara, mobsters; neighbors oust Japanese gangs See in context
The police don't seriously tackle the Yak problem, because they are in bed with each other. Pathetic indeed. Hooray for the brave citizens of Akasaka.
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Posted in: Elderly Saitama couple arrested for killing son, claiming he abused them See in context
What's with people living with their parents until they're over 40 years old? Or over 20 for that matter?
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Posted in: Mama-chari See in context
Awesome. In North America, two kids and all their gear mean parents get a van. In Japan, it means mom adds a basket to the bicycle. Healthy. Environmentally friendly. Wonderful!
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Posted in: Fitness regime makes light weights heavy See in context
Some actual science on the method if you are interested:
Standard resistance training isn't unnatural. Its a replacement for the work we'd be doing if we didn't lead sedentary lives. Its ironic that people want to find a shortcut even during exercise. Why not just take some steroids?
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Posted in: Fitness regime makes light weights heavy See in context
And take a look at the photo: The girl is exercising her deltoids, which are well above the point where her armbands are reducing the bloodflow. It doesn't even make sense.
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Posted in: Fitness regime makes light weights heavy See in context
"...a friend of mine...." This is called anecdotal evidence. Personally, I wouldn't be inclined to reduce my circulation and then exercise, based on the story of a friend of a friend. Why not just get off your butt and do the exercise properly? There are no shortcuts to having a fit, strong, healthy body.
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Posted in: Fitness regime makes light weights heavy See in context
The inventor caused his own pulmonary embolism while trying to develop the method, resulting in hospitalization. So there are risks.
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Posted in: Toshiba develops 40nm semiconductor design tool See in context
That's an oddly technical article in an otherwise non-technical news site. And its also quite flawed. This simulation method will not lead to 100% yield. It will help improve the yield due to a specific defect type, but not all other defects.
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Posted in: Serial groper caught in the act on Yokohama train See in context
Aspara: I was not aware of that rule. Its odd then that it is openly sold in security shops in Tokyo. Maybe I should just buy her a telescopic club? :) Whack to the hand!
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Posted in: 22-year-old mother held for allegedly suffocating 16-day-old son See in context
Really, the caregiver should be given a bit more respect for the work they do. No money and no time. I might suggest giving a monthly stipend to play with
Japan does pay parents a monthly stipend. It isn't huge, but enough to pay for a sitter a couple times a month.
Where are the pro-choice folks?
Not sure where you're going with that one. Odd association.
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Posted in: Serial groper caught in the act on Yokohama train See in context
Its harder to take action against the perpetrator than you might think. Speaking as the husband of a woman groped, I'm glad the one got caught and felt compelled to admit his other transgressions. My wife is normally vocal and strong-willed, but felt so shocked by the act of being inappropriately touched that she couldn't react quickly. And then the guy was gone. Now she carries a wee pepper-spray bottle. I hope she has the composure to use it.
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Posted in: North Korea threatens to shoot down Japanese spy planes See in context
According to the CIA factbook, Japan's defense budget is the 5th largest in the world. While they might not be battle hardened, neither are the NK forces, and they are very well equipped relatively speaking. If there is any country in the world I'd be worried about re-militarizing, it'd be Japan.
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Posted in: What is your stance on moves by some schools to bar children from bringing cell phones to school? See in context
Excellent. How did we get along all those previous millennia without kids having cell phones? Cell phones are extremely distracting even to adults, so imagine how difficult it would be to manage 20 cell phone wielding kids in a classroom.
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Posted in: Michael Jackson dies of reported cardiac arrest at 50 See in context
Grown men don't have sleep-overs with children. Fathers don't dangle their babied from balconies. Its up to someone else to decide now.
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Posted in: Japanese urged to take pride in their safe society See in context
Nice article. Please re-publish Mr. Hamai's essay and charts.
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Posted in: Billy Blanks' wedding See in context
Congrats to Billy and Tomoko, a classy pair.
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Posted in: Sarah Palin accepts David Letterman's apology See in context
Both of them got attention and ratings. They probably high-fived each other behind the scenes.
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Posted in: Father, 3 children die in apparent murder-suicide in Hiroshima See in context
There is no such thing as "forced suicide". Its murder, committed by the ultimate coward.
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Posted in: Apple unveils new iPhone See in context
Pixel-count races are a prime example of marketing based on meaningless specs rather than actual usability. With increasing pixel-count, comes increased pixel density, and increased sensor noise. If not managed well, this means that your newer camera with "more megapixels" will take a lower quality image than the previous generation. There are many examples of this phenomenon in the marketplace, both with cell phones and dedicated cameras. Besides, with a "lens" the size of a head of a push-pin, you're never going to get much of an image.
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Posted in: Woman falls to death from 2,400-meter mountain ridge See in context
The ridge is high, but there is no way to fall 2400m in that area.
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Posted in: Japanese foreign minister asks Rubio for exemption from Trump tariffs
Posted in: Japanese foreign minister asks Rubio for exemption from Trump tariffs
Posted in: Japanese foreign minister asks Rubio for exemption from Trump tariffs
All these grifters with no kids, no cars and no homes want to hang out the magazines for hours on…
Posted in: Thousands of convenience stores in Japan to end sale of print magazines this spring