Posted in: G20 to tackle ocean plastic waste as petrochemical producers expand in Asia See in context
Just this past week an environmental group published the results of testing on foods consumed in the U.S. which said that the average American is eating the equivalent of a plastic credit card PER WEEK! Isn't that just nice? Plastic in drinking water, the soil, the ocean waters, on the ocean floor, in table salt, and in just about every sea creature there is - if not all. And companies are afraid they may lose profits if plastics are banned.
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Posted in: Trump says U.S. Steel will get investment from Nippon Steel, instead of being bought by it
Posted in: Gov't to expedite release of rice reserves amid surging prices
Posted in: Japan’s wagyu heart-shaped steaks are the perfect alternative to Valentine’s Day sweets
Posted in: Gov't to expedite release of rice reserves amid surging prices