Japan Today

Jamie Ander comments

Posted in: What's your situation concerning vaccination against the coronavirus? See in context

I may be American but I'm fully vaccinated, covid is nothing to laugh at. So many have died around the world so I think it's important to get the shot, they've been proven to work to prevent well enough so our bodies are prepared to fight covid without having to get sick and if God forbid we do catch covid then we can fight it much more effectively. When you don't get the shot, you endanger not only you bit all around you and that is very selfish.

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Posted in: Do you think there should be a statute of limitations for murder cases? See in context

I personally think there shouldn't be a limitations on murder because there is no justice for the victim or their family if the perpetrator is never tried for their crimes. I know DNA evidence isn't perfect but a person shouldn't be able to kill someone and get away with it because they know there is a set time that they can get away with it like x years. BTW, I'm American so maybe I'm biased but it's crazy to ever have limitations on murder or other heinous crimes.

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