Japan Today

Jan Rodricks comments

Posted in: Trump's busy Day 1: Scrap Obama orders, deport illegals See in context

Term limits are an anti-democratic means to upend voters' choice. What he should be looking at is gerrymandering, the redrawing of voting district boundaries for partisan political advantage.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump calls off Chicago rally due to security concerns See in context

Assault is a wholly disproportionate response to political speech, always. This is 8th grade civics, for goodness sake. It amazes me that some Trump supporters believe they have the right to arbitrarily define acceptable political speech and to inflict seriously bodily injury at their discretion.

If Trump doesn't like opposition in the crowd, he's free to exclude anyone he wishes from any property he owns or rents. But he and his supporters do not have the right to beat up people after they have been allowed entry.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

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