Japan Today

Janet Shigemi Kajihiro comments

Posted in: Japan to ease COVID border controls, entry quarantine from March See in context

Does this mean you still need a negative Covid result and the 3rd booster shot even though I have taken all 3 vaccines including the booster to enter Japan? I plan to want to go to Japan not til August. I hope things loosen by that time. I live in Hawaii and are awaiting the arrival of Japanese to come here for their vacation stil.

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Posted in: All people entering Japan must submit negative results to COVID-19 test See in context

I wonder if we take the vaccine like I did already are we allowed to enter Japan? or do we still have to take the covid test? If we still have to be tested then it does not ma’e any sense to take the vaccine at all, to travel from Hawaii to Japan.

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Posted in: JAL top in passenger survey for flights from North America: U.S. study See in context

I really like Japan Airlines for my travel to Japan,! I been traveling to Japan for almost 9 yrs now and I have flew with Delta before one time and ANA once also within the 9 yrs. The remaining yrs I have used Japan Airlines. I did not care for Delta even though the Airfare was cheaper I did not care for the service at all. As far as ANA they were pretty good and the price for the Airfare was not that bad but still a little expensive for me. I then went to Japan Airlines for the remaining years this far and I really really liked everything about the airlines. Everything from customer service and the food not to mention how they handle your baggage is very good! Every time I landed in Narita I was always almost the last person to retrieve my baggage. The agents there always made sure my baggage was safe! They would hold it for me and made sure that nobody would touch the baggage except the owner. The agents there always looked so concerned when I was running to retrieve my baggage too. They had a sign of relief when I came to pick it up after then smiled at me. I know the Airfare will be way more expensive to purchase but I told myself that is ok because I love this airline anyways. I even noticed they never had any major problems thus far over the years I have traveled and always arrived on time too. Everyone overall for this airline is so pleasant and always smiled. They seem to always seemed to think the safety of our customers are our first priority too. My sister used to work for JAL many hrs ago too and told me once yes it is a good airline! I just wanted to share this with everyone out there and hope they consider traveling with Japan Airlines as I will be too. Thank you again for the great service JAL provides and keep up the good work all of you do too!

Aloha, Janet K. From Hawaii

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Posted in: Tokyo ranked world's safest city for 3rd consecutive year by EIU See in context

I been traveling to Tokyo for just leisure for many years thus far only because I like to take a vacation there. I been traveling alone and it is very safe there. I could be on the street walking around in the city late at night still and I do not worry because there are policemen all areas of Tokyo keeping in eye out for anything they may see that is suspicious. Police in Japan are so good and I respect them. Everyone there just minds their own business and you rarely see anyone causing trouble. I live in Hawaii and to be honest I would have to be careful with myself and I always would have to watch my back to make sure nobody is following me too. I think Japan is do smart in many ways. No1 -they do not have trash cans all over the street and there is a reason for that I think. No2-you do not see too many benches anywhere except in the park or shopping malls. No3-you do not see to many homeless people out on the street. Japan is so very clean. I always tell my friends or even strangers who I never met before to go to Japan because it is the safest country I say.! Everyone is so nice

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Posted in: Convenience store operators urged to tackle labor shortages See in context

I would love to live in Japan and work at any of your7-11 convinience store in Japan! I visited Tokyo many times already and love it there. People in Japan are so polite and very friendly and it is very safe place to live also. We have 7-11 here in Hawaii and I like it there. It is so hard to believe you have a shortage of workers there.

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Posted in: Japanese men share what they can put up with in a girlfriend, but would be marriage deal-breakers See in context

This message is for Jeremy Wood sex is Not all everything in a relationship! It seems to me that you only like Asian women only for their beauty and to have sex with those Asain females. I almost feel sorry for those females.

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