Japan Today

JapaHaYn comments

Posted in: 2-month-old baby boy dies after car crash in Tochigi See in context

What am I on @okimike67?

How do you come to the conclusion that there was a lack of common sense or carelessness on anyone's part from reading this article? Your generalization about the ENTIRE country not caring about children's safety is both ignorant and a fallacy. I live in this country. I care more about my child's safety then you could ever imagine. There is a difference between saying "Kawaisou" and saying I feel empathy for your pain. Would you say that at a funeral? I think you are making too many assumptions without enough information.

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Posted in: 2-month-old baby boy dies after car crash in Tochigi See in context

This whole comment thread frustrates me. Who cares about what kind of car she drove, or how she installed her child seat, the tragedy here is a two month old baby died. Regardless of all the safety precautions in place or how carefully she drove, her son is gone forever. All you Monday morning quarterbacks out there saying she should have done this, or shouldn't have been driving that are ignoring the simple fact that nothing will bring the poor boy back. Simply express your condolences and stop preaching from your soap box. I cannot imagine the sorrow she must feel right now. Feel free to "thumbs down" me as well.

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Posted in: Giants defeat Dragons 12-4 in Central League See in context

Sounds a lot like what happened between the Red Sox/Yankees/Rays this year. My question is, knowing how the Dragons and Giants are bitter rivals, why would the Dragons prefer the Giants in the climax series rather than the Tigers? Doesn't make sense to me. I don't think these games were thrown, just bad baseball by the Dragons. They'll clinch soon enough though.

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Posted in: Chubu Electric starts building 18-meter seawall to protect Hamaoka nuclear plant See in context

I'm with societymike on this one. Pretty sure he was being sarcastic, but I find it amusing how many here are trying to over simplify the situation. Don't you think that if it were feasible, Nuclear plants would be built away from the ocean? There must be a reason that the MAJORITY of them are built near the coast or large bodies of water. This is not a simple "do this/not that" situation. Facts are these: Japan's whole nation is on or near a fault line. Only about 25% of Japan's land mass is habitable. Japan has over 127,000,000 people in a country the size of California. Mr. Scientists, how do you propose meeting such an immense demand for energy? Tidal power cannot NOT come close to the output or efficiency of nuclear energy.......but the danger exists, I will concede that.

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Posted in: New Xylitol gum flavors See in context

But do you know how to pronounce that word? Not what I had thought. Kishiri toru.

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Posted in: Hawaii has a winner in hula dancer Aureana Tseu See in context

Way to go Aureana, never thought i'd see an article about her here! So proud of you and way to represent Hawaii! I had the honor of having her dance with my band back at the PK, true beauty, inside and out.

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Posted in: Tokyo beats Hawaii to take Little League World Series title See in context

Let me put an end to the Waipahu-Waipio debate. According to LL rules, the teams are identified by the zip code they hail from, in this case 96797-Waipahu. However, Waipahu town has their own LL organization separate from Waipio which is slightly north of the city. I am from Waipio and proud to say I played there back in 1986. We are Waipio baseball. Waipahu are the Jackrabbits. nuff said.

Good job to the boys (BTW our population in Waipio Gentry is waaaayy less than 1 million!) Worked so hard to put YPO baseball on the map. Represented America and the 808 state with pride!

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Posted in: Japan to play Hawaii for Little League title See in context

So nice to see all the positive comments until that last one from Badsey, guess the name fits. The reason we have no pro team is purely logistical. It's too costly for mainland teams to fly there on a regular basis. As far as my boys from 96797, I am proud that our program we started in 1986 is getting the recognition we have earned, and we will represent America well. Ku'u Home o Waipio, Kulia I Ka Nu'u!

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Posted in: Jake Shimabukuro speaks to generations through the ukulele See in context

@kyushujoe- no not really at you, more at guys like alladin (though I did take some offense to the "Bach-Recorder" metaphor :P). I actually agree with you somewhat in that Jake had at a point used the uke like a guitar, and many of us felt that he belonged on another instrument. I think he even realized that to a certain extent (as alluded to in this article). But, therein lies the genius, what he can do on four strings and with less that 3 octaves is purely amazing. The sound of the ukulele is its own, and does not belong with the processed sounds that the guitar uses and is meant to use. Saying one is "novel" and the other is "superb" I think is somewhat subjective. For far too long people around the world have trivialized the ukulele as a toy, portrayed campyly (sp.) in movies, and overall misunderstood. I applaud what Jake has done in bringing some notoriety and respect to the instrument that I have loved and played for most of my life. The "tool" he has chosen is the Ukulele, and he is truly a master.

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Posted in: Jake Shimabukuro speaks to generations through the ukulele See in context

Oh, and I almost forgot Benny Chong. This man actually made Jake's jaw drop.

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Posted in: Jake Shimabukuro speaks to generations through the ukulele See in context

There seems to be a lot of "Hating" on most of these forums. As someone who plays the uke and knows Jake personally (well not so much anymore since he left Pure Heart), I can say that he is a truly wonderful person inside and out. The only knock on him is that he has taken the soul of the ukulele in a direction that it was not meant to go. Actually the world was not ready for a "Jake" at the time his musical mind exploded into the genius that he is now. There are still many of us that try to combine the old with the new, but guys like Jake, Troy Fernandez, Peter Moon, and James Hill have been leading the way for years and will continue to do so. All of you guys out there hating on the uke and Jake, I just want to say, give it a try, post a video of yourself, then comment on how "simple" our little four-stringed instrument is.

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Posted in: Toyota president urges workers, dealers to work toward new start See in context

I agree with yaponist. Most of the malfunctions were as a result of faulty parts made in America. Not much was made of this fact, but being of Japanese mind, the workers here took the responsibility bearing the name of Toyota-shi. Many of my friends here work at the various plants here, and sincerely feel responsible, though I don't feel the onus should be solely on them.

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Posted in: Exile wins Best Artist of the Year at Billboard Japan Music Awards See in context

Guess they're just not for you then hellhound. You are entitled to your opinion. I think the same could be said about American R&B these days. Just for the record, what bands are "listenable" to you?

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Posted in: Exile wins Best Artist of the Year at Billboard Japan Music Awards See in context

Before you all judge, give them a listen. Atsushi and Takahiro are actually REAL, good singers. Melodies are spot on and the harmonies are impeccable, even live. Funny though that they are more known for the 14 guys that dance that are not actually on the album. Usually the Japan music scene puts more emphasis on style rather than substance, but I think in this case, they may have gotten the best of both worlds. Way to go EXILE!

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Posted in: What sort of a future do you think Asashoryu has in sumo after the latest allegations of bad behavior? See in context

As big of a fan as I am, I don't think Asa has much left in the tank. I say he sweeps 2010 and retires from sumo. Eventually Hakuho will eclipse him though, the man is a freak!

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