Japan Today

Japanoob comments

Posted in: Japan considers sending coronavirus vaccines to Vietnam: report See in context

This will be unpopular but whatever....

As much as residents of Japan such as my self want (need!) a vaccine others do to.

Remember all the talk of 'the world coming together to fight this' about 18 months ago?'. Well then never really happened. So I, for one, as desperate as I am for a vaccination to get on with my life don't mind reading about one country helping another on occasion and on a limited basis. Me or an elderly person abroad (assuming doses will be distributed to the elderly/vulnerable first)? I'll choose the elderly Vietnamese (or Taiwanese) person occasionally.

So yeah prioritize Japanese citizens but help each other out on occasion and on a limited basis. Especially when we're talking about a vaccine that is is just sitting in storage atm as it hasn't been approved for use in Japan (though yeah it should have been by now but that's another story....).

The whole COVAX system should have kicked in long before now. Japan is doing this unilaterally which is a step in the right direction because we (the world) are all in this mess together and need each other's support to get of it.

p.s. did I mention '*on occasion and on a limited basis**' *sufficiently to get that point across?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: China's 2022 Olympics a chance to press Beijing on human rights: Trudeau See in context


Don't see Canada threatening foreign press agencies and other nations when they report on them though. Not that it makes Canada's past actions right but there is a key difference here.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: JOC board member blasts Tokyo Games organizers, IOC See in context


Keep in mind the athletes coming into Japan will definitely be vaccinated as will their entourage, as small as those will be, and almost no foreign fans. At the same time Japan is working on getting the public vaccinated, so again I see two steps in the right direction

1) Not all athletes will be vaccinated (please see IOC press statements for details).

2) Still only a small % of people in Japan will have been vaccinated by the start of the games (please see Japanese Gvt' press statements for details).

Your in possession of inaccurate info. Time to do so some fact checking.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Posted in: JOC board member blasts Tokyo Games organizers, IOC See in context


Simian Lane:

'let the virus run riot. anything beats this lousy repeat-limbo'

'run it’s natural course, rather'

'even sickness is better than spineless'

Very insensitive words to say the least with all the pain and suffering people are enduring here and abroad. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but this is surely stepping across boundaries of civility?

14 ( +18 / -4 )

Posted in: Olympics chief says cancelation unlikely with 50 days to go See in context

And from the BBC:

"If it should happen that a country cannot come to Japan because they do not meet the minimum requirements that the government set, I think that is something we have to listen to what the IOC and IPC feel about that."

Source: https://www.bbc.com/sport/olympics/57329388

And why is the Japanese Gvt'/JOC listening to what anyone other than what their residents have to 'feel about'?!

Sums it all up right there...

18 ( +19 / -1 )

Posted in: Yes. Tokyo Olympics are still on, despite opposition, pandemic See in context

I do wish the IOC would just shut up for once…

46 ( +51 / -5 )

Posted in: Australian Olympic softball team looking forward to arriving in Japan on Tuesday See in context

Lack said while she understood people's reluctance to holding the games, she hoped the sporting event would help boost morale.

No. Your team coming here weeks before the games actually start has the opposite effect.

Can't find a training camp in Oz until a few days before the opening games??

19 ( +21 / -2 )

Posted in: Advocacy groups ask gov't to rethink harsher anti-cannabis law See in context


'dangerous mind altering drug'

Makes most people fall asleep in front of the TV holding an empty tub of Ben and Jerry's.....

Thanks though! What you wrote made me laugh :-)

14 ( +20 / -6 )

Posted in: Taiwan says China is spreading fake news during COVID spike See in context

CCP should stop playing political games, and take practical measures to control the pandemic as soon as possible without resorting to vaccine diplomacy and undermining relations with it's friends (not that it has any) and neighbors.

16 ( +16 / -0 )

Posted in: Coates: Tokyo Olympics to go ahead even in state of emergency See in context

A couple of (polite and well reasoned) lines about why you disapprove of holding the Olympics would help put a stop to this:


I've been emailing daily. Other voices would help.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan gives preliminary OK to Moderna, AstraZeneca vaccines See in context

No mention of why it took so long to approve.

Another Phase III clinical trial on just 160 people like Pfizers in which time thousands became ill and hundreds died?

Even if this was the case why didn't they start the trials here soon after Pfizer's?

Too many unanswered questions....... but yes better late than never.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Posted in: Online bookings begin for large vaccination centers in Tokyo, Osaka See in context

@ Monty

A (relatively mild) reaction to a vaccine is not in expected.

‘You get a fever because your body is trying to kill the virus or bacteria that caused the infection. Most of those bacteria and viruses do well when your body is at your normal temperature. But if you have a fever, it is harder for them to survive. Fever also activates your body's immune system.’


Just puting it out there for people that think getting a fever is bad when it’s actually a sign that your body is putting up its defenses and fighting back.

14 ( +17 / -3 )

Posted in: Vaccine chief Kono blames drug approval system for slow inoculation drive See in context

And who is to blame for the lack of logistics in place for distribution?

Playing the blame game already. Someone is playing cya.

45 ( +49 / -4 )

Posted in: Wealthy nations, once praised for success against virus, lag in vaccinations See in context

@ Sven

It’s not always lagging behind, some have already gained knowledge. Vaccinations alone aren’t the key anymore.

All those other measures (aside from vaccinations) don’t seem to be working too well over here though are they?

Also, if the viruses get more and more under vaccination pressure they develop more mutations,

Once vaccinated the virus has less chance of mutating as mutations occur when the virus multiplies and spreads. Reads like you don’t understand at all how mutations can occur.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Posted in: IOC says negative public opinion no threat to Tokyo Olympics See in context


Just putting it out there. Don’t let me be the only one emailing them about this farce.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan's seriously ill COVID-19 patients hit new high of 1,144 See in context

enquiries.contact@olympic.org (from IOC website)

Here you go. Have at it as I have. Considering letting the IOC know how you feel.

Someone way down on the totem pole will read it but better someone way down than no one at all....

15 ( +16 / -1 )

Posted in: Efforts underway to end 'period poverty' in Japan, despite hurdles See in context


The entire point of his/her comment just went flying right over your own head, didn't it?

He/she is not only supporting the initiative but highlighting an underlying problem (of general poverty) that also needs addressing.

19 ( +22 / -3 )

Posted in: Olympic athletes may be allowed to bring medical stimulants into Japan See in context

Interesting how they can prepare to pass legislation for something related to the Olympics so quickly but to enact a law that helps reduce Covid cases such as fining bars/restaurants that stay open past a mandated time during a SOE took about a year....

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Posted in: China cautions Japan ahead of U.S.-Japan summit See in context

CCP commenting on Japan's internal affairs? Gotta love the hypocrisy...

30 ( +32 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan spends billions on technology for absent Olympic fans See in context

'LifeCycle App' already tracks movement efficiently using WiFi, foursquare and Apple Maps so there's not even any dev costs. Who wants to tell them? ;-)

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Airbnb asked to drop China Winter Olympic sponsorship over rights issues See in context


Approx. 12,123,000 Uyghurs care (amongst others)

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan to allow use of insulin syringes for COVID-19 vaccines See in context


insulin syringes have a different design from traditional syringes and a shorter needle and dead space syringes which allows it to get more out of a injection

Interesting but to my mind (and I don't know about this stuff so could very well be mistaken) the amount left in the dead space doesn't stay in the syringe 'adding up' over the course of the initial 6 shots to accumulate enought to provide a sufficient amount for a full 7th dose. So I still don't get it. If you have a link to something that would explain it that would be great! Thanks.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan to allow use of insulin syringes for COVID-19 vaccines See in context

One vial is meant for six shots, Pfizer says,

Source (Feb. 16 article): https://japantoday.com/category/national/syringe-shortage-hampers-japan%27s-covid-19-vaccination-roll-out

Yeah I don't get it either.

18 ( +18 / -0 )

Posted in: Race, title and anguish: Meghan and Harry explain royal rift See in context

And again, why were they not paid to do this interview?

You're asking us?? Hang on let me make a few calls and get back to you on that....

15 ( +19 / -4 )

Posted in: Tsunami survivors call lost loved ones on 'phone of the wind' See in context

Good podcast episode about it here: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/597/one-last-thing-before-i-go/act-one-0. Has audio clips of calls (with callers permission(s) of course). Moving stuff.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: LDP wants more women at meetings, but only if they don't talk: Nikai See in context

@ Bush

Respectfully, you seem to missing the point entirely just as Nikai is.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Posted in: Mori resigns over sexist remarks: Hashimoto being considered to replace him See in context

Good riddance. I hope a lot of elderly (and some not so elderly) Japanese men in 'decision making positions' are sitting up and watching this closely as I sign of things to come. A job well done by the 'common folk', many of whom have just realized the power they yield in numbers to effect change.

23 ( +27 / -4 )

Posted in: With Olympics at stake, Mori seen as too influential to push aside See in context

'highly influential former prime minister'

'holds powerful sway in the political, business and sporting arenas'

'his formidable clout and coordinating ability'

This reads like a list of his 'greatest achievements' in an to attempt to convince readers of how 'necessary' he is. Didn't need to get to the bottom of the article to know it'd been written by a domestic news agency. IOC is just as culpable as the JOC and J Gvt' at this point. They're just digging their grave deeper on this.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Posted in: Blinken presses China on Uighurs, Hong Kong in first call See in context


They are already. This dates back to last Aug:


Plenty of similar stories in UK too.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Posted in: More than 110,000 sign petition against Mori after sexist comments See in context

It is not right for him to make such remarks, and for everyone to let it go by saying 'Oh well, he's a grandpa'. If there are people who say it is wrong, if they think it is wrong, we have to voice it," Nojo said.

97,900+ as of this morning and going up every second. Have at it if you want:


15 ( +16 / -1 )

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