Posted in: Police recommend charges against driver in Prius crash See in context
Not sure about this case, could be a scam or could be one unlucky guy. That having been said, given the number of Toyota cases in the US and the deaths and investigations that forced Toyota to fess up in the US, we can be sure that there have been cases in Japan and resulting wrongful prosecutions. The problem in Japan is the almost perfect conviction rate once the cops start there questioning and that drivers are always considered responsible in cases involving bicycle and pedestrians. I wonder how many people are rotting in Japanese jails because Toyota executives did not come clean and that the justice system did not care to actually check driver claims.
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I understand, but as I said, forcing me to accept it is as equally offensive, so it goes both ways,…
Posted in: Some U.S. lawmakers want more Christianity in the classroom. Trump could embolden their plans
Posted in: Some U.S. lawmakers want more Christianity in the classroom. Trump could embolden their plans