Japan Today

Jason Prate comments

Posted in: Japan demands more proof from U.S. that Iran attacked tankers See in context

Good. As an American, I dont trust this one bit. We know the Saudis and Israel have been wanting us to go to war with Iran for a while. When you have articles like this: https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/.premium-netanyahu-s-iran-dilemma-how-to-get-trump-to-act-without-being-on-front-line-1.7269100, asking basically how can Israel get us to fight Iran without them taking the blame, or the video of John Kerry in Congress talking about how Saudi Arabia is willing to foot the bill if we go to war with Iran, its hard to give any credibility these accusations.

Too many people in our government continue to carry on with these objectives, lying and hiding it from the American public, to do things in our name that we dont want and would not be happy with, to say the least.

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