Posted in: Aging Fukui nuclear reactor to restart in August, 2 months early See in context
I'm for restarting all of the reactors as long as they were confirmed to be safe and sound in case of another great Tohoku level earthquake. It's one of the cleanest and cheapest way towards decarbonization.
-5 ( +4 / -9 )
Posted in: China's COVID-19 policy, yuan's rise vs yen may beset Japan's economy See in context
The yen is set to decline massively...
For the past 20 years jpy was going up and down from low 90 to 130 to the dollar.
30 years ago it was over 250.
Decline in what sense?
4 ( +10 / -6 )
Posted in: China's COVID-19 policy, yuan's rise vs yen may beset Japan's economy See in context
For at least 10 years I have been telling this ...
Yeah? And so far what exactly has realized from your predictions?
And more importantly do you have any suggestions?
-4 ( +7 / -11 )
Posted in: Ukraine sees room for compromise, as 20,000 escape Mariupol See in context
Source: NATO.
I prefer NATO propaganda a million times over that of RT, Putin's and his cronies. I'm ready to admit that some of it might be ven a blatant lie!
As long as it gives hope to the Ukrainians fighting for their and our freedom. Anything to stop Russians imperialism.
Wouldn't you?
6 ( +10 / -4 )
Posted in: Japan to ban exports of nearly 300 items to Russia, Belarus See in context
Good. Now do the same for individuals close to Putin, including his daughters, oligarchs and their family members and friends.
In fact, if it was up to me I'd prevent all transactions above a few thousand dollars per month in order to keep the ordinary Russians citizens who need to send a few bucks back to their families but stop the other businesses Russia might be doing with the outside world.
5 ( +10 / -5 )
Posted in: Ukraine sees room for compromise, as 20,000 escape Mariupol See in context
"failure" as in the Russian army advancing every day?
Great speed, comrade.
They are begging China to send food and weapons now, this is how much of a nothing Russian army is. Pootin will be brushing Xi Jing Ping's shoes at this pace in a couple of weeks. He made Russia "great" again, bringing it to the level of North Korea at international stage. Bravo!
11 ( +18 / -7 )
Posted in: Ukraine sees room for compromise, as 20,000 escape Mariupol See in context
yep. Because freedom of speech works only if we like it
Say that to the woman on the Russian TV with the banner "no to war" and others like her who were carried away by the police for their free speech in multiple places around Russia. Very much free speech, in deed. XD
10 ( +18 / -8 )
Posted in: Ukraine sees room for compromise, as 20,000 escape Mariupol See in context
According to them everything is going according to the plan so far. Unless you know better than them, there is no reason to take your comment seriously.
Do you think they would admit to a failure? How naive are you? It was supposed to be a blitzkrieg and Ukrainians were supposed to greet the Russian army with flowers but instead you have even the Russians living inside Ukraine agianst you and most of the world agianst you, bringing Russia 30 years back economically in matter of days.
6 ( +14 / -8 )
Posted in: Ukraine sees room for compromise, as 20,000 escape Mariupol See in context
According to RT and the civilians fleeing, well at least according to the translation, they were only allowed to flee because Russian allied Ukrainian forces forced open the corridor by taking the eastern district of the city. b
Quoting RT (Ruski Tw*ts) should be prohibited here on Japan today, like it has been on multiple other platforms.
5 ( +19 / -14 )
Posted in: Ukraine sees room for compromise, as 20,000 escape Mariupol See in context
Russia should cut the gas supply to Europe. Would be fun to see the European leaders being mortified.
Russia's export are 60 percent that for oil and gas... If they were too stop the gas supply to Europe they'd be hurting themselves the most. They have nothing else to offer to Europe except for resources. This is how much of a zero as a country they are.
They couldn't even afford to cut the gas supply to Ukraine, a country they invaded...
10 ( +20 / -10 )
Posted in: Japan unable to link deaths to withdrawn batches of Moderna vaccine See in context
Come on! Move on with your lives. Three people out of a million and a half die after the shot. So that... ?
Don't scare the people. Human cattle must be vaccinated just like the animal one is.
Otherwise, who will vote for the LDP?
-5 ( +5 / -10 )
Posted in: Vaccine minister Kono to run in LDP leadership race See in context
It must have been the plan from the very beginning. Or a big bet perhaps that the vaccination pace would reach other nations' levels (the reputable ones)
And in the end it did with almost half of Japan's population being jabbed twice already.
Good on you Mr. Kono.
You, at least, can speak the English language and seem more confident in front of cameras and could be a better face for Japan on the international stage than Mr. Suga ever had been.
-8 ( +9 / -17 )
Posted in: Gov't plans lifting alcohol ban even under state of emergency See in context
Is coronavirus, a nocturnal Predator that only comes out after 8 PM (not a minute earlier,) about to change its patterns of behavior as to allow us enjoy our drinks again?
Ah, yes, November. it must be going into hibernation as winter approaches?
12 ( +19 / -7 )
Posted in: Lockdowns or vaccines? NZ, Australia, Japan try diverging paths See in context
Japan needs to make a decision. Vaccines or Lockdowns. As of now they are doing neither. The path forward is not looking good...still.
51 percent for at least one jab is not bad at all.
New Zealand had focused too much on locking down and they shot themselves in the foot when it comes to vaccinations...
I'd rather be in Japan that over there...
9 ( +22 / -13 )
Posted in: Mizuho Bank suffers 5th Japan-wide system failure of 2021 See in context
I finally said goodbye to my mizuho account on Thursday by closing the two accounts I had with them. I had to fill in a couple of papers and then had to wait over an hour sitting still while they closed my accounts. There was little to no other clients at the bank at the time too...
Terrible online banking that looks as if it was stuck in the times when internet just begun (website style)
The app on the phone is terrible too. You could not even see your history beyond a couple of months back. (if I remember correctly)
12 ( +12 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan's governors call for COVID lockdown See in context
My wife's company never allowed remote work and so didnt many of other companies because they have taken no measures to have that option. They are still faxing documets for God's sake at my wife's company. Lockdown imposed or not I dont see these companies to follow it.
Human cattle just like the animal one must be vaccinated. Increase the number of hospital beds too. They said on the telly that Japan has been decreasing the number of hosptial from before the pandemic and even when the pademkc started the policy continued for some time, Ikegami's special report that he does once a month said that around half a year ago if o remember correctly.
9 ( +12 / -3 )
Posted in: Half of Japan's population has received at least 1 dose of COVID-19 vaccine See in context
I still remember people saying it will take Japan 100 years to vaccinate its people in the comment section. Japan is not doing too bad when it comes to vaccines in the end, eh?
-38 ( +32 / -70 )
Posted in: Suga thanks people for helping to hold safe Olympics during pandemic See in context
The rate of positive PCR test for the Olympics related people was a bare 0.02 percent. Hardly a superspreader event that so many here were talking about. Now, outsode the Olympic bubble it's a different story.
-16 ( +3 / -19 )
Posted in: Suga dodges questions on whether Olympics can be held under state of emergency See in context
You are kind of missing the point of why people are angry about this. Its not just fear about it being a super spreader event, though that is part of it.
There is no evidence that it would become a superspreader so the fear is baseless.
Its also that the government has been diverting resources and attention that should be allocated to fighting the pandemic instead to holding the bloody games. Even if they are lucky and it doesn’t end up as a super spreader, we’ve already suffered incalculable harm by these games.Thousands of medical professionals are being diverted from a health system that needs them.
As far as I know nobody has been diverted anywhere. The Olympics start in over a month. By that time if the new infections down trend continues people might as well be diverted. Again, let's wait and see.
Political and management capital that could have been used to speed up vaccinations is instead being squandered on defending the games, leaving us all months behind the rest of the world. And don’t get me started on the financial cost.
Aren't vaccination implementation going parallel to everything that has to do with Olympics? How about the financial costs of canceling the event and Tokyo being left with billions to pay in compensation to IOC etc? Has someone calculated these costs? I think the Japanese government might have and in spite of what everyone here says about their incompetency, I think they need to be given more credit. I'd rather trust the government than mob on a news website... To be honest.
-7 ( +1 / -8 )
Posted in: Suga dodges questions on whether Olympics can be held under state of emergency See in context
Just let them do it!
Why are people so obsessed with a mere 79,000 people (Olympics related) comming in to Japan where most of them would be strictly controlled, with multiple PCR tests each day etc?
Why do most of you forget about the thousands of people (Japanese and foreign residents) coming to Japan every single day, who are not controlled in such a strict way and end up breaking quarantine ( approx. 30 percent, according to a recent research)
Olympics is NOY gonna be a superspreader, as you doomsday apocalypse people would like it to turn out to be!
-48 ( +7 / -55 )
Posted in: Beset by coronavirus wave, doctors lead push against Olympics See in context
79,000 people are flying into Japan due to Olympics. That is an influx of miniscule proportion compared to the population of 120 million. Approx. 0.06%.
The doctors should be more worried about the average Japanese who does not seem to care about going out and about that this 0.06 % of people whose every step would be tightly controlled with a pcr test every day or so....
People, don't panic about the event. You should stay focused on your own activities that contribute to the spread of the virus.
-24 ( +3 / -27 )
Posted in: Japan's neighbors react strongly to Fukushima water release decision See in context
Dilute = same amount.
Mid I drink a whole bottle of whiskey with ice, or I drink with ice and coke, I still have drunken a bottle of whiskey.
With these kind of lack of scientific knowledge we wont go far as a species.
As the scientist points out, the threat exists only theoretically, under the impossible conditions. “If one person consumed all this C-14 (these 63 GBq), they would receive a dose of about 37 Sv, which is several times the lethal dose. But how to quickly drink hundreds of millions of litters of water?
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Gov't decides to release water from Fukushima nuclear plant into sea in 2023 See in context
“It's filtered water, so relatively clean. The activity of C-14 alone in the human body is approx. 40 Bq / kg, so also in this water. Suggesting that this concentration is dangerous to health is nothing more than unnecessarily driving fear ”- adds Dr. Gajda.
As the scientist points out, the threat exists only theoretically, under the impossible conditions. “If one person consumed all this C-14 (these 63 GBq), they would receive a dose of about 37 Sv, which is several times the lethal dose. But how to quickly drink hundreds of millions of liters of water? " - he asks rhetorically.
-10 ( +2 / -12 )
Posted in: Gov't decides to release water from Fukushima nuclear plant into sea in 2023 See in context
As for the concentration of C-14 in this water is similar to that naturally occurring in food products or the human body
"The concentration of C-14 in this water is similar to that naturally occurring in food products or the human body. Here we are talking about 2 to 220 Bq / l. Assuming 60 Bq / kg for meat and its consumption by an average Japanese at the level of 30 kg per year, the Japanese eat 225 GBq C-14 annually in the meat alone "- says Dr. Eng. Paweł Gajda from the Department of Sustainable Energy Development, Faculty of Energy and Fuels, AGH in Krakow.
-10 ( +2 / -12 )
Posted in: Gov't decides to release water from Fukushima nuclear plant into sea in 2023 See in context
No the process water that enters the reaction chamber operates on a closed loop. The only water discharged to the environment in a normal functioning plant is the cooling water which never comes into contact to any highly radioactive part. What we are talking about here is precisely the water that has come directly into contact to the radioactive fuel.
that is why they used the ALPS thingy, no? only Tritium remains. Since tritium is a low energy beta emitter, it is not dangerous externally (its beta particles are unable to penetrate the skin)
As for the concentration of C-14 in this water is similar to that naturally occurring in food products or the human body. Doubts are raised by Shaun Burnie on YouTube and elsewhere, a nuclear technology specialist , but he cooperates with the German branch of Greenpeace and presents the official position of an organization that has openly opposed the use of nuclear energy for years, promoting alternative energy sources.
-11 ( +1 / -12 )
Posted in: Gov't decides to release water from Fukushima nuclear plant into sea in 2023 See in context
The water is safe to be released. What is the fuss? Its a standard process for normally operating plants too.
-18 ( +5 / -23 )
Posted in: Man gets 7 years in prison for fatal abuse of girlfriend’s 3-year-old son See in context
Oh, a fellow member (ex) of the company I work for!
Foul disgrace of a human being.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Fly me to the moon: Billionaire Maezawa seeks 8 passengers for lunar trip See in context
Please, please pick one of the flat earthers. Ideally one that is promoting the whole thing in order to prove them wrong!
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Relief, concerns mixed over having state of emergency lifted early See in context
Ok, so am I allowed to go to Okinawa now?
I'm wanna book my flight for the golden week before it gets too expensive.
13 ( +13 / -0 )
Posted in: Is Donald Trump's re-election as U.S. president good news for Japan?
Posted in: Japan researchers to see if skin vibration boosts mental health
Posted in: Drones strike Moscow as top UK official highlights Russian casualties in Ukraine