Japan Today

Jay comments

Posted in: Hollywood should resist Trump pressure, says director Todd Haynes See in context

Nobody cares what they think’, not even the several posters above who always make sure to comment on Hollywood topics to make sure you know how much they don’t care about it.

As much as you love Hollywood celebrities Bob, the fact is they keep shoving their unwanted opinions down everyone's throats, and we're just returning the favor by telling them to shut up.

No one cares what out-of-touch wokesters think about politics, but they insist on shrieking anyway, so here we are.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Posted in: Do Japanese kids need to wear special slippers at school? One part of Tokyo doesn’t think so See in context

The obsession here with separate shoes has its place in private homes, but when it extends to places like gyms, offices, and public buildings, it becomes nothing more than an IRRITATING RITUAL.

As a gym-goer, there was NOTHING MORE POINTLESS than lugging around an extra pair of "indoor-only" sneakers just to walk on the same artificial floor where no one is eating dinner or rolling around barefoot.

The idea that somehow "outside shoes" are contaminating these spaces, while people are sweating all over the equipment, is absolute selective hygiene theater.

So glad Western-style gyms have become the norm here.

As for school, if they're also starting to wake up to how unnecessary this is, maybe the rest of the country can follow suit and do away with this needless shoe-swapping charade.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Hollywood should resist Trump pressure, says director Todd Haynes See in context

Who cares what this wokester has to say. He's from the same out-of-touch bubble as the other multimillionaire actors who play revolutionaries on screen and then sip champagne at elite galas, while lecturing the rest of us about politics and sneering at the majority of the U.S.

Seriously, nobody outside their echo chamber cares what these clowns think. Stick to making box office flops.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Posted in: Austria says stabbing attack suspect swore allegiance to Islamic State See in context

Europe doesn't have open borders. Try it right now. Get on plane, go to Europe without a passport and see what happens. You've never been to Europe.

Oh, that's adorable - you actually think border control at airports proves Europe isn't wide open! Meanwhile, millions stroll in unchecked via land and sea, but sure, tell us more about how stamping passports at Charles de Gaulle means "no open borders."

And sorry, I've been to the real Europe old son - you've been to Paris once, sipped an overpriced espresso, and fantasized about writing neo-Marxist literature for Charlie Hebdo.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: Austria says stabbing attack suspect swore allegiance to Islamic State See in context

No country in the EU has "open-border policies".

And those people are progressively multiracial. So what's your point?

Look at you - throwing around all those Uber "Progressive" buzzwords and thinking they'll magically erase reality. If the EU doesn't have open-border policies, then how do you explain the ENDLESS FLOOD of unvetted migrants waltzing in and turning once-great cities into crime-ridden nightmares?

And as for "progressively multiracial," LOL nope, Europeans didn't vote to have their nations socially engineered into unrecognizable messes by globalist bureaucrats.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: British PM Starmer offers to send peacekeeping troops to Ukraine See in context

Pipe down Starmer, you WEF puppet. How about NOT volunteer to drag British lives into a foreign conflict while your own country crumbles at home?! Focus on "keeping the peace" in your own crime-ridden, migrant-overrun cities before fantasizing about playing world police. What a clown.

-5 ( +13 / -18 )

Posted in: Austria says stabbing attack suspect swore allegiance to Islamic State See in context

Yet another senseless and avoidable tragedy enabled by the EU's reckless open-border policies. How many more innocent Europeans must suffer before leaders finally put their own citizens first instead of catering to so-called "refugees" who bring violence and disorder? Europe belongs to its people, no matter how much Uber "Progressive" spin tries to deny it. How about shutting the borders and expelling the criminals before the damage becomes irreversible.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Man stabs 5 people in Austria, killing 1 See in context

Leave your own violent, repressive and dangerous country, are literally given refuge in a safer and more accepting one, and go around trying to kill people there. Scumbag.

Exactly. If they had the spine to fix their own countries instead of leeching off and destroying the ones dumb enough to take them in, Europe wouldn't have to deal with their endless violence and entitlement.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Posted in: Man stabs 5 people in Austria, killing 1 See in context

YET ANOTHER tragic, preventable crime brought to you by the EU's open-border insanity. How many more innocent Europeans have to suffer before politicians wake up and start prioritizing their own people over so-called "doctors and lawyers" who bring nothing but violence and chaos?! Europe is for Europeans, and no amount of Uber Leftist propaganda can change that simple fact. Close the borders, deport the criminals, and take back Europe before it's too late... if it's not already.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Posted in: Vance attack on Europe overshadows Ukraine talks at security conference See in context

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you are under the age of 25. It's the only possible explanation for how you write.

Thanks TG. And I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're over 70, because only someone that out of touch would think condescension is a substitute for an actual argument.

-20 ( +1 / -21 )

Posted in: After scrapping Honda merger, Nissan may struggle to find new partner See in context

Nissan has absolutely no one to blame but itself. The last couple of decades has seen seen them producing uninspired, unreliable, and downright forgettable cars have driven customers away, and the Carlos Ghosn fiasco exposed the company's internal rot to the world in the most embarrassing way possible.

The fact that Honda took one look at this sinking ship and ran for the hills should tell you everything.

I think the most surprising thing here is how Nissan are acting like not being able to find a partner is really not a big deal. Well, it is - their "lack of urgency" is the perfect example of why they're in this mess to begin with. If they keep this up, they won’t have to worry about partnerships at all - because who would want to partner with a company that's on a fast track to irrelevance?!

Nissan: going... going... ghosn.

-16 ( +11 / -27 )

Posted in: Vance attack on Europe overshadows Ukraine talks at security conference See in context

Not only Vance is absolutely right, the majority of regular, hardworking Europeans know it. The EU's open-border policies have been a complete disaster, compromising security, culture, and national identity.

Bottom line is: Europe is the ancestral homeland of Europeans - it should never be sacrificed to the whims of insidious, out-of-touch globalist politicians. Instead of silencing dissent, EU "leaders" should listen to their own people, who are sick of the chaos these policies have unleashed.

-18 ( +6 / -24 )

Posted in: Pet euthanasia and culling in Japan: How kill rates dropped — and the challenges that remain See in context

 most Japanese veterinarians required an incurable condition and suffering for euthanasia, alongside the owner's request. In a 1990 study in the same journal published... noted that Japanese veterinarians were significantly less likely to recommend euthanasia compared to their British counterparts. 

Trying not to get emotional as I think about my own four-legged friend, but here goes. Making the decision to put down an aging dog is heartbreaking, and I have deep sympathy for anyone facing it. Back home, I feel vets are sometimes too quick to suggest euthanasia, even for dogs that are simply slowing down rather than actually suffering. Is this because vets truly sense the animal is in pain, or is there a financial motivation at play? It's a difficult question - how do we really know when our pets are in unbearable suffering versus simply experiencing the natural effects of old age?

If euthanasia is truly the best and most necessary option, I hope owners consider doing it at home, where their dog can pass in a familiar and comforting environment, surrounded by love.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Posted in: China accuses Australia of deliberate provocation in South China Sea See in context

Taiwan....do we see many China Naval vessels in "international waters " in areas where the USA claims an interest, like surrounding Latin America ?

No we don't.

"Aussie" Mick bending over backwards to defend the CCP - how disappointingly unsurprising. Maybe brush up on reality before parroting Beijing's talking points there old son. The Chinese Navy is ALL OVER Latin America, from setting up military-linked space stations in Argentina to swarming Ecuador's waters with illegal fishing fleets. Stop pretending China is some innocent bystander while it militarizes the South China Sea and throws a hissy fit whenever anyone dares to challenge its sick expansionist fantasies.

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

Posted in: China accuses Australia of deliberate provocation in South China Sea See in context

The Chinese COMMUNIST PARTY throwing yet another tantrum because someone dared to operate in international waters without bowing to their delusional claims of ownership. Australia WAS following international law - something the CCP wouldn’t recognize if it smacked them in the face - while China continues its usual routine of bullying, gaslighting, and rewriting history. According to these idiots, Australia and other countries "provoking" them by simply existing outside of China’s propaganda bubble.

-1 ( +11 / -12 )

Posted in: Why so many marriages in Japan are sexless – and what you can do about it See in context

Jay...fatties have needs too !

Sure Mick, fatties have needs - one of them being the need to not ignore basic biology and believe they're irresistible while they waddle around in stained sweatpants.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Posted in: Why so many marriages in Japan are sexless – and what you can do about it See in context

So, you think the wives all keep looking gorgeous and wanting sex but they are turned off because the men are out of shape? The guys I know would beg to differ. Hormones factor into a lot of what goes on on both sides of the equation but way more strongly on the woman's side.

Fair point - hormones can play a role, especially for women, and it's not completely about looks. But we have to be real: attraction isn't a one-way street. If someone has let themself go, barely engages with his partner outside of household logistics, and puts in zero effort to be attractive, is it any surprise the other half is not interested?

Speaking from experience, a lot of these blokes complaining about being sexless sit around looking like a deflated beanbag. Effort, self-care and self-respect go a long way.

-5 ( +9 / -14 )

Posted in: Woman diagnosed with stage-4 cancer at 26 sends hopeful message See in context

Now THIS is a powerful and inspiring story. The resilience and determination from Miyabi to live life on her terms despite the challenges is truly remarkable.

And a shout-out to her husband. He could have easily put this entire situation in the "Too Hard" box and legged it, but proposing on the spot, standing by her side from day one, and proving what true love and commitment really means is an incredible level of selfless devotion. THAT is something to be celebrated.

Wishing her continued strength, positivity, community support, and even stronger refusal to let cancer define her life.

7 ( +17 / -10 )

Posted in: Why so many marriages in Japan are sexless – and what you can do about it See in context

This will probably be one of the most downvoted posts I've ever written, but luckily this isn't a popularity contest - it's about saying what needs to be said. 

One reason so many men (foreign included) complain about their sexless marriages in Japan is that they've completely let themselves go. The majority blokes I hear whining about their Japanese wives not wanting intimacy, are fat, out of shape, and generally unappealing. If you rarely or ever sleep with your wife/significant other and fit into this category, be completely honest with yourself: if you were a woman, would you want to sleep with you?

The unpopular but true fact of the matter is attraction is about maintaining physical and emotional desirability. Any bloke blaming their wives should hit the gym, eat better, and get your act together around the house. Confidence, physical presence, and effort go a long way in maintaining attraction, but too many blokes think marriage means they can just stop trying. Do better fellas!

-16 ( +21 / -37 )

Posted in: Japan to host Brazilian President Lula as state guest in late March See in context

Another frothy, irrelevant rant.

Do you think Lula is coming to Japan to teach those things Japan? Or even to learn?

Nice try, keyboard revolutionary. Lula couldn't teach Japan a damn thing except how to wreck an economy, and if he is coming here to learn, he better take notes - because Japan actually functions, unlike the corrupt socialist mess he governs.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan to host Brazilian President Lula as state guest in late March See in context

Ah yes, Japan - one of the safest and economically stable nations on Earth - must be dying to learn from Lula, the radical leftist mastermind who has returned Brazil to a crime-ridden, inflation-stricken mess. Maybe he'll share tips on how to tank an economy, empower criminals, and sell out national sovereignty to the Chinese COMMUNIST Party - all while pretending it's for the "people!"

Yeah Japan should take notes alright… on exactly what not to do.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Posted in: Nutrition advice is rife with misinformation See in context

Remember Thalidomide? That was scientifically "validated" and judged OK for general use. There followed babies lacking arms.

Yep, absolutely. Thalidomide was a prime example of the pharmaceutical establishment assuring the public something was "safe and effective" (where have we heard that before?), right up until thousands of babies were born with DEVASTATING birth defects. It's a chilling reminder that blind trust in so-called "validated science", without scrutiny or accountability, can often have catastrophic consequences.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Posted in: Nutrition advice is rife with misinformation See in context

 your mistake is called the naturalistic fallacy, which consist on pretending that if something is natural it is more likely to be beneficial when that is not true at all

Wrong yet again, because your mistake is called the pharmaceutical fallacy - the idea that if something is patented, expensive, and "FDA-approved", it must be superior, despite the fact that many blockbuster drugs are rushed to market, later recalled, or come with a laundry list of side effects worse than the condition they're treating. You're also pretending the pharmaceutical conglomerates' testing process is some sacred, incorruptible system - when PROFIT is involved, manipulation of studies, selective reporting, and aggressive suppression of competing alternatives are all well-documented tactics.

So no, blindly dismissing natural remedies because some ancient treatments were misguided isn't an argument - it's just your excuse to ignore anything that threatens the pharmaceutical MONOPOLY.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Posted in: Nutrition advice is rife with misinformation See in context

This makes no sense, you understand that supplements are controlled also by pharmaceutical companies, right? so what kind of propaganda would it be when it heavily criticizes those supplements? even very basic understanding clearly makes this nonsensical.

Unfortunately completely wrong yet again, as you continue to conveniently ignore the fact that pharmaceutical giants only push supplements when they can patent, overprice, and monopolize them. 

Meanwhile, they smear unpatentable NATURAL remedies as "unproven" or "dangerous" despite centuries of successful use. 

But of course, you haven't actually provided evidence that these hit pieces are unbiased - you just assume it, because thinking any deeper might force you to question the industry that profits off keeping people sick.

Sadly, your argument simply boils down to "Trust the corporations!"

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

Posted in: Nutrition advice is rife with misinformation See in context

Misinformation is rampant in the realm of health and nutrition. Findings from nutrition research is rarely clear-cut because diet is just one of many behaviors and lifestyle factors affecting health, but the simplicity of using food and supplements as a cure-all is especially seductive.

Yet another thinly-veiled propaganda piece straight from the pharmaceutical conglomerate playbook - because God forbid people realize that real food, exercise, and proper lifestyle choices are far more effective than whatever overpriced pill or synthetic supplement they're pushing this week.

Yes, as they try YET AGAIN to convince us that health is so complicated that we should just hand over our wallets and trust the "experts" (as they rake in billions), they conveniently skip over the fact that PREVENTION through proper diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices has always been the real key to long-term health. But of course, they can't profit off people making SMART CHOICES, so they downplay the effectiveness of natural prevention while pushing expensive treatments that keep you just sick enough to need more.

It's absolutely disgusting how they dismiss food and supplements as "seductive," when their entire industry is built on seducing people into lifelong dependency on drugs.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

Posted in: Devoted nap-takers explain the benefits of sleeping on the job See in context

Mostly because it is healthy and bring benefits, and that your personal opinion about it has absolutely no relevance on what others believe about it.

Lots of things you may be doing could be described negatively by many people, would that make you stop? If not, that is your answer.

Completely false according to every single sleep expert/institution in the entire world. You can try to frame naps as some undeniable life hack if you like, but in reality, functioning adults who get proper sleep at night don't need to pass out like overgrown toddlers halfway through the day. If naps are so revolutionary, why is the most successful demographic in the world those who actually stay awake, get things done and properly recuperate at night?

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Posted in: Richard Gere calls Trump 'bully' and 'thug' at Spain's top film awards See in context

If you managed to type that with a straight face, I'll nominate you for an Oscar.

Ah, I see - TG must be Xena: Warrior Princess fan. Still bitter that Herc didn't have enough leather-clad Amazon battles for your taste? Go ahead and nominate me for that Oscar, but given Hollywood’s standards these days, I'd probably lose to a three-hour snooze-fest about a non-binary barista finding themselves!

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

Posted in: Richard Gere calls Trump 'bully' and 'thug' at Spain's top film awards See in context

Kevin Sorbo

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys was the pinnacle of television and did more for entertainment than any w-o-k-e celebrity whining on Twitter or at an awards ceremony in Spain ever will. At least Sorbo actually played a hero instead of just pretending to be one in real life for clout.

-8 ( +8 / -16 )

Posted in: Richard Gere calls Trump 'bully' and 'thug' at Spain's top film awards See in context

Er, Hollywood is one of the biggest cultural exports the USA has. Whether you like what they produce or not, and for the most part I don't care for their schlocky, naive, morality plays, the very name "Hollywood" is practically a byword for "the movie industry". 

Alright dude, by your standard, junk mail and reality TV are also cultural treasures I suppose? Sure, Hollywood is a noteable export, but so is fast food, and nobody's pretending a McDonald’s franchise in every country makes it the pinnacle of human achievement.

Sorry, Hollywood's "cultural influence" mostly involves churning out reboots, shoving political lectures into every script, and wondering why their audience is shrinking massively.

-6 ( +10 / -16 )

Posted in: Japanese woman found dead in Hungary had sought embassy help over DV See in context


-2 ( +4 / -6 )

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