Japan Today

jccampb comments

Posted in: Leicester's magic hailed globally as the party goes on See in context

I think it's hysterical that the author doesn't know the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS OF SNOOKER are going on in the same city at the same time, players from all over the world

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Posted in: Study finds potential problem in more heart valve implants See in context

been dicey stuff since they first started putting them in. My mother was one of the first attempts at valve replacement at the U.S. National Institute of Health in about 1965.. She died on the table.

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Posted in: 'We were awful,' says Pink Floyd's Waters on band's early days See in context

oh I don't know ... I was rather fond of this "Grantchester Meadows"© (Roger Waters) Ummagumma - 1969 Pink Floyd "Icy wind of night, be gone. This is not your domain. In the sky a bird ... was heard to cry. Misty morning whisperings and gentle stirring sounds Belied a deathly silence --- that lay all around.

Hear the lark and harken to the barking of the dog fox, ... gone to ground. See the splashing of the kingfisher flashing to the water.

And a river of green is sliding unseen beneath the trees, Laughing as it passes through the endless summer making for the sea. In the lazy water meadow --- I lay me down. All around me, Golden sunflakes, settle on the ground, Basking in the sunshine of a by gone afternoon; Bringing sounds of yesterday, into this city room. Hear the lark and harken to the barking of the dog fox, --- gone to ground.

See the splashing of the kingfisher flashing to the water. And a river of green is sliding unseen beneath the trees, Laughing as it passes through the endless summer making for the sea. In the lazy water meadow, ... I lay me down. All around me, Golden sunflakes covering the ground, Basking in the sunshine of a by gone afternoon, Bringing sounds of yesterday into my city room. Hear the lark and harken to the barking of the dog fox gone to ground . See the splashing of the kingfisher flashing to the water. And a river of green is sliding unseen beneath the trees, Laughing as it passes through the endless summer making for the sea."

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Posted in: Taco Bell, Pizza Hut getting rid of artificial ingredients See in context

"Chipotle announced it had removed genetically modified organisms from its food, even though the Food and Drug Administration says GMOs are safe. " Ever since the Eisenhower administration there has been a Monsanto "plant" at appointee level in the Federal Govt. They lock up their desk at Mother Monsanto, go to Washington and stay there until that current Administration leaves office at which point? they go back to their desk at Monsanto and pick up where they left off. And a new "manipulator" goes to Washington and the process repeats itself. This is common knowledge in Washington and is regarded as a 'fact of life / reality" and even those who don't care for it just ignore it. Ask yourself how many countries in Europe and South America have banned GMO's from their food supply.

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Posted in: If you don't want your food genetically modified, tell nature to stop it. See in context

More babble. Most people concerned with GMO are focused on something this "author" doesn't bother with, (except to mention the high percentage of corn, etc. that is GMO .... WHAT MOST OF US ARE UNHAPPY WITH IS THE MONSANTO "ROUNDUP-READY" NATURE OF THE MODIFICATION.. (dId I say that loud enough for you?) Corn, Soy beans etc. If you don't understand it try googling the phrase Round-up Ready. hmmmm? jccampb

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Posted in: Kewpie starts manufacturing and sale of seasonings in Indonesia See in context

Tried the Mayonnaise today for the first time (It's available on Amazon.com). Not bad but VERY, VERY vinagery compared to the western offerings. jccampb

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Posted in: GM mosquitoes open up new front in war on malaria See in context

who knows? Maybe they'll come up with a strain of humans that only reproduce males!!

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Posted in: Zwilling J.A. Henckels Japan Ltd See in context

Perhaps one of the least "known" products in their lines is the Demeyere cookware. I have several pieces and they completely put AllClad to shame. jccampb

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Posted in: UK study to probe if curry spice can fight cancer See in context

Too bad they don't talk to someone who knows sommat about Indian cooking. Tumeric's medicinal power is only evident in conjunction with pepper. jccampb

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