Posted in: U.S. can no longer sustain huge trade deficit with Japan: Ross See in context
Blame the U.S. Government for lax trade policies and low-quality manufactured goods due to outsourcing. So many people here are unemployed and underemployed due to decades of outsourcing that it may take decades to get a booming economy again.
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Posted in: Casualties mount as Iraqi troops advance in IS-held Mosul See in context
Hopefully ISIS and the rest of Al Qaeda are defeated so the middle east can see a little bit of peace and actually have a future.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump plan for tax on Mexico exports raises eyebrows in Asia See in context
America's manufacturing peak was in 1979. We waited 36 years to address it. Our manufacturing is third-rate but our natural resources sectors are still strong.
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Posted in: World Bank suffering 'leadership crisis,' staff say See in context
Trump's a little extreme, but we as a country can't take more "leadership" from another know-it-all who knows nothing.
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Posted in: Merkel cuts short holiday to face refugee policy storm See in context
Taking in other countries people (refugees) makes no sense. It's the same with Mexicans here in America. Too many countries feel sympathy for foreigners and not their own people. Stronger immigration requirements like Austria, Switzerland or even Japan should be required to make sure that only the most upstanding people are allowed entrance.
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Posted in: Russia to U.S., Trump: Sort out your own pre-election hacking scandal See in context
Russia doesn't "poke" it just invades.
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Posted in: China's June forex reserves unexpectedly rise to $3.21 trillion amid yuan worries See in context
So, printing money/QE isn't currency manipulation?
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Posted in: Tesla hits speed bumps in race to conquer auto market See in context
I seriously doubt that. For the foreseeable future oil is here to stay. Where would you charge an electric car after if the charge runs out? Besides, even though its my country, I'll be one of the first to admit that America can't manufacture in terms of quality that Japan or South Korea can.
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Posted in: Drones used to inspect solar plants in Shizuoka See in context
Finally, someone found a use for those stupid Segways.
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Posted in: Trump says he is unlikely to have a good relationship with British PM Cameron See in context
Why do I imagine Trump meeting the Queen of England being something along the lines of, "This is America!!!"
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Comsys starts up floating solar power plant in Hyogo See in context
Might as well put a solar panel wherever surface possible. Every little bit of extra power generation helps. However, I do agree that high winds or a typhoon could turn the solar panels into shrapnel.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. announces new visa rules for some Europeans, others See in context
That's the thing about politics, on both sides. I hate when people running for office charge up the base like this. Americans are ignorant of many things, including our own Government. Too many people here think the President has absolute power. Most of the stuff Trump or Clinton proposes will simply be blamed on the "other" party if said proposals fail.
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Posted in: Saudi Arabia executes 47 people, including top Shiite cleric See in context
Sounds like they're executing the scum of the Earth. Good job Saudi government.
-5 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: N Korean leader says raising living standards his No. 1 priority See in context
He should start by ending the famine that his country has been enduring for two decades,
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan, S Korea stick to coal despite global climate deal See in context
Other than nuclear power there are new viable forms of clean energy.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump rejects criticism of his proposal to ban all Muslims from entering U.S. See in context
Trump is saying whatever he can to get votes. That's how Democracy works. The person with the most believable load of crap wins. Trump's running mate is either going to be his ego or his toupee.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: East Asia Pacific aging faster than anywhere else in history: World Bank See in context
Yeah, believe the nonsense and hype. Aging societies are a lie invented by politicians as an excuse to let in cheap foreign labor.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan poised to win India bullet train deal: Nikkei See in context
Didn't Indonesia cancel the deals with both China and Japan. I'm American, but I'll be the first to admit that America is too broke to afford any kind of train system. Congrats to India and Japan, though
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. adds 211,000 jobs in November; unemployment steady at low 5 pct. See in context
40 million people on food stamps isn't a recovery. The schools in my area are allowing students to take cafeteria food home because their families can't afford food. Our demographics are in the toilet. 80% of the people I see are past retirement age. The American dream has become a nightmare.
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Posted in: Investigators: Wife may have been driving force in Calif shooting rampage See in context
America seems to have lots of enemies these days. Like CrazyJoe said, even many of our allies wish us harm.
6 ( +6 / -0 )
Posted in: Google ups ante, nearly doubles bet on renewable energy See in context
Paranoid much? Many governments are strapped for cash. So, why not have private companies fill the gaps?
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: 'Resurrection plants' offer hope as climate turns hostile See in context
Climate change has happened in the past and the world has survived. Humans are very creative and adaptable. Humanity will survive, like it always has.
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Posted in: U.S. economy grew at 2.1% rate in third quarter See in context
Alex80, let me fix your statement: "The AMERICAN economy is broken." Germany, Russia, Italy and Japan have been putting out false data for decades in order to look weaker. Why? Because every time another country does well Americans throw temper tantrums.
Japan fixed my broken body, gave me a life and a well-paying job. I don't care if there debt hits 999% of whatever useless metric their propaganda uses. I owe them my heart and soul, which they already have.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Artificial Intelligence—Can Japan lead the way? See in context
Dan Lewis, you beat me to it. However, politicians seem to act more out of convenience than anything else.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Obama demands halt to South China Sea island building See in context
TumbleDry, I don't think anyone cares what Obama says. He's a habitual liar, but I guess that's better than a lunatic like Trump.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Human roadblock for Japanese firms developing autonomous cars See in context
Autonomous cars are still experimental. Small steps are what are needed. Not to mention that any new technology is always expensive and has bugs and glitches.
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Posted in: Some travel agencies cancel tours to France after attacks See in context
Living in fear is exactly what the Jihadists want us to do. Franklin Roosevelt said it best, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
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Posted in: U.S. trade deficit narrows to $40.8 billion in September See in context
Does anyone else think that trying to spin America's decades-long ordeal of bleeding red ink is sad?
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Posted in: Russia suspends all passenger flights to Egypt See in context
People get blamed for what their leaders do and this is the result.
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Posted in: U.S. hiring surge raises likelihood of Fed rate hike See in context
I would still hold foreign currency over dollars, because America can't escape its population crunch unless it brings in more foreign workers. Where I live its at least 3 elderly for every 1 young person and most of the young are immigrants.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: This Valentine's Day, consider what all types of love bring to your life
Posted in: Trump says G7 should become G8 with Russia being readmitted
Posted in: Humpback whale briefly swallows kayaker in Chilean Patagonia — and it's all captured on camera
I see what you are trying to say, so like "if you say something, you're done, if you don't come…
Posted in: Pet shop owner faces 30 years in prison for sexually assaulting 4 female employees