Posted in: Ex-comfort woman in S Korea criticizes protest rallies against Japan See in context
This woman is woke from the abuses and manipulations of comfort women cult
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Etiquette a hot topic as social distance jogging gains momentum See in context
If they were infected, they would not be outside jogging and running
common sense folks
-17 ( +3 / -20 )
Posted in: N Korean media silent on Kim's whereabouts as speculation on health rages See in context
While I get the pleasure of schadenfreude on our psychotic little rocket man, I'm afraid that if this guy dies WW3 will begin.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Abe asks citizens to be more diligent on social distancing See in context
Looking at that picture gave me the motivation to go surfing tomorrow!
Thanks JT
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: As U.S. pulls back, China builds influence at U.N. See in context
There was and article on the economist questioning whether China was going to take the opportunity to take over the world stage.
It makes sense, if I was rutthless despot with an irrational fear of winnie the pooh I too would take advantage of the Chaos and discord thats happening in the west to try to grab as much market share and putting shills in IGO's and try to dislodge the U.S dollar as the world's currency.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Police thy neighbor: Virus fears fuel quarantine shaming See in context
Neighbors turned on each other and it bread a huge culture of mistrust and suspicion.
Do we really want to live in that kind of society?
Its already happening.
The cure just happens to be worse than the disease.
Most of people on this website only know as much as what the herd tells them.
They (posters on this website) social shame and virtual signal to feel better about themselves. When this virus blows over, god knows what they will do with their time.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: WHO insists it hid nothing, sounded virus alarm from start See in context
Alright WHO leadership, if you're so confident about the lack of bias in your decision making schema, then there won't be a problem allowing the free country of Taiwan to enter, right? right?
It was analyzed a couple of years ago that Taiwan's exclusion from the WHO would have catastrophic health implications.
The WHO excluded Taiwan out of advice from China and their political clout over the IGO.
What I'm talking about, trying to be logical.
cue the safe space sound byte: It's Trump fault a durr a durr
4 ( +7 / -3 )
Posted in: Governors in U.S. feel heat to reopen from protesters, president See in context
Sánchez announced in a televised news conference late Saturday that the government would allow children “to get out of their houses for a period on a daily basis,” but the specifics needed to be ironed out with experts.
Thats insane,
Spain is telling these kids that people will die if they even take one step out of the house.
Sounds like prison.
But out of the good graces of the government, they're gonna get an hour of probation to take walk around the perimeter.
People are going to remember how the government overreacted and how their freedoms were taken away
-16 ( +1 / -17 )
Posted in: China suffers worst economic drop since '70s in virus battle See in context
Its going to get worse once they start getting sued by people and governments for the handling of the wu-flu
6 ( +7 / -1 )
Posted in: Governors in U.S. feel heat to reopen from protesters, president See in context
Two thirds of Americans are perfectly okay with being locked in their homes with no way to earn an income for food and rent, and will use the excuse “cant work if you’re dead!” As a cope.
Yeah, you also can’t work if you’re dead from starvation and homelessness. No, the government is not going to provide for you. No, its not possible for everyone to get unemployment. No, not everyone has a landlord that will obey the eviction laws, or not sue you for everything you owe when this is over.
Most Americans are easily agreeable, defeated and scared sheep. Call me whatever you want, it wont change the reality thats coming.
-27 ( +3 / -30 )
Posted in: China virus epicenter Wuhan raises death toll 50% See in context
YrralApr. 17 11:22 pm JST
American should worry about the US fail response to virus, not China
.50 RMB has been deposited to your account, thank you for your patriotism comrade
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Hospitals turning away sick people as coronavirus cases surge See in context
What is australia doing that is successful exactly?
-5 ( +0 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan enters 1st weekend under nationwide state of emergency See in context
everything was closed
so we went to the supermarket
it was packed everyone took their families there
it was he place to be kids were playing , peol weer having fun
walked around for an hour looking amarked up produced before we bought our strong zeros and went home
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Hospitals turning away sick people as coronavirus cases surge See in context
me thinks that a lot of hypocondriacs are trying to reserve a hospital bed and respirator just in case they get the sniffles,
80 percent of tested (emphasis) indivusals show no signs -to mild symptoms
Meaning you may already have or had the virus and your buying into to fear
-1 ( +4 / -5 )
Posted in: Hospitals turning away sick people as coronavirus cases surge See in context
article doesnt even mention why they were rejected it jsut jump to series of talking points about potential lack of beds and equipment.
It would of been nice to actually get find out why they rejected instead of goin into doom and gloom narrative
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: You've got mail: 'Abenomask' distribution starts in Japan See in context
First time I saw the estimate for the program.
More interesting information would be
What company got awarded the contract?
How many companies where bidding for the contract?
What was the criteria for the for the contract?
and finally ...
Which politician had shares in the company that got awarded the contract?
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Asian stocks slide after weak U.S. data add to global gloom See in context
short call on the inverse SPY to the T1ts
Go big or go home
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Elderly people hoarding compulsively See in context
Don't have a source, but I remember reading an article that stated that, it was the old peolpe who were the ones with the worst behavior in terms of staying indoors, social distancing and hoarding.
Which I find Ironic considering their the ones at higher risk
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Cloth mask deliveries to begin Friday under controversial Abe initiative See in context
ungrateful people /s
doesn't anybody feel the pain of the cabinet members
and their 20% salary pay cut due to to the pandemic
from 1,200,000 a month to 1,000,000
They are really feeling the pain of the average Japanese Taro and Hanako /s
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: S Korean ruling party wins parliamentary majority See in context
The only one laughing and enjoying this outcome is NK's Kim
Let the placating begin
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Wuhan's wet markets struggle after virus lockdown See in context
Diffrent names for the virus
Wuhan virus
China virus
Dont eat bats virus
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: China didn't warn public of likely pandemic for 6 key days, documents show See in context
Anybody hear about the 21 million disapeared cell phone contracts in China from november to march
Cell phones are utility people jut get rid of their phones ...
unless their dead
and not reported
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: South Korea plans tracking wristbands to cope with coronavirus See in context
every body seems happy to give their freedoms away
I wonder what the govemrents is going to do with the data once vaccines are created and implemented.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Assange fathered two kids with lawyer in Ecuador embassy: report See in context
This self righteous piece garbage needs too be lock away for his crimes not on the state but on humanity.,
0 ( +4 / -4 )
Posted in: Japan to sell extra bonds to fund ¥108.2 tril coronavirus stimulus See in context
garbage article.
Didnt even mention the coupon rate or wether this bonds would be hold at junk value
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Staying at home in Tokyo's small apartments isn't easy See in context
lol, the size of aparment on the story look way much bigger than the reality of the 1LDK people living in this single places.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan extends calls to avoid nightclubs, bars to all prefectures See in context
South Korea is doing that and they’re seeing a slow down in infections, so what’s the difference if they can take charge and show the world how to battle this devastating disease? What’s Japan’s excuse?
SK, HK, Taiwan
What do they have in common?
smaller population size, more goverment control, small land mass, controllable borders, optimized infratructure for the population.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: SoftBank CEO says he will supply 300 mil masks per month to Japan See in context
I don't think he hasn't though this through.
The bias against everything from china is pretty big and I think the japanese would not use these items even if the demand was high.
There was a poster on japantimes claiming there was a viral video from a month ago on wechat showing a chinese man putting masks that were suppose to go to japan and coughing in the boxes while saying konichiwa. (Not verified)
But weirdly at the same time my friend who works at a hospital told me that they where screening and getting rid of all masks from Chinar.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: China says Taiwan attacks on WHO are venomous, aimed at independence See in context
Taiwan needs to take of renegade mainland Taiwan (China) for the sake of world harmony
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: China says Taiwan attacks on WHO are venomous, aimed at independence See in context
It makes me smile and gives me a warm feeling in my stomach whenever Chinar ges upset and throws hissy fits.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
On this site, it was ignored. Fair enough. But I think we knew that this site isn't the best place…
Posted in: U.S. frees jailed cybercrime boss after Russia releases teacher Marc Fogel
Posted in: U.S. frees jailed cybercrime boss after Russia releases teacher Marc Fogel
Drug smuggling? Really. Read the article.
Posted in: U.S. frees jailed cybercrime boss after Russia releases teacher Marc Fogel
Any business association with that disaster will attract nothing but loss and pain.
Posted in: SoftBank reports 3rd-quarter loss weeks after announcing AI investment with Trump