Posted in: Japan 'zombie' train spooks passengers ahead of Halloween See in context
It is so sadly obvious how many commenters have lost touch with their inner child! Don't you realize how quickly this will age you? If you lose that inner child and you have forgotten how to enjoy FUN, I feel very sorry for you. The type of person you are would be so dull and quite the bore! I am 62 and disabled. If I ever let go of my inner child, I would prefer to die because I would become the type of person I truely can't stand. Embrace your inner child and never let go!
5 ( +10 / -5 )
Posted in: New Tokyo restaurant charges higher prices to foreign tourists than Japanese locals See in context
I suggest you put a sign up about how your going to charge tourist more for their food than the locals. How dare you assume that all tourist have more moneg than locals??? I find it very offensive and pathetic and knowing this, I would not want to touch your food ever!). I will make sure to avoid your restaraunt when I visit.
3 ( +6 / -3 )
Posted in: Town to block Mount Fuji view from troublesome tourists See in context
How friggin ridiculous! When I visit, I will make sure not to come to your silly town!
-9 ( +11 / -20 )
Posted in: Ohtani's interpreter fired by Dodgers after allegations of illegal gambling, theft from star See in context
Ohtani should sue the Dodgers for not hiring a legit interpreter! This should have absolutely no ill reflection against Ohtani what so ever! I hope that guy pay's back what he stole & serve a long time in prison. This is very sad to hear!
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Hiroshima grapples with 'Oppenheimer' Oscars success See in context
If you paid attention to the movie, you would know that Oppenheimer(who was jewish) had meant to destroy Hitler with the bomb. The american government took the project away from him and used it on Japan. Oppenheimer was haunted & full of regret over his invention forever after that.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Teen arrested over murder of parents in Kanagawa Prefecture See in context
I wish they would let people know if he was being abused? Forcing a confession but, not forcing him to say why he did it? Is a child allowed to report abuse in Japan? Perhaps there was a reason? Think about that before you say throw him in prison! If there was no reason, then yes, throw him in prison but, get him help at the same time!
5 ( +8 / -3 )
Posted in: Parents arrested over fatal poisoning, drugging of 4-year-old daughter in Tokyo See in context
Why do people have children if they do not want them? Why didn't Japan do more when the abuse was reported.? If Japan's population is so low, you would think the government would be more active in making sure children are more protected. I hope the parents hang & the children go to excellent parents!
8 ( +10 / -2 )
Posted in: History, culture and words behind Shinto shrines in Japan See in context
I love this! Can you please tell us more?
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: 7 from U.S. arrive in Japan for 1st test tour before tourism reopening See in context
Why don't you explain how I can get to be a part of this? I want to tour Japan with all of my heart! Please?
Jennifer Taylor
-8 ( +5 / -13 )
Posted in: Gov't advisers warn Japan's birth rate falling at more rapid pace this year See in context
Japan keeps complaining about low birthrates. Yet, the country isn't getting everyone vacinated. My daughter is a teacher and she hasn't heard anything about when she will be vacinated! It seems to me, Japan should be focusing more on helping people stay alive, give out stimulous, shut down bars and help those in need! Then perhaps people will feel more like populating...jeez people, use some common sense!
2 ( +7 / -5 )
Posted in: People in Japan scammed out of record ¥126.8 bil on social media in 2024
Let's see how much of a hash they make of this one. The response to the great hole of Saitama…
Posted in: Sinkhole traps car on road in Nagoya; no one injured
Posted in: If you live in Japan, which city other than where you now reside, would you like to live in?