Japan Today

JIJISAN comments

Posted in: Farmers - last of the modern-day samurai See in context

To say that farmers are robbing us blind is not exactly accurate. It's actually quite off the mark. The reason that produce is so expensive here in Japan is because of the middleman. Many farmers know this, and as much as possible, they sell their produce in their roadside stands. Though they are limited in how much they can sell that way. The middlemen force the farmers to buy chemicals every year and new machinery every few years. This extra cost is passed to us by the middleman. Many farmers have tried to break from this system but have been met with total blocks on getting their safer produce to market at cheaper prices than the middleman wants to charge us.

There are coops and small farmers markets but they are localized and unless you live their or pass through regularly, it is not economical to go and purchase from these reasonably priced venues. There does need to be a huge change in the marketing and distribution of produce here in Japan or there will be a lot of families that simply will not be able to provide a proper meal in the not so distant future.

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Posted in: Yankees pitcher Igawa returning home to Japan See in context

I do hope is family is also safe. Though his flying home may mean there are major difficulties for his family. It is good that he is putting his family first in this time of need.

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Posted in: What do you think of the quality of refereeing so far in the World Cup? See in context

I think that some of the officials for the cup are not judging the games in an unbiased manner as they are supposed to do. There have been several missed calls and calls made in error. Last nights call disallowing the third US goal had no basis at all. Instead there should have been interference called. This is a trend that has been happening for many games. Yellow cards straight from the beginning of the game, too many disallowed goals, including the one against South Africa in the opening game. I'll take the test to upgrade my officiating card and make the right calls!

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Posted in: What do you think of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama's decision to kick SDP leader Mizuho Fukushima out of the cabinet because she disagreed with his plan to relocate the U.S. Marine base at Futenma wit See in context

Good to see that Fukushima is not being simply a sheep in the field of Japanese politicians. Unfortunately, Bozo the clown, Hatoyama, had to fire her or lose within his own party. That issue of pride goes a long way and when an subordinate goes against the boss, well, #*%$ rolls down hill. Does this mean that he has possibly stopped listening to his wives friends that eat the sun with her??? Who knows!

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Posted in: Rush hour See in context

Hannari> Japanese people may believe in a group culture but, that group could take the effort hold those handles above their heads so that they aren't falling into everyone else. Also, everyone has a voice, and I thought a brain, yet when getting off the train, you might as well be in a herd of brainless cattle as people start pushing for the door before the door is even open. Hardly ever does anyone say anything to get the person in front of them to move so they can get off. They just push and hope the person in front gives way. Ridiculous!

I'm glad I've changed my work schedule to avoid the rush hour crowds for most of the week. You'll never again catch me standing on a Tokaido line train in rush hour. My back was out of alignment for a week after one ride.

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