Japan Today

Jim Smith comments

Posted in: Gov't, airlines discuss measures to deal with pilot shortage See in context

hello all. i feel no sympathy for them !! i hold an airline transport pilot license in the usa , canada and philippines. type rated in b737 and a320. flight dispatcher, flight engineer, advanced and instrument ground instructor, flight instructor multi engine and instrument airplane. 1st class medical r/telephone aviation,. i send resumes (cv) out like they were candy and very few even reply. if they do they ask how much time i have (how much experience flying i.e. the a320) and tell them 0 . well you need to start from somewhere. they say "sorry we only want pilots with experience" i offer to fly in the jumpseat as observer and then move to first officer after 50 sectors but they arent interested. its a catch 22.very short sighted on their part !

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