Posted in: Death row population at highest level ever See in context
You all should watch, if you have the opportunity, the National Geographic series on prisons. Wow solitairy (SP) confinement is no joke. I think a lot of them would rather be dead. So I think Blue Witch, you would appreciate that. Myself, I could care less either way. Believe it or not hanging, if done the proper way, actually breaks the person's neck when they hit the end of the rope. All the jerking and such is just nerves that have been severed from the brain. But if done improperly, it becomes a lynching where the person is just strangled to death by their own weight on the rope. Which way does Japan do it...anyone care to venture a guess?
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Posted in: Top Australian court rules refugees can't be sent to Malaysia See in context
You're kidding right? Anyone who can't even behave in immigration holding should be accepted with open arms. Yeah right. I will never bend to changing my way of life or beliefs to accomodate someone that moves into my country and expects me to change for them. YOU MOVED HERE, I DID NOT INVITE OR ASK YOU TO COME. Wouldn't it be really stupid if I had asked my wife's family (just as an example) to not observe Oban because I don't believe in the practice? They should change for me? And the Muslim belief that anyone else that is not Muslim is wrong and should basically be killed. Yes these are the type of immigrants I want living next door to me. Oh and don't forget to beat your wife or even stone her to death for certain things. OOOPS I can't serve pork dishes at my resturant anymore because it is dirty and will offend my awsome new Muslim customers. It is a really sad day for Australia, being forced to accept illegal immigrants. I won't even call at least 50% of them refugees. They just want into another country. Look at the U.S. now. Look at all the exceptions being made for illegals, and especially for Muslims, it makes me sick. If you look up some news stories (not trash talk, real news) read about all the exceptions being made, that sometimes even American's born and raised in the U.S. cannot get. Wake up Australia.
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Posted in: Cool beauty See in context
I think the girl on the right might be really good looking, but ya' can't tell with the reject sunglasses. As for the guy....or rather the heshe, what a dork. Hope the heshe doesn't wander into the wrong bar dressed like that.
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Posted in: Prison guard arrested for trying to burgle cop's house in Yamaguchi See in context
Japanese prison guards are scum anyway. A good deal of them do worse $hit to poeple on a daily bases than most of the prisoners.
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Posted in: Shoplifter injures four in knife attack in Kumamoto See in context
I really haven't noticed that many security guards with anything beyond a radio. In fact my father in law is a security guard (night time) at a Toyota dealership, he couldn't stop a stray cat, his primary duty is to call the cops if something happens. I agree with one of the above posts, why did the taxi driver even open the door? Or not just drive off? I am assuming he was still holding the lady while approching the taxi. I also agree with the point that this was one many men were there at the time? Kinda pathetic when you think about it, they wouldn't necessarily even need to engage him, just slow him down to give the police a little more time to respond. I take it he got away? No security cameras at the store or post office? Such a vivid description......hey that was me yesterday, oh and today too, wait maybe it was my neighbor...stupid.
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Posted in: Woman arrested for beating 94-year-old father to death with iron See in context
An IRON...crap....I hope the old guy was knocked out at least with the first blow. I can't imagine being awake and hit over and over again with something as blunt as an iron. That woman is psycho. That is some serious rage issues there.
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Posted in: Education board cites negligence in drowning of 7-year-old boy in Osaka pool See in context
No one is able to say how many lifeguards were on duty? There are no time cards, no work schedule records, no pay stubs. What they are all volunteer, they work for free? None of these but plenty of BS. Can anyone tell me how many Japanese lifeguards are actually CPR certified, and do they have to be re-certified each year?
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Posted in: 4 wanted criminals escape Japan; Justice Ministry blames Immigration Bureau See in context
Oh wait this is hilarious.....the next step will be that a civilian counsel will get together and endite these 4 Chinese, then demand thier return from China, so they can be tried. Sounds almost familiar...just they got away without being caught first.
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Posted in: Ex-Marine, jailed for 5 years over arson in Japan, busted again in LA See in context
30+ ? Most bases changed hands and names. And others were housing only. Provide a link to show us 30+ base closings since 1972 please. This is 10 years old, but this guy did some good research.
I don't care if the bases leave, I do care about my family, my friends, and my neighbors losing jobs and business in this day and age. And you said develop? Today...with what money.....with literally thousands becoming uemployed on top of the already uncontrolled unemployment? And with no assistance from Tokyo?
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Posted in: Ex-Marine, jailed for 5 years over arson in Japan, busted again in LA See in context
More than likely the idiot firebug got more than five years also. After he was released from Japanese jail he was probably sentenced to time also in military prison. Because going to jail is not authorized leave. Most military courts will charge someone who was put in jail as being AWOL. (Absent Without Leave) Then they would be dishonorably discharged.
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Posted in: Ex-Marine, jailed for 5 years over arson in Japan, busted again in LA See in context
@Johninnaha, If you really are in Naha then you should vividly remember the Okinawan man who was just recently jailed for the string of fires he set in Urasoe...what should be done with him? Exiled to Antartica maybe? Every country has firebugs it's a mental problem. This just made news because the guy was jailed for it here before, and he was prior military. Food for many articles do you see pop up about thefts, groping, rape, etc. committed by Japanese police or JSDF personnel? Also have you ever talked to anyone that has been in a Japanese prison? I know two personally. And am close friends with one guard. The biggest percentage of foreigners jailed here are not Americans, in fact they are the least. They get the media attention because the military is here.
BlueWitch... You know He is a Marine...He is American ...We can not go against them...they rule Okinawa You must have worked really hard to come up with something like that. You forgot the Navy, Army, and Airforce. They must "rule Okinawa" too huh? Funny then that I pay my taxes to Japan, not the rulers. Funny too that I fall under Japanese law. Another thing that is funny...if I climbed the gate to get onto a base I would be questioned by the MPs, then turned over to the Japanese police.
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Posted in: S Korea summons Japanese envoy over island dispute See in context
I can't believe my wife actually started to stick up for these idiots actions. I just decided to drop the subject before we got in a big arguement. It must be ingrained into all Japanese that those islands are thiers. I want to do some research and find out who originally occupied those islands before Japan colonised (SP) Korea. (better word would be stole or took over) For over 3 decades. Did Korea have them first? If so then why is Japan still laying claim to them after they got their butts driven back home? Am I missing something? Is it not that simple?
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Posted in: Japan warns N Korea seeking new missile, China navy active See in context
Heythia, Those stupid politicians would get the money from somewhere I guarantee it. Remember though although Japan doesn't have the largest military force they still have a military who's primary mission is to defend Japan. So if NK did do something (let's hope they are not that stupid) it would involve the U.S., S.K., and Japan all at the same time. Like I said too, I don't think China would want that, so the may just step in too and help put a collar on N.K. By way of providing financial support or military support. Also most would agree that if something did start, China would immediately send their own military to China's borders to prevent any "spillover" into China by anyone.
On the war machine view.....all these countries that the U.S. is "helping". They have been fighting each other for centuries literally. So get out....let 'em keep killing each other over thier stupid religions. They got the main leader, made him a maryter (SP) so quit already.
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Posted in: Japan warns N Korea seeking new missile, China navy active See in context
Does anybody seriously think that China would stand off to the side and let N. Korea start throwing missiles around? China is not a stupid country, Communist, and controlling, but not stupid. They do not want a war on their border. They do not want to get up close and personel with S. Korea, the U.S., and Japan. Relations between these countries aren't great but they are not terrible either, and we are all trading partners. You can bet China probably has a very close eye on it's neighbor. Dou you think they want any kind of conflict spilling into China or the resulting refugees from N. Korea either.
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Posted in: Japan welcomes last-minute U.S. debt deal See in context
This is so stupid it almost makes me want to laugh. Most people know these politicians dont give a $hi* about the economy or the debt. They are already set for life and rich. So all the screwing around they do is just fun and games to them. Yea, raise the limit some more. All Americans better start taking Chinese language classes.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Train operators asked to install new braille block system after blind man falls to death at station See in context
@Hide Actually I agree with BlueWitch. She is right on target with her comment. If you are Japanese or have been here for any length of time you should know that is always their answer (any company) when something goes terribly wrong. You either get "very regrettable", or "we will study this to make sure it does not happen again." After it happens again then it's back to "very regrettable". LOL :) I wonder if a gate system like they have in some places in GB or NY would be feasible?
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Posted in: U.S. says it won't tolerate loopholes in child abduction issue with Japan See in context
I can not believe that some here even are even suggesting that abducting a child by either the Japanese or foreign parent is okay. If the child was not being harmed in any way than it is completely absurd. What is really sad is that some children that are too young to know any better are never told that the parent's "new" partner is not thier actual mother or father. So these much older cases of parents looking for thier grown children will never pan out. This not tolerating a bunch of garbage too. As has been stated before all the parent has to do is say he/she abuses me or may abuse me, and the case is closed. They have pretty much made that clear. Lastly all the regular posters or readers of JT know of the certain Trolls we have that post on every article, no matter what the topic, and just make rude, unfounded comments just to stir people up. Or better yet try to start some rant on something the article has nothing to do with. Kind of makes me imaginre some jobless scum that has no friends, and the only contact they have with "friends" is to make snide comments so someone will aknowledge thier existence.
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Posted in: Tochigi underwear thief busted See in context
She is very lucky all he wanted was her underwear.
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Posted in: Tochigi underwear thief busted See in context
Stupid girl for giving out her address anyway. Ever heard of at least meeting in a very public place first? I mean even then he could still be a pervert...but just giving out her address to him on-line? Dumb. And she is sopposed to be a high school student.......even dumber.
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Posted in: Tochigi underwear thief busted See in context
Except for the fact that he broke into the place this is actually pretty funny. He couldn't find anything else of value while he was at it? He was just so caught up in the panties fettish. Hope they were out of the drawers and not the dirty clothes basket. :)
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Posted in: Death by plastic: Is ocean garbage killing whales? See in context
Plastic and garbage....anybody ever been to Okinawa? At almost every beach, (except for the hotel and tourist areas)and most secluded...I'll just call fishing areas you will find trash. Probably a good 80 to 85% of it does not come from Okinawa or mainland. It comes all the way from China and Korea, isn't that a nice gift from them? I don't know about the wales, but so far in the past 2 years while fishing we have taken a 6 pack plastic holder off from around a turtles neck, freed a sting ray that was caught up in some kind of plastic bag and fishing line, (the bag was from a Korean food mart), and had to call the police who called the people at the Ocean Expo Park about a young dolphin that had netting around his tail fins and was un able to swim any more. (too tired) The netting was some sort of fishing rig that had been held suspended in the water by guess what? Empty plastic drink bottles from China. The Expo personnel got him freed by the way. Sot the plastic and garbage is not just killing whales, they needed to expand this article.
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Posted in: Man under investigation for child prostitution attempts suicide See in context
Oh, has anybody heard what they (the police) are doing with these underage girls that are willingly in the buisness? Last I heard it was just like " must not do that. Now eat your gyoza and go to bed.
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Posted in: Man under investigation for child prostitution attempts suicide See in context
I agree with some others..this is not really news anyway. The article does not give any details about anything, just that he was under investigation. For all any of us know he could have, or she could have, dialed the others number by mistake and now that number was on her phone. So the police were following a lead. Can you imagine the embarrasement this guy must have been going through if he is innocent? Do you think anyone would ever hire him again? Or how his family would most likely be treated also? Of course on the other hand, if he is guilty, may his next "date" be with the Reaper.
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Posted in: Sydney man whipped in religious attack See in context
Wow breaking and entering + assault = good. Ok so they want to play religious games, they want to apply thier sharia law. So after the trial they should be treated to some good old Roman Christian law........have them crucified. I also would like to make a short statement about the comment Spidapig24 made about the woman refusing to take off her hijab when pulled over. In a lot of countries they would have gotten her out of the car arrested her, then she could have it forcibally (SP) removed as she smiled for her booking photos. I'm getting really sick of the "we deserve special treatment" and the "I don't have to" BS. Which directly applies to these 4 morons.....they think Austrialian law does not apply to them, they will find out differently very soon that it very much does.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Gang of teenagers injure elderly cyclist with rope See in context
It trally amazes me that more posts are not centering on the fact that the parents are not more involved in this. Or even to more to blame. If the kids are caught, they are under age so I am hoping the parents are charged right along with them. Irresponsible parents, such as them, need to be taught a lesson also. If they are no willing to take responsibility for thier kids they should have never have had them in the first place. Attempted murder is an appropriate charge, what do you think is going to happen if you "clothesline" a person across the neck on a moving bike, especially a 70 year old man or woman?
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Posted in: Japanese prosecutors seek life in Briton's death See in context
I have a feeling that even if he is given a life sentence that someday his scum bag laywer(s) will get him released. Or maybe like some others have said he will not even be given a life sentence...guess we'll see...hope you follow up JT.
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Posted in: Casey Anthony cleared of murdering young daughter in Florida trial See in context
First just so no one misunderstands my post.....I think she is GUILTY, no question in my opinion. The prosecution in this case failed to place Anthony at the scene of the murder, and failed to prove that she actually transported the body in the car. The forensics that they presented were in turn rebutted by the defence's (SP) own forensic experts. Both of these present reasonable doubt on which a jury cannot convict. The only thing the prosecution actually proved was that she lies about everything, and comes from a very dysfunctional family. The sadest part of this is, (besides Caylee's death) that now this psycho could actually admit to killing her daughter and there is nothing anyone could do about it unless new evidence could be presented. For those here who may not know, you cannot be tried for the same crime twice once a verdict is rendered. That is called double jepardy. You have to present new evidence to reopen a case. God I hope the find new evidence. She needs to be put in a little tiny room by herself for the rest of her life...much worse than being put to death.
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Posted in: 16 children taken to hospital after collapsing during athletics meet See in context
Actually the girls will not be okay, as mentioned earlier now they will be even more vunerable to heatstroke again. When someone passes out (from sun and heat) it is heatstroke not heat exhaustion. That is just the school officials trying to CTA. I can not believe some of the people on here actually trying to defend the schools or saying "well it never happened to my kid". What... so this implies that these other poor kids were weak? Your's is super kid? What if one of these girls had died? Would you still defend the school? What if it had been your daughter? I bet you would say "but they had it scheduled so far in advance...or boy she should have been tougher.....oh well we'll just make another." Wow how ignorant and selfish can you be?
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Posted in: Samantha Muse All-Stars See in context
Itano chan kinds of reminds me of the girl from The Ring. I'm not putting this group down or anything....but I see a lot more attractive women than these just in passing daily. But that is JMO.
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Posted in: 2 workers, 2 customers shot to death at New York pharmacy See in context
The drug/gang wars that are spilling over into the US from Mexico and Colombia will tighter gun control stop or help that? What about the people living in those border states? The anti gun advocates say things like these criminals have been getting thier guns from the US.....mind you these are anti gun advocates. Both CBS and CNN did studies WITH Mexican authorities and found that less than 1/3rd of the guns confiscated were from the US. Most were actually stolen or sold black market from South American militaries. (well no kidding you can't buty a rocket launcher or fully auto AK-47 from the local gun shop). Point is these are all criminals we are talking about, this guy could have went in and stabbed all of those people, I mean look at his competition that night. And worse yet people on certain can take several trained officers to take that person down without using deadly force. So would tighter gun control have prevented this? Please tell me how.
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Posted in: China accuses Australia of deliberate provocation in South China Sea
I am amazed, BUT how much did it cost the gov. to buy and store in dehumid warehouses??? Any hints…
Posted in: Japan to release 210,000 tons from rice reserves due to surging prices
PURE EVIL, as ugly as it could get.
Posted in: 2 doctors arrested over cover-up of patient’s murder at hospital in Aomori Prefecture
Posted in: Trump has unleashed chaos by distraction upon the international community. That's no accident