Posted in: Japan's pro-nuclear weapon voices grow louder amid debate See in context
That 's a movie ,Cause it is impossible to get the nuclear fuel rod to the war head missile .
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Posted in: Japan's Crown Prince makes first visit to Thailand See in context
From Thailand : We impress in Japan’s Crown Prince Naruhito he visit The King and Prime minister Yingluck while raining yesterday.
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Posted in: 12 people suffer heatstroke in Kanto See in context
Meditation can help Japanese. Sit some where breath in and out slowly catch every breathing.
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Posted in: TEPCO report admits flaws worsened crisis; denies plan to pull out staff See in context
In Thailand we have food and water for us every day but in Japan the poor man can not fish ,glow rice ,cow con not eat the grass. How are the children life? No milk . I would like to cry for the Japan crisis . How do Thai people to help Japan?We have rice we have fresh water for Japanese we can not see the hunger in Japan.
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Posted in: Anti-far-right protest draws 250,000 in Munich
Kim doesn't have to worry after Lee Jae Myung is elected president.
Posted in: N Korean leader Kim slams U.S.-S Korea-Japan partnership and vows to boost his nuclear program
Posted in: Ishiba, after meeting Trump, voices optimism over averting tariffs