Posted in: Let’s talk about you-know-what See in context
I've always thought of myself as pretty liberal. A guy holding a board advertising "Axxx Sxx" in the middle of Sunshine Dori on a busy Saturday afternoon surrounded by school kids seemed a bit uncool.
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Posted in: Do it at home: Train manners in Japan See in context
Young ladies who do their make up on the train? Lazy "things" that need to get out of bed 15 minutes earlier but just think "I'll make up on the train and screw anyone who stares." (Figure of speech)
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Posted in: Do it at home: Train manners in Japan See in context
Another one that could run and run. My personal faves:
A guy in his early twenties using a mirror and tweezers to pluck his sparse beard hairs out. An attractive young lady furiously picking her nose and eating it while mailing on her keitai. Middle age men plucking nose hairs manually and sprinkling the results on the train floor. For me, picking and plucking in public seems a bit bad mannered!0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Children's depression and suicide a worsening problem See in context
Definite lack of affection here. Hugs, kisses and hand holding in serious short supply for kids or adults. I remember a group of housewives giving me a collective "yuck" when I asked if they kissed their husbands. I guess the kids don't see much affection between their parents and don't see much love themselves.
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Posted in: If Tatsuya Ichihashi continues to refuse food and refuse to talk about the murder of Lindsay Ann Hawker, what do you think prosecutors should do? See in context
He has about 50 days left to live. Let's have a daily countdown.
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Posted in: If Tatsuya Ichihashi continues to refuse food and refuse to talk about the murder of Lindsay Ann Hawker, what do you think prosecutors should do? See in context
Get him to trial as soon as possible, before he is too weak to stand trial. I'm guessing staying silent in court won't do him any favors.
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Posted in: Noriko Sakai goes to university See in context
She never stopped acting. Didn't you see her best ever "apology" performance! Caregiving? She could start with her son. Actually, I think what she did was basically stupid and unhealthy. The tide of global opinion is moving in favor of helping people like her, not making criminals of them.
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Posted in: Obama's bow to emperor causes outrage in Washington See in context
It's a difficult one. I'm sure many of us have got caught between a bow and a handshake when meeting a Japanese boss. They are probably wondering if they should shake or bow as well! A full on bow by a foreigner is kind of hard to pull off "correctly" and who would feel confident of their bow skills in front of the Emperor? He had a go, bless him!
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Posted in: 19-year-old arrested for rape after threatening victim on cell phone See in context
The first thing that struck me when they caught Ichihashi was that there are thousands of young men just like him throughout Japan. He just went too far and got caught. Rape is commonplace in Japan.
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Posted in: What behavior or habits by passengers on planes bother you the most? See in context
Crying babies. But now I just bring my own noise cancelling headphones and watch five movies back to back. Don't notice much else.
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Posted in: Becky and Ryuta Sato win Best Smile of the Year awards See in context
Doesn't she have a surname? Or would that be too foreign?
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Posted in: Self-centered zombies running rampant through Japanese society See in context
Probably the most annoying situation in which to be forced to listen to someone else on their phone is while waiting in line. I'm talking about the ATM line or supermarket line. When you feel impatient it makes the situation ten times worse having to listen to some idiot living in their own bubble version of reality.
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Posted in: Rumors of drug use by Sawajiri's husband may be behind her being fired See in context
This article is hilarious.I love: "The use of illegal drugs appears to be infiltrating the entire entertainment industry, the most recent incident being the arrest of a former member of the rock band Otoko-gumi on suspicion of marijuana possession." What's next? The suspicion that certain members of SMAP may like wearing make up?
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Posted in: The age of listless, wary, anxiety-ridden and insecure young men See in context
It's kind of hard to feel sorry for Japanese men. As for Japanese women, I think it's just down to inequality. My sister in the UK left home when she went to college, studied hard, shared a house to save for a mortgage, bought her own house, car,etc. She worked hard to get promotions and improve her salary and didn't really need to get married for financial reasons. How many Japanese women can really follow this kind of path, or would want to?
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Posted in: Shinsuke Shimada snaps during live show See in context
This guy snaps and slaps all the time. He desperately needs a good kicking!
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Posted in: HIV/AIDS continues steep increase in Japan See in context
When my British friend came to Japan we went out in Roppongi. He was suprised to see the African guys working the streets there. He then turned to me and said "that's where your HIV problem will come from"! It sounded outrageous but with infection rates of over 20% in several African countries, it was a scary thought....
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Posted in: New breed of employees can’t communicate and wilt under pressure See in context
Working for a Japanese company sucks. It really does. I'd love to quit.
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Posted in: Mariah Carey See in context
It's easy to laugh at Mariah, but at least she's a real star. She still looks pretty damn good, has a great voice and superstar appeal. The last time I saw her on TV in Japan, SMAP totally embarrassed themselves trying to sing along with her. In the "interview" she was cool to them as well, despite not being fit to carry her bags! Let's face it the music industry needs real stars like her.
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Posted in: What is your impression of the English-teaching industry in Japan? Have things improved since Nova's collapse or are there still bad apples in the barrel? See in context
Yeah, I started out telling a rapt audience of housewives and office ladies about my last trip/weekend, the next thing I know I'm up in front of an unruly class of teenagers. So I got out. There are other ways to make money in Japan... no promotion or prospects part of the deal though...
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Posted in: Tokyo police nab 31 train gropers in Sept, including 15 repeat offenders See in context
I wonder if the guy dressed as a woman was riding a woman-only carriage. Maybe he was a chikan disguised as a woman and got groped? Oh, and Sakurasuki, what's this about a "bad gay"? I've seen a few bad transvestites on the train, but...
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Posted in: British doctors call for ban on all alcohol ads See in context
Alcohol advertising in Japan is far worse. It really is everywhere. It's interesting how it always promotes how "delicious" the beer or whatever is, rather than how good the high feels. Perhaps there are laws that forbid this. In Japan it does seem to tread a fine line on this. Red-faced and giggly after a big slurp and long "aahhhhh"! I'm pretty sure alcohol is not advertised like this back home. The "sporty smoker" ads are great too!
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Posted in: Taxi driver See in context
There are way too many taxis in Tokyo, causing traffic jams and air pollution. You can literally put your hand out and get a taxi anywhere at any time in central Tokyo. That can't be good for the environment. How about forcing the companies to switch to Prius instead of crappy dated Crowns. Then again if the subway ran all night... But think how many more unemployed people there would be.... oh, I get it.
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Posted in: Ginza hostess' involvement with Oshio ends in tragedy See in context
Blaming the woman who died in your bed to save your ass is pretty damn low. I hope he gets it good in jail.
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Posted in: 'Gayjin' find it tough going in Tohoku See in context
Well, I guess it's a touchy subject, but my take has always been that it's hard enough to find happiness in this world, without putting limitations on things....
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Posted in: A Japanese government advisory panel has proposed lowering the adult age to 18 from 20. What do you think about it? See in context
Lowering the age when Japanese people can be considered adults? (That's a good one)
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Posted in: What do you think Noriko Sakai's fate should be? See in context
Same as anyone else. Having her do anti-drugs work would be a bit silly.
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Posted in: Akiko Yada divorces Oshio after his arrest See in context
I don't blame her for divorcing him. This incident was a little bit naughty really. Porking girl who is high, girl dies, running away. Not exactly good behaviour.
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Posted in: Pregnant pix See in context
Tree-trunk legs? Well, I'm assuming she's Japanese... not exactly known for their long, slim legs! But seriously, her legs look bad, but as for the pregnant bit, good for her. I'm sure her partner would love the pic. I'm also sure the pic is not really taken for that many other people to look at critically...
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Posted in: Miniskirt Police singer nabs groping suspect on train See in context
I'm probably as horny as the next guy, but making the jump from looking or even brushing accidently to actually groping is just shows a total lack of control. And let's fact it, how hard is it to control yourself in such a situation? Men who grope are like children with no common sense. Grow up!
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Posted in: About half of Americans approve of using weight-loss drugs to treat obesity, AP-NORC poll finds
Posted in: About half of Americans approve of using weight-loss drugs to treat obesity, AP-NORC poll finds
Posted in: Wages in Japan drop for 3rd straight year in 2024 as inflation bites