Japan Today

Jkanda comments

Posted in: 5 life-altering mistakes foreigners make when living in Japan See in context

The comments speak and relate more sense about lives of foreigners living in Japan than the article itself. The article is more like what I hear often from some Japanese friends.

Cyclops has a valiant point here. Check this news item on live door. Says a lot about the way Japanese think about the way they treat foreigners 外国人実習生の雇用を勧める企業のFAXが話題「給与は最低賃金が可能」 on livedoor website.

Commanteer has said touched on a very serious issue for many people today. All in all,the way the non-Japanese look at life depends on the circumstances of the individuals and the way things are done in Japan.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: The newest Sarabeth's at Tokyo Station See in context

Haven't been to the Sarabeth's in Shinagawa. I thought I knew all the nice places in Shinagawa... just kidding.

After a very long time, I saw a nice interview video. She sounds very honest, fun and down-to earth. Sent the link to my sis who is interested more in this field.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: High fashion See in context

Model isnice. But Swarovski....nah. Just glass.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: North Korea withdraws invitation for U.N. chief's visit See in context

Not surprised. I don't see what valuable contribution Ban ki moon has made holding this position. Well, he used the back door with help from Keangnam company president and the like to get voted for this position. Well he can try harder in a similar manner!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Family branded welfare cheats because daughter gets part-time job See in context

Well done young girl! That should teach a lesson to the Kawasaki authorities. I have a case against them too. I am preparing to teach them a lesson too. The Kawasaki authorities told me that they don't care about the circumstances and demanded I pay their dues. It was my savings from my hard work towards my mother's surgery. And they did not want to check on my employer who did not pay my health insurance. And my employer had reported that they were paying some amount on my behalf for cleaning or some nonsense.

Basically, the system does not have control measures on the employer to protect the employees. I am sure the parents of the girl were exploited thus they lost their ability to work. My physician was nice and was willing to report the employer for exploiting me. Well, I am recovering from my health condition. And as soon as I have regained my health, I hope to take this matter up with the authorities.

If any of you have experienced this, especially from the Kawasaki authorities please share. Tks.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: Prosecutors indict vagina artist on obscenity charges See in context

A capable and industrious woman. I think that she could make more money if she directed her strength towards a making money out of a product or service that can lure a much larger target market. Here she seems to be wasting her time trying to create waves,causing public mischief and nuisance to some. Does she really need that?

Tht blonde wig, is it attractive at all?

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Aging Japan struggles to make immigrants feel at home See in context

Yew, Japan. Why do you earn the curse of other nations. Save your nation before it is too late. Just imagine if all the Japanese abandon your nation? You cannot capitalise on the misery and I'll-fortune of others.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Top court rules in favor of pregnant woman who was demoted See in context

JaneM, I do respect your coworkers' motivation. Unfortunately, the ones that I have come across at my work place, many of them did not have that kind of attitude. Some of them after they returned from their maternity leave, could not carry out their quota of work. So others had to work more to complete the tasks in hand. And as you can guess, single people with no children to take care of, had to do that extra work. Maybe, it sounds like a bit of complaining, but frankly it was a bit hard for me because I had to care for my elderly parents. And most of the time, my superiors did not care that much when I requested for extra holidays. Motherhood is wonderful but then again women have to decide about the time they dedicated for that and for their career. Somewhere they have to make a compromise I guess.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Top court rules in favor of pregnant woman who was demoted See in context

As far as the employee in this case is concerned, she was right in asking for a light duty position. The employer did yield to her request and made the necessary arrangement. Probably someone was replaced or hired to satisfy the inadequacy at the relevant department. And later on, this same employee wanted her original position back. I think it is not an easy adjustment for the employer to push and shove the other employees to satisfy the needs of this single employee who returned after her pregnancy. Maybe it will take time for her to regain the position. Further, due to her added family responsibilities, the employee concerned may not perform as she used to before her maternity. So demanding the same position again is not necessarily fair, I think.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Top court rules in favor of pregnant woman who was demoted See in context

I am a working woman, single and not very young. I am employed in a Japanese company for nearly 7 years. My Japanese friends who hold high positions sometimes tell me about the different techniques they use to 'get rid of ' employees who become 'useless' due to illness, old age, pregnancy etc. It is rather sad. I am sure some of you would have heard of madogiwazoku, katatataki, evaluation meetings and so on.

I tried to think the position of the employer, when he is faced with the task of supporting employees who cannot contribute much to the company due to the reasons above. What I thought was that there should be a way, employers should give a severance package that would compensate for those employees who once contributed to the company and cannot contribute anymore to the company. This would cut the future costs to the company to a great extent and let the company support the other existing staff. I think this is reasonable.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Gender equality chief makes light of sexist jeering in Tokyo assembly See in context

Simona well said. I talk to the Japanese people holding relatively good positions about things that need change here. I wish some responsible people in this society will wake up and do something about it. Frankly, if the PM made this great move, he can get a lot of mileage for his campaign. For the latter part of your campaign, I could not help laughing with my mouth covered with my palm :)

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Gender equality chief makes light of sexist jeering in Tokyo assembly See in context

If PM wants to right the wrong he has done, he should give a high post to the lady who was offended.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Gender equality chief makes light of sexist jeering in Tokyo assembly See in context

I wish I could an opportunity to talk to Mr. Shiomura. I would like to tell him that you don't have to be married and bear children to understand what difficulties married people go through.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Women execs ruin companies, magazine claims See in context

If I had a choice, I would stay at home. I have to support elderly parents. I come from a developing country.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Women execs ruin companies, magazine claims See in context

LFRAgain has given the true picture of what is really going on in the corporate world. I hope this knowledge can be shared with top ranking decision making people of Labor ministry, Human Rights and maybe even the Education ministry to correct the current system. I would love to know what industry LFRAgain is involved. This great pool of knowledge and observation should be shared with a wider spectrum of people. If JT can assist with that it would be marvelous.

Quotas don't work well in many ways. Simply put, select the right candidates first. Then use the quota system if it will work.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Women execs ruin companies, magazine claims See in context

sfjp330 has given some valid points. I am a Middle level Manager and have refused to go up the ladder. The main reason is my health. Estrogen, over 40, no children, taking care of elderly parents etc. In fact, another reason is because out of all my bosses, the female one was the most irritating, jealous and conniving. I was young at that time. But I thought that I will never be in a position where I would be hated by other employees.

Hate me for saying this. But I think a woman's place is home. :)

And for those of you running down the women with no marriage and children, I am not married and have no children. The reason for that is my health. Could it be that the women that some of you have described suffer from health issues?

As for me, I like my position. I help other younger people to enjoy their work. I share whatever praise, fame, glory with them. My boss lets me be where I am. He gives me all possible freedom to do my work well. Takes note of my sickness and is kind towards me. But the married ladies with children and younger female colleagues envy my situation for no reason. I play along and let them enjoy it. I never tell them how much I wish things were different in my life.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Abe says women are key to Japan's economic revival See in context

Respect your women, and educate them. Let them do jobs that give them satisfaction and dignity. Making beautiful bentos for the family is pleasant but it is tiring too; entertainment industry jobs are not that easy, tiring too (maintaining your physical beauty and health and mental sanity is not easy), office ladies serving tea and doing meanial jobs is not easy either. I am into sales and it is not that easy either. But I try to find satisfaction by acheiving my self- set target, and doing innovative things. My colleagues, who are Japanese often say that they wish they could do sales too. But their education level, language skills and working style which they learnt from their seniors seem to be a barrier towards climbing the ladder.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Why Japanese men can’t stop spending money just to drink and talk with girls See in context

It sure is a charade as caffeine buzz says. The men get a temporary satisfaction by artificially raised self esteem for which they pay an unreasonable price. The next day when thy wake up, nothing has changed in their lives. I am guessing this. The hostesses, faking conversations pretending to understand their client's real life situation and not actually drinking the alcohol but some diluted stuff. I would have a miserable life if I had a life like that. Would it not be better if these men would do something more real to boost their self-esteem. For example, excel in their jobs or do something outstanding in their private life using that extra money they are spending at the clubs.

As for those women who are feeling lonely when their husbands are in the company of other women, they should play the role of the hostesses with their husbands at home. Boost the man's self-esteem and make him enjoy your company. I am not joking, but I notice often how the sweet ladies in my office make the male co-workers feel useless.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Posted in: Toyota rolls out new Lexus GS lineup See in context

This is good. But Lexus PLEASE let us know more about LX570 2012/2013.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: China, Taiwan complain after Japanese politicians land on disputed isles See in context

Interesting how some here are encouraging war and expecting more unpleasantness. Have we not learned enough from the past wars?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: China, Taiwan complain after Japanese politicians land on disputed isles See in context

What is it with some of the politicians landing on "disputed islands"? This is not the stone age right? Medvedev doing some clownish acts on some islands and then others following suit? Can people sit at a table and discuss decently? Even better, if they forget these islands for a while and think better about improving the economic situation of their respective countries. In my opinion, these islands cannot solve the problems of the common people of the respective countries.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Police at first turned away surrendering Aum fugitive See in context

It would be nice to hear the comments from the natives about this police matter. Those expensive glossy Wanted posters in Police boxes, train stations etc are not effective at all right? If a police officer, who is supposed to vigilant behaves this way, then what behavior is expected from the general public?

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Posted in: Ghost car See in context

Have you guys seen the "Ultimate Silver Metal" color on GT-R 35 Premium edition only? I think that nothing can beat that color. That is one gorgeous color. I had the honor to drive one recently and I am in love with it. It is about 300Man. For now I will dream about it. No thank you for Rolls Royce. The face looks almost like a truck.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: New robot promises brighter future for Japan's elderly See in context

Love these robots. Sure they will be very useful. No one should strain their backs. But at the same time, someone teach the people to love their own families, friends and others so that you have the real human touch, feeling etc, Nothing can replace that. If the elderly value their material things, money etc then please go ahead. You are losing something important in your lives. I have J friends who are not very young. I socialize with them and spend a fraction of my spare time, cooking for them, going out with them. Their children do not do what I do for them. I have a great time. It can be tiring but it is mutually beneficial.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Norway killer's manifesto praises Japan for not adopting multiculturalism See in context

Who is making this statement and who is dignifying it by publishing it?

'Moon bat'- that is funny. I love it.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Family of slain British teacher in Japan to attend Ichihashi's trial See in context

The wrong-doer has to be punished; whether he is Japanese or not. This has nothing to do with the love of your land and the zealous way to protect the name of the country and its citizen. It would be a great achievement if Japan can improvise its justice system to keep up to the world standards.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Evacuee finds shop robbed during brief return home See in context

I saw police patrolling deserted areas. I was told that this is to avert thefts etc. It was in Ibaraki.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Tired teddy See in context

I saw many Winnie the poohs, teddies and dolls like that. No no, it was not set up. I saw some real stuff like that. In front of some houses, there were some house appliances, tvs, etc piled up. It makes you cry 'cos people were just going on with their daily lives when the disaster struck. It is not funny guys.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Rally See in context

Oh please really. Do these people really have time to rally around to claim the islands. Amazing how that adult is dragging a child in the hot sun to protest. What about that child's rights? She should be in a park and playing and intermingling with other kids from all nationalities.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Christel Takigawa launches new book on why she loves Paris See in context

Nice trend of thought pumpkin. Who actually are responsible for Paris being dirty? Long time ago, it was a clean city too.No finger pointing, but I am saying what I observed. It is beautiful to see the great mix of cultures there. But some people have happily adopted the many things of the original inhabitants but NOT THE CLEANLINESS PART of the culture. It is sad how people abuse the public utilities, transport systems etc. in Paris.Mind you they are very old systems that have stood the tests of time. Hats off to the Jpeople for their sense of cleanliness.

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