Japan Today

jludwick comments

Posted in: SKorean pop star Rain discharged from military See in context

There will always be some men who will try to avoid military service were it is mandatory. It was so in the US when there was the draft, but there are still patriots who enlist. South Korea would be the same. There have been American born Korean men who have returned to Korea, including entertainers. Some of these men have volunteered to serve even though it is not required of them. I don't believe in forced service, but I understand why it is there. As far as Rain is concerned, he will be fine. He has made a few mistakes, but who hasn't. He may not be the the best looking Asian man, but he has a lot of charisma and talent to make him appealing worldwide. He has done charity work in the past and I believe he will continue to do so in the future. I wish him well.

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